prometheus relabel_configs vs metric_relabel_configs

Prometheus An example might make this clearer. for a detailed example of configuring Prometheus with PuppetDB. Prometheus Relabling Using a standard prometheus config to scrape two targets: - ip-192-168-64-29.multipass:9100 - ip-192-168-64-30.multipass:9100 <__meta_consul_address>:<__meta_consul_service_port>. Follow the instructions to create, validate, and apply the configmap for your cluster. This will also reload any configured rule files. Denylisting: This involves dropping a set of high-cardinality unimportant metrics that you explicitly define, and keeping everything else. Monitoring Docker container metrics using cAdvisor, Use file-based service discovery to discover scrape targets, Understanding and using the multi-target exporter pattern, Monitoring Linux host metrics with the Node Exporter, the Prometheus digitalocean-sd If you drop a label in a metric_relabel_configs section, it wont be ingested by Prometheus and consequently wont be shipped to remote storage. If a job is using kubernetes_sd_configs to discover targets, each role has associated __meta_* labels for metrics. This is most commonly used for sharding multiple targets across a fleet of Prometheus instances. DNS servers to be contacted are read from /etc/resolv.conf. to Prometheus Users Thank you Simonm This is helpful, however, i found that under prometheus v2.10 you will need to use the following relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__address__] regex:. How is an ETF fee calculated in a trade that ends in less than a year? I have Prometheus scraping metrics from node exporters on several machines with a config like this: When viewed in Grafana, these instances are assigned rather meaningless IP addresses; instead, I would prefer to see their hostnames. It is the canonical way to specify static targets in a scrape URL from which the target was extracted. Email for help. You can reduce the number of active series sent to Grafana Cloud in two ways: Allowlisting: This involves keeping a set of important metrics and labels that you explicitly define, and dropping everything else. This service discovery uses the main IPv4 address by default, which that be To learn more about remote_write, please see remote_write from the official Prometheus docs. NodeLegacyHostIP, and NodeHostName. Files must contain a list of static configs, using these formats: As a fallback, the file contents are also re-read periodically at the specified Using relabeling at the target selection stage, you can selectively choose which targets and endpoints you want to scrape (or drop) to tune your metric usage. It would also be less than friendly to expect any of my users -- especially those completely new to Grafana / PromQL -- to write a complex and inscrutable query every time. Reducing Prometheus metrics usage with relabeling, Common use cases for relabeling in Prometheus, The targets scrape interval (experimental), Special labels set set by the Service Discovery mechanism, Special prefix used to temporarily store label values before discarding them, When you want to ignore a subset of applications; use relabel_config, When splitting targets between multiple Prometheus servers; use relabel_config + hashmod, When you want to ignore a subset of high cardinality metrics; use metric_relabel_config, When sending different metrics to different endpoints; use write_relabel_config. For each declared This is a quick demonstration on how to use prometheus relabel configs, when you have scenarios for when example, you want to use a part of your hostname and assign it to a prometheus label. Published by Brian Brazil in Posts. Consider the following metric and relabeling step. When we want to relabel one of the source the prometheus internal labels, __address__ which will be the given target including the port, then we apply regex: (. The terminal should return the message "Server is ready to receive web requests." This can be useful when local Prometheus storage is cheap and plentiful, but the set of metrics shipped to remote storage requires judicious curation to avoid excess costs. Multiple relabeling steps can be configured per scrape configuration. Of course, we can do the opposite and only keep a specific set of labels and drop everything else. instances. address referenced in the endpointslice object one target is discovered. Alert relabeling is applied to alerts before they are sent to the Alertmanager. Because this prometheus instance resides in the same VPC, I am using the __meta_ec2_private_ip which is the private ip address of the EC2 instance to assign it to the address where it needs to scrape the node exporter metrics endpoint: You will need a EC2 Ready Only instance role (or access keys on the configuration) in order for prometheus to read the EC2 tags on your account. Weve come a long way, but were finally getting somewhere. Downloads. How can they help us in our day-to-day work? configuration file. Create Your Python's Custom Prometheus Exporter Tony DevOps in K8s K9s, Terminal Based UI to Manage Your Cluster Kirshi Yin in Better Programming How To Monitor a Spring Boot App With. could be used to limit which samples are sent. view raw prometheus.yml hosted with by GitHub , Prometheus . However, in some Connect Grafana to data sources, apps, and more, with Grafana Alerting, Grafana Incident, and Grafana OnCall, Frontend application observability web SDK, Try out and share prebuilt visualizations, Contribute to technical documentation provided by Grafana Labs, Help build the future of open source observability software Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? The PromQL queries that power these dashboards and alerts reference a core set of important observability metrics. This can be used to filter metrics with high cardinality or route metrics to specific remote_write targets. So if you want to say scrape this type of machine but not that one, use relabel_configs. Marathon REST API. With this, the node_memory_Active_bytes metric which contains only instance and job labels by default, gets an additional nodename label that you can use in the description field of Grafana. The following table has a list of all the default targets that the Azure Monitor metrics addon can scrape by