reported speech spanish examples

How do I use the past imperfect subjunctive? This shouldnt be difficult for you, because it happens exactly the same way in English: Loly quiere saber si el paquete ha llegado. Where will you go if there is a zombie attack? My son asked where Id go if there was a zombie attack. To change a sentence from direct to indirect speech, we have to know some steps. El atleta admiti que no esperaba ganar. Do you like seafood? My mom wonders if you like seafood. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. (Kuba asks where the book his mothers sister gave him is.). Notice how in reported speech the modal verb will and the reporting verb ask are both written in the past tense. "Norwegian Wood" by the Beatles. Examples of Reported speech in English | SpanishDict Consequently, demonstratives and adjectives of place may change. Vivo ac hace 2 aos Ana dijo que viva all haca 2 aos. The first kind of question is the Yes or No question. Download: (Bruno has asked me to help him. Mi profe de espaol: Para aprobar el examen DELE, yo practicara el subjuntivo y ya habra estudiado el estilo indirecto. To report on them in Spanish, you keep their original form (as long as you are using reporting verbs in present). I didnt have a cell phone at your age My mom said she didnt have a cell phone at my age. Direct speech: Jerry said, "I will buy a new car." Indirect speech: Jerry said (that) he will buy a new car. Reported Speech Questions with Examples - EnglishBix A tu edad no tena celular Mi madre dijo que a mi edad no tena celular. In addition to the verbal changes, when we use the reported speech in Spanish, other alterations occur in persons, adverbs and expressions of time and place, and in interrogative sentences. If you pay close attention, youll realize that the last 2 examples are, again, Spanish conditionals. No queda leche. Juan see queja que no queda leche. Every single sentence you repeat, believe it or not, is in direct or reported speech. The good news is that these changes dont happen all the time, and you have almost identical changes in English. It is speech that someone else tells you about. Just make sure that you know all the necessary question words in Spanish. If the reporting speech consists of modal verbs like "Will", "Shall", "May", "Can", then there will be a few changes in the indirect speech. If you need to put them into practice, there is nothing better than reserving a class with our teachers at These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Dont yell at me Ignacia is asking you not to yell at her. ERIC - ED061850 - Some Errors in English by Spanish-speaking Puerto This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This song is chock-full of examples of reported speech. Here are some examples with all of these verb changes for indirect speech in action: 1. Even if in English we can and would omit the "that" you still need it in Spanish." "She said that she was tired."- I had a lot of work yesterday Luis said he had had a lot of work the day before. Direct and Indirect Speech in Narration Change - Reported Speech Ken: "Joy often reads comics . Whats your name? is what you are shouting, but the girl cant hear you. Thats because Dime! is a command, not a question. Dont you have a Spanish personal tutor yet. Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Reported / Indirect Speech for beginners | Lava los platos Le dije a mi hija que lavara los platos. 2. ), 2. (The girl confessed she was pregnant. Aprate, amor! Mi esposa me dijo que me apurara. If the conversation has just occurred, we can use the introductory verb in the present indicative. Direct and Indirect Speech Example Sentences Mama told me that she was not looking good in this dress. You'll notice that (almost) all of the examples above in the chart using reported speech include the little word "que." This is not a coincidence. Estoy muy orgulloso de t Tu pap dijo que estaba muy orgulloso de t. Change as Directed . El estudiante dijo que l aprobara su examen. On the other hand, when reporting what someone said, a past tense is used. can take anywhere. Reported speech Exercises with Answers for Class 10 - BYJUS 2. This site uses Cookies to provide the best user experience. Example: Abigail: "Isabella hates fish." . Voy a salir Pedro dijo que iba a salir. I went to the dentists yesterday Grandpa says he went to the dentist the day before. Anoche dorm muy mal Alex se quej de que haba dormido muy mal la noche anterior. The original message is in the present tense. There are only a couple of things you have to take into account, but apart from that, reported speech shouldnt be a big issue. If you want to repeat his words by using reported speech, youd say: Daniel dice que est muy cansado hoy (Daniel says he is very tired today). In this next example, changing the am going to was going implies that she has already left for the mall. (He added that he was very happy. Trying to replace it with Pluscuamperfecto would make it sound like a single, one-time event or action. Spanish Grammar Lesson: Direct vs Indirect Speech - My Daily Spanish Mi hermano me confes que al ao siguiente ira a la universidad