platy fish temperature

The minimum size that I would recommend for them is 15-20 gallons. Rocks, driftwood, plants, and other obstructions keep them away from their hungry, older tankmates and ensure a greater survival rate than if they were left to fend for themselves. Therefore, make sure you pick up a tap water conditioner that will get rid of chlorine and other by-products that are a result of chlorination. You can put in a slice of zucchini, cucumber, shelled peas and all of them will eat that and love it--the platies, . Swordtails Swordtails grow about two inches long and are peaceful yet relatively active. Platy fish cost between $3 to $6 each. As far as feeding schedules go, this depends on their age. Heres how to fix high temperatures and save your fish: In general, reduce the exposure of the aquarium to natural or artificial lights, known to be capable of increasing the water temperature. Platy fish are single-sex animals that can give birth to 20 to 80 fry over a few days. The preferred water temperature for platies is between 72F- 78F. Larger fish tanks require larger amounts of energy to keep warm meaning you need a higher wattage heater. These tropical freshwater fish are one of the most popular aquarium adult fish kept by hobbyists and serious aquarists alike, because of their low maintenance care and beautiful look. When you take a look in most household aquariums, theres one fish youre almost guaranteed to spot. I really enjoy the aquarium hobby and love sharing my experience with others. And what happens if tank water becomes too cold or too hot? Platy come from warm waters on the eastern coasts of both Central America and southern Mexico. The life span is 5 years. However, they are not picky and accept virtually any food, including flake, freeze-dried, frozen, and live foods. It also replenishes the water with nutrients. Some common types of platies are Common Gold, Black, and Red. It is very important not to over-feed your Platy. To strike the perfect balance, the platy owner should make sure they have their regular fish flakes or food but with enough vegetation in the tank to provide them this mix. They may also eat . In some cases and depending on how many fish you have in your aquarium, a simple air pump fitted with a sponge filter will do the trick, other times a hang-on-back or canister filter may be required. The best tank size for a Variatus Platy is 10 gallons. Using untreated tap water can also cause your Platies to die . My fish survived his first night but he's staying very still for the most part. You can tell if a female is ready to give birth by her enlarged abdomen or a dark spot located near her anal fin. Guppies, mollies, neon tetra, betta, angelfish, goldfish, and rainbowfish, are just some of the species that only require minimal care and are ideal for first-timers. For example, A 50-watt heater is usually enough for an aquarium up to 55 gallons in size, whereas a 250-watt heater would be more appropriate for 200 gallons or larger tanks. Females are less brightly colored, but theyre usually bigger and have a rounded abdomen. At six months of age, platies reach full size maturity. For excellent health and development, the following water parameters should be provided: Other parameters: 0 ppm ammonia, 0 ppm nitrites, maximum 10 ppm nitrates. However, heating may be necessary during the cold months and also when running an air conditioner in the house. You can buy flake food specially made for tropical fish, such as the Platy in your fish store. If you are keeping multiple Sunburst Platys together, make sure you have at least 4 gallons per fish. These kinds of changes should be avoided . For example, if you use an aquarium heater with a capacity of 50 gallons, its safer to use a clip-on model for small tanks. Compatibility - Other Fish: Platies are peaceful livebearers, meaning that they do well in a peaceful community tank. In the wild, its common for a platy to go without food for a day or two, so if you plan on going away overnight and are concerned about them starving, theres no need to be. Hey, I'm Fabian, chief editor at Aquarium Nexus. If youre looking for something that can provide continuous heat without having the expense and hassle of an aquarium heater, then this is your best option. Low water temperatures or sudden temperature changes can cause the immune system of your fish to weaken, which can lead to a series of diseases and illnesses. Platy fish are a great addition to aquariums, no matter your skill level or expertise when it comes to caring for aquatic life. Breeding the red wagtail platy is more than easyit's not a question of if but when. Water temperature: 65F to 80F (some species may prefer as high as 82 degrees) pH levels: 6.8 to 8.0 Water hardness: 10 to 28 dGH Do platys sleep on the bottom of the tank? No ammonia (0 ppm). Required fields are marked *. Ammonia buildup is also ocassioned by extremely high temperatures. Therefore, apart from population control, another important reason to stock platies in the right number is to avoid exposing female fish to stressful conditions. Tank Temperature: 68-77F. Platy fish are also easy to breed and they make the perfect addition to a community aquarium if youre looking to set up a freshwater tank with multiple other fish. However, any large or aggressive fish should be kept away, as they will most likely devour platy. Hardness: Platies can handle a water hardness of 10 - 28 dGH, a large range that underscores their classification as a hardy fish. Platy fish do best in at least 20 gallons (75.7 L) and small groups; it's important to have at least two to three females to every male as males can be