default and whether it's initially enabled. See below for the configuration options for Docker discovery: The relabeling phase is the preferred and more powerful To scrape certain pods, specify the port, path, and scheme through annotations for the pod and the below job will scrape only the address specified by the annotation: More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Customize scraping of Prometheus metrics in Azure Monitor, the Debug Mode section in Troubleshoot collection of Prometheus metrics, create, validate, and apply the configmap, ama-metrics-prometheus-config-node configmap, Learn more about collecting Prometheus metrics. Reload Prometheus and check out the targets page: Great! in the configuration file. create a target for every app instance. *), so if not specified, it will match the entire input. For each published port of a service, a Using metric_relabel_configs, you can drastically reduce your Prometheus metrics usage by throwing out unneeded samples. See below for the configuration options for GCE discovery: Credentials are discovered by the Google Cloud SDK default client by looking for them. Linode APIv4. and exposes their ports as targets. I am attempting to retrieve metrics using an API and the curl response appears to be in the correct format. This is to ensure that different components that consume this label will adhere to the basic alphanumeric convention. For readability its usually best to explicitly define a relabel_config. Write relabeling is applied after external labels. Additionally, relabel_configs allow advanced modifications to any Developing and deploying an application to Verrazzano consists of: Packaging the application as a Docker image. To drop a specific label, select it using source_labels and use a replacement value of "". If we provide more than one name in the source_labels array, the result will be the content of their values, concatenated using the provided separator. Relabel configs allow you to select which targets you want scraped, and what the target labels will be. way to filter targets based on arbitrary labels. Now what can we do with those building blocks? The target address defaults to the private IP address of the network So if you want to say scrape this type of machine but not that one, use relabel_configs. For example, if a Pod backing the Nginx service has two ports, we only scrape the port named web and drop the other. To specify which configuration file to load, use the --config.file flag. The ama-metrics-prometheus-config-node configmap, similar to the regular configmap, can be created to have static scrape configs on each node. . On the federation endpoint Prometheus can add labels When sending alerts we can alter alerts labels # prometheus $ vim /usr/local/prometheus/prometheus.yml $ sudo systemctl restart prometheus The resource address is the certname of the resource and can be changed during created using the port parameter defined in the SD configuration. At a high level, a relabel_config allows you to select one or more source label values that can be concatenated using a separator parameter. See below for the configuration options for PuppetDB discovery: See this example Prometheus configuration file May 29, 2017. If shipping samples to Grafana Cloud, you also have the option of persisting samples locally, but preventing shipping to remote storage. Next, using relabel_configs, only Endpoints with the Service Label k8s_app=kubelet are kept. The second relabeling rule adds {__keep="yes"} label to metrics with empty `mountpoint` label, e.g. configuration file. dynamically discovered using one of the supported service-discovery mechanisms. Use Grafana to turn failure into resilience. Use the following to filter IN metrics collected for the default targets using regex based filtering. This can be node object in the address type order of NodeInternalIP, NodeExternalIP, Open positions, Check out the open source projects we support Overview. So if there are some expensive metrics you want to drop, or labels coming from the scrape itself (e.g. In your case please just include the list items where: Another answer is to using some /etc/hosts or local dns (Maybe dnsmasq) or sth like Service Discovery (by Consul or file_sd) and then remove ports like this: group_left unfortunately is more of a limited workaround than a solution. EC2 SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets from AWS EC2 for a detailed example of configuring Prometheus for Docker Swarm. For details on custom configuration, see Customize scraping of Prometheus metrics in Azure Monitor. The pod role discovers all pods and exposes their containers as targets. communicate with these Alertmanagers. And if one doesn't work you can always try the other! the target and vary between mechanisms. The following meta labels are available on all targets during relabeling: The labels below are only available for targets with role set to hcloud: The labels below are only available for targets with role set to robot: HTTP-based service discovery provides a more generic way to configure static targets Which is frowned on by upstream as an "antipattern" because apparently there is an expectation that instance be the only label whose value is unique across all metrics in the job. So the solution I used is to combine an existing value containing what we want (the hostnmame) with a metric from the node exporter. sudo systemctl restart prometheus Advanced Setup: Configure custom Prometheus scrape jobs for the daemonset So as a simple rule of thumb: relabel_config happens before the scrape,metric_relabel_configs happens after the scrape. Replace is the default action for a relabeling rule if we havent specified one; it allows us to overwrite the value of a single label by the contents of the replacement field. By default, instance is set to __address__, which is $host:$port. create a target group for every app that has at least one healthy task. Eureka REST API. anchored on both ends. It does so by replacing the labels for scraped data by regexes with relabel_configs. See this example Prometheus configuration file Both of these methods are implemented through Prometheuss metric filtering and relabeling feature, relabel_config.

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