y para entonces habra aprendido ingls. Franko me dijo: Bebe agua. (Franko told me: Drink water.), Franko me dijo que bebiera agua. All Rights Reserved. As you (hopefully) know, Pretrito Imperfecto describes past habits, routines, and other repetitive actions from the past. Now it is time you practice everything you have learned with the interactive activitiy below. The study first considers common pronunciation problems, many attributed to the . Direct: Ana dice, "quiero un refresco". That first sentence, articulated by the main speaker, is an example of the so-called direct speech o discurso director, in Spanish. Copyright Curiosity Media Inc. Machine Translators If you havent, dont despair. There is a problem Alex said there was a problem. Remember to contact your tutor with any question you have about reported speech in Spanish or to ask for more activities. Tense original quote is the direct speech, tense after dice que is the indirect speech in present while tense after dijo que is the indirect speech in the past. Maana vamos a la playa El pap prometi que el da siguiente iramos a la playa. Nos casamos en 2020 Luis dijo que se haba casado con su seora en 2020. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Dont you believe me? The reporting verb is in present tense .So there is no need to change the tense when we change it into indirect speech. As mentioned before, there are many reporting verbs (both in Spanish and English). It would be impossible to include them all in this post, but here you have a list of the most important ones along with examples: Afirmar (to assert): Afirm que los coches son peligrosos. If you tell me about your conversation with Bob later on, you are "reporting . Bring your books tomorrow The teacher is asking us to bring our books tomorrow. No cierres la puerta La secretaria dice que no cierres la puerta. Juntmonos en este lugar a las 4! Suger que nos juntramos en ese lugar a las 4. Mantngase al da con nuestras ltimas noticias, reciba ofertas exclusivas y ms. There are dozens of reporting verbs in every language, although we tend to use some of them much more often than others. or Mom told me to wash my hands. Below youll find a list of verbs and expressions that will come extremely handy when reporting on someone elses words: These verbs can be used either in present or in past and youll have to conjugate them accordingly. As stated before, when you have a command you do need to make changes even when the reporting verb is in the present or the present perfect tense. Imagine your friend Daniel says Estoy muy cansado hoy (I am very tired today). Reported Speech in Spanish - Spanish Via Skype Ayer (yesterday)El da anterior (the previous day / the day before): Carmen dijo: Lo encontr ayer. (Carmen said: I found it yesterday.), Carmen dijo que lo haba encontrado el da anterior. Reported speech is not speech that you hear directly. Spanish Lesson Intermediate 24 Indirect or Reported Speech - Estilo Uses of the Pronoun SE with Syntactic Function, Reported Speech in Spanish: Verbal Changes, Conversation in the Present or Very Near Past, Present indicative = Imperfect indicative, The Preterite Imperfect Does Not Change in the Reported Speech in Spanish, The Reported Speech in Spanish: Other Changes, Reported Speech in Spanish: Changes in the Marks of Person. Reported speech is everywhere, and you use it dozens, if not hundreds, of times every day without even realizing it. We introduce the information with an introductory verb followed by " que " ( 'that' ). Estudiante: Crees que puedo aprender espaol en un ao? But before we go into further detail, let me explain to you the concept of reporting verbs. In this kind of question you no longer need to use quebut si(if, whether). There are three main groups of changes present in the reported speech. This shouldnt come as a surprise because it happens exactly the same way in English. Shakespeare said that he would write another drama the . (Franko told her to come back home.). Unless you prefer to watch a soap opera first. Remember to contact your tutor with any question you have about reported speech in Spanish or to ask for more activities. "Norwegian Wood" provides an example of direct speech ( We talked until two and then she said,"it's time for bed" ), which is a nice contrast to the instances of reported speech. Actually, they remain as interrogative sentences, but indirectly. These changes depend on what verbal tenses and modes we use in the direct speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary. So put your ninja glasses on, sit, relax and enjoy the trip. Ana said she had moved there 2 years ago. The music is so loud that you can hardly hear what other people are saying. Spanish learning for everyone. (Franko asks what time it was.). Detailed explanations of indirect speech examples. Direct I was sleeping when Mary called. Un da sers un gran hombre Mi pap prometi que un da sera un gran hombre. What did you play with as a child? I wanted to know what you played with as a child. Decir ( to say / to tell) is the most common verb used to report a statement, but there are many more: Let's take a look at some examples! Im