incredibly persistent. For excellent health and development, the following water parameters should be provided: Water temperature: 72F- 78F Water pH: 7.0-8.3 Platies prefer water temperatures in the range from 70-77 Fahrenheit. If you have an aquarium or fishbowl, its never a bad idea to invest in another heater just in case one goes out, and your other one cant get there fast enough. This can tempt some people into buying basic starter kits and then finding that they dont provide the right conditions to keep fish happy or healthy, and certainly dont apply to all species. water conditions can be stressful for fish, stocking an optimum female-to-male platy ratio of 3:1, What is New Tank Syndrome? Do Live Plants In A Platy Tank Need A Heater. Male are more colorful and more active, so if youre choosing based off aesthetic reasons alone, male platies would be a better pick. The swordtail platy ( Xiphophorus xiphidium) is rare in the pet trade and difficult to obtain. As smaller fish they dont take up a lot of room but still, need adequate space to live. It depends. pH: between 6.5 and 7.5. There are so many colors available, so I recommend shop around before . While a thermometer is not necessary, it can be helpful. Platies mostly die due to the fluctuations in water conditions, sudden changes in temperature or inappropriate filtration system. There are even more questions you need to find answers to. They prefer areas with weedy banks and silty bottoms and can survive in many places where other native fish might not be able to. Platy fish are relatively lowmaintenancewhen it comes to fish care but they still need the right size tank, water temperature, filtration, feeding schedule, and tank maters to help them stay healthy and happy. This way, if one goes out and needs replacing, therell be no interruption in water temperature, making it uncomfortable for your fish. Platies are peaceful fish that wont cause trouble in the aquarium theyre added to and make an excellent tank mate to freshwater fish that have the same peaceful temperament. If not, the heater will likely be too close to your fish and could potentially fry them or cause burns if it malfunctions in any way. Keeping the waters pH in between 6.8 and 8.5 is ideal for the green lantern platy fish but it wont matter if its slightly off. You can find my reviews here. The platy fish varies in size with the standard adult male growing to be around 1.5 inches and the female slightly larger at up to 2.5 inches. Thanks to the platy's high tolerance and adaptability, the large range can make it easier for the aquarist to keep other tank members within their own desired temperature range. But a glass tube filled with mercury goes from solid to liquid at a specific temperature to digital models with built-in thermometers and alarms. However, here are some general baselines that will work for most platy fish. Like guppies and swordtails, they are live bearers so expect some platy juniors in the future! As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Skip to content. Platies mostly die due to the fluctuations in water conditions, sudden changes in temperature or inappropriate filtration system. Once you have the fish costs established, youll then need to work out the more expensive costs. They do not need an aquarium heater where room temperature is maintained. Platies prefer a temperature range of 70-82F. Temperature : 65F - 77F (18C - 25C) Water Hardness : 10 to 25 dH. Do Platy Fish need a heater in their tank? And this is also a problem with external heaters hooked up outside of the tank as they can get knocked over easily by pets that are curious about whats going on inside the aquarium when youre not looking. A forum community dedicated to Aquarium owners and enthusiasts. While its not necessary to use an air pump with platies, it can help to have a filter running that utilizes one. However, too Cold, and they will be sluggish, too hot, and they can get stressed or develop a bacterial infection. Platyfish appear colorful when the water temperature is ideal due to the improved mobility of the color pigment in the chromatophore. They can range from basic models, which are nothing. So, they depend on their environment to maintain an appropriate level of body temperature. Most aquarium fish are comfortable with water temps between 76 - 80 degrees. Platy fish are happiest at temperatures between sixty and eighty degrees Fahrenheit. you dont need to set up artificial lighting for you platies. Types of platy fish include: Bumblebee platy fish, salt and pepper platy fish, pintail platy fish, dalmatian platy fish, calico platy fish, tuxedo platy fish, mickey mouse platy fish, . After the nitrogen cycle, you can maintain healthy water conditions in the aquarium by performing regular water changes weekly at a 30% rate for a normally stocked aquarium. Warm water doesn't hold oxygen as well as cooler water. Temperatures can affect the lifespan of platyfish if not maintained between 72F-80F. Although platy fish are omnivorous and will accept just about any fish food, its important to know what they feed on in the wild and strive to meet their nutritional demands. If youve been wondering what are the best fish to add to your tank or aquarium setup, read on to see the answers to some commonly asked questions people have about the various species. Try to achieve a consistent temperature with your fish; we recommend a number of different heater options here. The ideal temperature for platys would be between 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit (25-28Celsius). It goes without saying that you should let your aquarium water go through the nitrogen cycle before you can add any fish to it. I would unplug the heater and see where it does down to. A flake food diet is a good base for the Platy, but should ideally be supplemented with live food. In captivity, you should make sure your platies have their nutritional demands met by offering them flakes with vegetable components. You can find platies in several different colors which make for an eye-catching tank. A watt is a unit of power, so the more powerful your heater is, the quicker it will heat water and maintain that temperature when necessary. In fact, its more than a hobby, because Ive spent countless hours doing research on different fish species. Platy fish are colorful, strong-bodied, active and unpretentious fish that are easy to breed and care for. Theyre a live-bearing species that spawn fully-formed, ready-to-swim juveniles. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sign up with your email for our newsletter and be notified when we publish new blog posts. Although easy to care for, that doesnt mean they can be left to their own devices to thrive. Since platy fish are originally a species of tropical water, it requires the water temperature to be between 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit or between 24 to 28 degrees Celsius to survive. The salt probably will not hurt the Platies, but it's not ideal. Will Platies Get Along with My Other fish? Consider the surroundings of the room where a tank is kept before obtaining the ideal temperature for your platies. What are the ideal water temperature and pH levels that Platies need? When it comes to the setup, most platy fish appreciate live plants but the platy will be happy with any decorations, so get creative. They tolerate temperature and water fluctuations, although rapid changes in water parameters should be considered. The coloration of your fish is affected by water temperature. You can offer them spirulina tab and freeze-dried and frozen foods too. Platies originally come from tropical waters that are considered warm. Selective breeding has facilitated the emergence of other color variations as well including blue, green, brown and even black. Higher temps can be used for treatment of certain ailments like ich. Water temperature: Water pH: Tank size: Diet: Scientific name: 72-75F: 6.8-8.0: 10 gallons: Benefits and Safety. I also use this site as an excuse to spend lots of money on testing and reviewing different aquarium products! Xiphophorus maculatus comes from the South of Mexico and surrounding countries and requires warmer water, they seem to really struggle at below 18 degrees C; however Xiphophorus variatus comes from the North of Mexico and can cope with cooler temperatures. In warmer water, the fish will require less heat than those living in cooler waters. Platies can handle warmer temperatures than 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Plenty of water changes and a consistent temperature will keep your Platy fish happy. Platy is a common name of freshwater fish in the genus Xiphophorus that lacks a "sword" at the bottom of their tails. Dwarf Gouramis are a great tank mate for your Platy fish. Aquarium filters are easy to set up and they dont require much in the way of maintenance. Freezing temperatures slow down the fishs metabolism, which can lead to the death of your fish. The platy fish is a tropical freshwater fish and they come in many beautiful colors and sizes. Too Hot (more than 82 Fahrenheit) and the fish could develop a bacterial infection, or they will stop eating. Their sizes vary from 1.5 inches to 2.5 inches. Better keep them with other active fish that they can't annoy. 2. I'm here to teach you everything there is to know about fishkeeping. Thermometer : This will help you monitor the temperature. Our motive is to provide users with solutions that the user might be searching for, giving you all the information you need to ensure your fish lives a long, healthy, and happy life. The red wagtail platy is a pleasant and peaceful freshwater fish that's both hardy and active. . If youre using tap water to set up your platy aquarium, make sure you de-chlorinate your tap water and treat it against other contamination issues as well. However, price can vary depending on the variety of platy fish. November 1, 2018 June 5, 2018 by Staff Writer. Guess I figured if the tank water stayed above the temperature I'd originally set on the heaters, then they wouldn't come on. Are platies aggressive? In climates where temperatures in the winter drop below freezing level its not likely you can meet these water requirements without a heater. Pregnant females also act more skittish . Temperature: 20-26 C (68-79 F) Maximum Size: 2 1/2 Inches (6 cm) The common platy ( Xiphophorus ), also known as the southern platyfish or mickey mouse platy is a small, popular live-bearing fish. Make sure you observe platy male to female ratio recommendations, so you dont end up with a lot of fry. I've been keeping fish for over 30 years and currently have 4 different aquariums it's an addiction. In conclusion, it is important to have a heater in your platy tank. The frequency and amount of feeding depend on the species of fish so you should take some time to research those that are in your aquarium. Young platy should be fed a few times a day and with smaller amounts as their digestive system matures. The ideal water temperature for baby Platy Fish is the same as that of adults. Yes, kind of. They are a big fan of the slow-moving water that can be found in warm springs, canals, and ditches. The water should be kept between a pH of 6 and 7, with a temperature range of 72 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit. Females can warehouse sperm for up to six months; they are almost always pregnant with fertilized eggs and can give live birth to 10 to 40 fry every 4 to 6 weeks. This species prefers warm water with a gravelly substrate and a plant-rich environment, both of which are essential for them, and also for the comfort and health of their potential fry. But there are some important things you need to know about them before you get your own! Conditions In The Water - Water Temp For Platys. Your Platy likely ran out of oxygen because the water got too warm. These include tiger barbs,bettas, wolffish, and cichlids, so keep these in a separate tank if you want to keep both. The platy fish is known for varying levels of pH but their preference is for something higher. Fish depend on the external environment to regulate their body temperature, activity, and metabolism. Feeding your platies once or twice a day is enough. Like I said, I dont have a heater on in my tank and it stays around 78-80F, and my house temp is at 70F or lower. Due to their high breeding rate, it would be hard to keep all of the offspring for yourself, so have a plan in place if you want to keep them alive. If the water temperature is too cold, your Platy Fish will not be able to survive. . If you have Platy fish, they need to be kept in water with the right temperature and no sudden changes. reply. See also. This doesn't mean they don't enjoy good water conditions or that you shouldn't strive to offer them the best conditions. Itll let you control the temperature and avoid rapid fluctuations that may cause health problems, poor coloration, lethargy, and even death. Avoid small gaps between rocks, you don't want Platy to get stuck. . I leave them plugged in all the time. Place a fish from warm water into noticeably cooler water and it may develop whitespot because of the sudden temperate change. Platyfish are very easy to take care of for beginners as well as for experts. Platy fish profile and care information such as tank size, tank mates, life span, diet, breeding, behavior, tank setup and temperament. Theyll also accept vegetable supplements and boiled vegetables like squash, cucumbers, spinach, etc. An aquarium setup requires many things like a pump, heater, filter, and tank, which will cost hundreds of dollars initially. Please always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. If you have no power or backup power source, the water will eventually cool, which could be bad for your fish. Suitable temperatures are from 64-77F (18C - 25C) Recommend pH is from 7 to 8. This unless you choose aquarium plants that do fine in low level lighting conditions. Youll find them in several dozens of color variations that are sure to add some liveliness to your aquarium. These fish are sometimes known as the Spike Tail Platy, which is because of the sharp spikes found on its fins. Provided the tank has been set up to have the right conditions and they eat a balanced diet with healthy water, you shouldnt have many problems with these low maintenance fish. This doesnt mean they dont enjoy good water conditions or that you shouldnt strive to offer them the best conditions. Platy Fish can tolerate temperature fluctuations, but that does not imply you will change the range suddenly and often. One of the biggest misconceptions about owning fish of any kind is that its a cheap and easy hobby to get into. 200-250 watts= over 200 gallons (up to 300) aquariums or larger tanks. Your email address will not be published. Without a water test to confirm something else that may have gone wrong, the temperature of the water would be my guess. If you're wondering if you can keep platy fish and tiger barbs in the same aquarium, I have some good news for you: . Ideal Temperature is between 72 to 79 F (22.2to 26.1C). Use frozen water bottles, which act as ice cubes in the tank or aquarium. Your new Sunburst Platy fish should be housed in an aquarium that is 10 gallons or larger. The temp can vary a couple of degrees up or down depending on the time of year. In addition, live plants would add more oxygen to the water, helping your fish stay healthy and happy. The easiest way you can tell that pregnancy is coming is by identifying the mating phase. And itll also tell you if a heater needs to be adjusted or replaced with one that has more power for the size tank. If their eyes are cloudy, they may not be dead yet. Alternatively, if youre worried about setting up a mixed-gender aquarium, you can opt for an all-female or all-male aquarium to avoid overpopulation and overstressing female platy fish. My readers often ask if platies need a filter in their aquarium or they can go without. You might be able to see this by visible flukes or white spot on their body, otherwise, their behavior may change, and depending on how far the condition is, youll need to decide what to do with them which can include medication or a change in regular water conditions. Platy Fish Lifespan How Long do Platies Live For? Platies reach sizes of 2.5 inches with females being larger than males. Not being big fish, a medium-sized aquarium will be ok for your platy provided that you dont keep them in large numbers. . Platies should be kept in a small group of 5 with the observance of some rules concerning the number of males to females. Most people assume the platy fish is a singular species as they are so commonplace and sometimeshard to tell apart. Platy Tank Size: How Many Platies in a 5, 20, 30, 40, 55 Gallon Tank? Platy Fish Fry Care How to Care for Baby Platies. In both species, females are slightly larger than males.

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