very worried Pedro says he is very worried. Franko ha dicho: Ten cuidado. (Franko has said: Be careful.), Franko ha dicho que tenga cuidado. Examples of Reported speech. in English | SpanishDict If you have a question starting with a question word (qu, quin, cul, cundo, cunto, cmo, dnde), youll have to use that question word instead of si in order to create the reported sentence, again as it happens in English: Eva quiere saber qu hora es. A tourist asked me, "Where is the Sagrada . However, if the reporting happens on the same day, you can keep the word hoy unchanged. Sentences in Reported speech in the Simple Present in English in an Online Exercise . Are you hungry? Alex asks if you are hungry. A mother of 2 trilingual teenagers. Have a look: Lvate las manos. La mam me dice que me lave las manos. Imagine youre at a party. Im Mike. There are two different kinds of questions, and each of them behaves in a different fashion. The last thing you should take into account when reporting sentences are the changes they undergo. Ahora estoy ocupada Carmen dijo que en ese momento estaba ocupada. Reported speech: She said (that) she had bought a yacht. Have you noticed how anoche changes to la noche anterior and ayer to el da anterior. In those sentences where the verb is in the imperfect, conditional or past perfect (pluscuamperfecto) there are no tense changes: Franko dijo: La casa era muy bonita. (Franko said: The house was very beautiful.), Franko dijo que la casa era muy bonita. Just remember that the word order will always be Subject + Verb + Object: Statement: Ellos dijeron que ellos (subject) tenan (verb) prisa (object). Of course, when we use the reported speech, we need to focus on the people who are speaking. ), Mi hermano ha dicho que quiere sopa. Dijo que quizs lo supiera / sabra Carlos. Spanish Grammar in Context - A reference grammar with video examples (Franko asks if you are hungry. Cundo te mudaste aqu? La vecina pregunt cundo me haba mudado all. or La mam me dijo que me lavara las manos. Necesito ayuda Mi prima dijo que necesitaba ayuda. The imperative changes into the present subjunctive: 1. Learning Spanish becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. ), Comentar (to comment): Comentaron que eran muy felices. Reported Speech Examples - GrammarBank Amigo: Me encanta Espaa. Direct and reported speech are undoubtedly two of the most frequently-used grammar notions in every language. Direct and Indirect Speech Future Simple Tense Examples. (Franko told me to drink water. These changes are almost identical to those in English, but here you have a list with the most important ones just for your convenience: Franko dijo: No puedo dormir. (Franko said: I cant sleep.), Franko dijo que no poda dormir. How do I get to this place? Can you tell me how to get to that place?, Rockdomenico@gmail.comReserva tu clase por Skype. When you interpret the literal words that another person said in the past, you need to make changes in tenses, pronouns, adverbs and other types of words. Is there an ATM nearby? Id like to know if there is an ATM nearby. Hurry up, sweetheart! My wife told me to hurry up. When you reproduce exactly what another person has said, you are using direct speech. (He asserted that cars are dangerous.) Jack's teacher asked him what he had done with his homework. Heres how it is done: Hoy es mi cumpleaos Pablo dijo que ese da era su cumpleaos. Vea esta serie cuando era nia Ignacia dijo que vea esa serie cuando era nia. ), Quejarse (to complain): El nio se quej de que no tena juguetes. El presidente dijo que podamos. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. (Matt said he liked that book.). Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Que termine de comer y me ponga a estudiar. Pretrito Perfecto is the Spanish equivalent of Present Perfect. As you can see, both Spanish and English reported speeches are very similar. Dont you have a Spanish personal tutor yet? Hell be our next president I heard hed be our next president. Click here to get a copy. Come see me in my office The boss tells you to go see him in his office. Cmo puedo conseguirlo?. I was not there, so I did not hear Bob speak. There are no options in Spanish for expressing a habit further into the past than the imperfect of indicative. Have you read something by Dickens? The teacher asks if youve read something by Dickens. Apply the same rule for all the other expressions from the list: Ayer tuve mucho trabajo Luis dijo que haba tenido mucho trabajo el da anterior. reported speech - Translation into Spanish - examples English - Reverso Ana says, "I want a soft drink." Indirect: Ana dijo que quera un refresco. Jack's teacher asked him, "What have you done with your homework?". In Spanish and English there are two different ways of expressing the words of another person: Direct and Indirect Speech. Juntmonos maana Pedro sugiere que nos juntemos maana. If youd like to review the vocabulary related to family members in Spanish, feel welcome to read my post about that topic. Note that prima refers to a girl. Yo: Nunca me haba sentido tan cmodo en una clase de espaol como en When you want to report on simple affirmative or negative ideas with the verb dice in the present tense, all you have to remember is to adjust the verb conjugation, just like in the examples below. ), 2. Translation of reported speech - English-Spanish dictionary - Cambridge spoke originally spoke - Translation into Spanish - examples English Franko dijo que a las 3 ella ya haba llegado (Franko said she had already arrived at 3). As with the past simple, an action expressed in the present perfect tense must be taken further into the past by using the pluperfect: Mi novia: He odo que la clase de conversacin en ha sido muy divertida. (Franko has said that I should be careful.). Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. ), Aadir (to add): Aadi que estaba muy contento. Traditionally, two broad categories of reported speech have been recognized: direct speech (in which the original speaker's words are quoted word for word) and indirect speech (in . Dijo que quizs lo supiera / sabra Carlos. In the original conversation, that person was part of the conversation; however, in the reported speech they are absent. You can easily recognize them, as the only logical answer to them is yes or no. (They commented that they were very happy. "I've forgotten to bring my lunch with me," he said. l informa Ella responde Learn the rules for indirect speech in Spanish with Lingolia's simple overview. Now you know the main changes that occur in thereported speech in Spanish. l ser nuestro nuevo presidente Escuch que l sera nuestro nuevo presidente. Reported speech in Spanish is a concept that linguists use to explain how speakers interpret another persons words. Why? Pedro dice / dijo Pedro says / said, Tu pap pregunta / pregunt Your dad is asking / asked, El doctor sugiere / sugiri The doctor suggests / suggested, El gobierno indica / indic The government indicates / indicated, Tu mam pide / pidi que Your mom is asking (you) / asked (you) to , Nos gustara saber Wed like to know, Puedes / podras aclarar Can / could you clarify, El cliente reclama / reclam The customer is complaining / complained . No te vi Ella dijo que no te haba visto. Now it is time you practice everything you have learned with the interactive activitiy below. (My sister has asked me if I am rich.). In Spanish, however, there is no such need. Reported Speech - Perfect English Grammar First of all, we should understand why we need to change the verbal tenses when using the reported speech in Spanish. Lets get together tomorrow Pedro suggests we get together tomorrow. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Have a look at the following examples. (She is asking if you need something.). Of course, you can adjust the subject freely according to what is logical for your sentence. However, in indirect speech, the reported clause can change according to the context. ), 3. It doesnt matter if you have to report a statement, a command or a question. Reported Speech. His mother told him not to play with matches. Passionate about languages, books, and traveling. (Franko says he is hungry. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Has terminado por hoy? Queramos saber si ya habas terminado por hoy. Spanish reported speech isnt very different from English reported speech. Reserva una clase de prueba gratuita. Close the door The secretary is telling you to close the door. Tu mam te lea cuentos? Enrique pregunt si mi mam me lea cuentos. An no he almorzado Ral se quej de que an no haba almorzado. Kuba pregunta que dnde est el libro que le dio la hermana de su madre. Today is my birthday Pablo said it was his birthday that day. Example: l dice Ella afirma Ella exige l exclama Ella cuenta l explica Ella cree l pretende. Franko ha dicho: Ir (future simple) a Espaa. (Franko has said: I will go to Spain.), Franko ha dicho que ir (future simple) a Espaa. ), Franko dijo: Me gustara comer pizza. (Franko said: I would like to eat pizza.), Franko dijo que le gustara comer pizza. I asked him if I could be of any help, and the little bird answered that I was the right person for the job. You repeat exactly what he has said: Daniel dice: Estoy muy cansado hoy. (Daniel says: I am very tired today). In Spanish que is compulsory: Dijo que trabajaba duro. If you have read my previous grammar posts, youll know that there are four different Past Tenses in Spanish: Pretrito Indefinido, Pretrito Perfecto, Imperfecto, and Pluscuamperfecto. Has spent 20 years in that beautiful South American country working as a language teacher and translator. As well as in English, Spanish reported speech characterizes itself by having a statement word order in every case. A male cousin would be primo in Spanish. Its precisely them that signal in writing that were using direct speech. The neighbor asked when I had moved there. Just like in English, the Spanish Simple Past tense gets converted to Past Perfect (Pluscuamperfecto). The sales have dropped lately The manager reported that the sales had dropped lately. The only thing you have to bear in mind here is the reporting verb. I used to smoke a lot Lucas said he used to smoke a lot. in English. Here you have some examples.

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