human rights activists today

As of today, however, Turkey is party to 16 out of 18 international human rights treaties of the The state of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran has been criticized by Iranians and international human right activists, by writers, and NGOs. AMY GOODMAN: And, Ole von Uexkll, you know, the Right Livelihood Awards are often referred to as the alternative Nobel Prize. Now the alternative has merged with the actual Nobel Prize. The people featured in Write for Rights 2022 know this only too well: they were all punished for using their right to protest. Welcome to books on Oxford Academic. Human Rights Watch reported in January 2018 that although recently there have been far-reaching reforms of the laws and regulations in the country, abuses against basic rights such as freedom of expression persisted.. The mandatory registration of websites was a part of amendments made to the Press and Publications Law in September 2012. And awarding them together, I think, is very significant. All courses in our list are available for free to audit or try. Yet today, civic space is narrowing across the world, the Secretary-General warned. This vote is a clear message to the government that they need to comply with their international responsibilities when it comes to human rights. Today, the Cour dAssises of Paris sentenced Kunti Kamara, a former Liberian rebel commander, to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity, torture & "barbaric acts". In October 2001, the government amended the Penal Code and introduced a restrictive Press Law that effectively revokes the relative freedom of the press guaranteed by the 1993 Press Law and punishes any act that can be deemed critical of the Jordanian government. The risks affecting women victims, as well as women human rights defenders and peace builders, who share testimony and cooperate with the UN remain daunting. [13], There are significant problems with the conditions in prisons, including poor legal services, under staffing, inadequate food and health care, poor sanitation standards, poor ventilation, extreme temperatures, inadequate access to potable water, ineffective pre-release and post-release programs, and insufficient basic and emergency medical care. The leading human rights organisation in Malaysia is Suara Rakyat Malaysia. who came to Sweden for the awards. [46], In 2005 Freedom House criticized Jordan for its poor women's rights record, but also acknowledged that the "status of women in Jordan is currently undergoing a historic transition, with women achieving a number of positive gains and new rights. During the recent large-scale pro-democracy demonstrations, Viasna has been playing a leading role in advocating for the freedom of assembly, defending the rights of people arrested for protesting, and documenting human rights abuses. He was not able to meet him in person because it was in the midst of the pandemic. Here are some of the most prominent definitions: Education, training and information aimed at building a universal culture of [] You can add the certificate to your CV or resume. But it shows the enormous power of the civilized way to handle conflict in international conflicts, to build societies for peace, which is, you know, by rule of law, through mechanisms of democracy. International and national NGOs noted that governors routinely abused the law, imprisoning individuals when there was not enough evidence to convict them and prolonging detentions of prisoners whose sentences had expired. We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. The-CNN-Wire & 2022 Cable News Network, Inc., a Warner Bros. And I hope that will be the effect of this award. The order issued to Telecommunication Regulatory Commission contained a list of over 300 websites to be blocked. If you would like to share a story idea, please submit it here. Child Protection: Childrens Rights in Theory and Practice, 9. International Organizations Management, By continuing, you accept the privacy policy. INDONESIA: A university student in North Halmahera BANGLADESH: Government Must Stop Hate Campaign aga INDONESIA : The non-judicial settlement team for p INDONESIA: Stop security approach in Papua Island. 25. Jordan ratified the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) in February 2005[15] and has been a regional leader in spearheading efforts to promote the UNCAC and its implementation. We believe strongly that power lies in people who get organized to fight for important causes like democracy, like peace, like human rights, and that that actually has a huge effect. In 1993, the first female candidate was elected to the lower house of parliament and the first woman was appointed to the upper house. Human Rights are the basic rights that belong to everyone simply because they are human beings. [33][34], In May 2010, the UN Committee against Torture reiterated long-standing concerns at Jordan's failure to investigate and prosecute allegations of torture, to provide adequate protection against torture, and to prosecute perpetrators in accordance with the seriousness of the crime. [38][39] In May 2010, the government decreed amendments to the penal code to ensure that "honor" crimes receive the full penalty of the law.[36]. On this page we compiled a list of free quality human rights courses offered by the United Nations, Non-governmental Organisations and world-class universities. 25. We wanted to inform him about what is happening," Salvador lamented. Highlighting a number of disturbing trends over the past year, the annual report by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres details how people --- mainly victims of human rights violations, human rights defenders and journalists - suffered reprisals and intimidation by States and non-State actors. Daily Weather Forecast The Venezuelan government has found itself more and more isolated on the international stage since 2019, when Maduro won another six-year term in an election widely panned as a sham by the international community. She was speaking to us from Moscow. Critics have questioned the effectiveness of the Council, which cannot prosecute human rights violators. We're hiring a People and Culture Manager. Opposition movements are legal in Jordan and are involved in Jordan's political life. The people featured in Write for Rights 2022 know this only too well: they were all punished for using their right to protest. [49] Memorial was just honored by the Norwegian Nobel Committee. They have since fled the country. [19] He was prosecuted by the Lower House, but was later acquitted by the judiciary. Pedro Declercq. The Norwegian Nobel Committee has announced the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded to the imprisoned human rights activist Ales Bialiatski from Belarus, as well as the Russian human rights group Memorial and the Ukrainian organization Center for Civil Liberties. It was the first one, followed by, unfortunately, many others. Muslim women are prohibited from marrying men of other religions unless the spouse agrees to convert to Islam, while Muslim men are permitted to wed Christian and Jewish wives.[44]. AMY GOODMAN: And finally, we have been tracking the rise of neofascism in Europe, whether were talking about Meloni in Italy, the Brothers of Italy party, to be the new, well, most far-right prime minister since Mussolini, is very proud to embrace Mussolini; Polands ruling party; and, of course, whats happening in Sweden with the Sweden Democrats might surprise people to hear who the Swedish Democrats are. An election today on the ballot in Kansas will test voters views after Roe v Wade was overturned but a pro-life activist says voters are also deciding who is telling the truth. Nobel Peace Prize: Human rights activists in Ukraine, Now, the third recipient of today's award is Ukraine's Center for Civil Liberties. In December 2014, the department issued a List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor where Jordan figures among 74 other countries that resort to such labor practices. 13. Through their consistent efforts in favor of human values, anti-militarism and principles of law, this years laureates have revitalized and honored Alfred Nobels vision of peace and fraternity between nations a vision most needed in the world today. Those accused are subject to imprisonment or house arrest as "administrative detention" without formal charges. Fax: +(852) 2698 6367, Copyright 2022 Asian Human Rights Commission. The World Health Organization And unfortunately, what is happening in Belarus what was happening in Belarus before starts happening in Russia like maybe in couple of years. governments and regimes. Ninety-four percent said they avoid writing about or broadcasting military matters, and 83 percent said they avoid discussing religious topics. Human Rights Watch reported in January 2018 that although recently there have been far-reaching reforms of the laws and regulations in the country, abuses against basic rights such as freedom of expression persisted.[1]. Like what I just said, you know, the power of the universal values of democracy and rule of law, yes, they are under attack, but I think they will prevail, and its very sad to see Sweden starting to turn away from this camp. Neema Namadamu women's rights and disability rights activist in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Ari Ne'eman co-creator of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network; Yetnebersh Nigussie blind lawyer and disability rights and anti-AIDS activist from Ethiopia; founded the Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) O [17], In the 2010 Press Freedom Index maintained by Reporters Without Borders, Jordan ranked 120th out of 178 countries listed, 5th out of the 20 countries in the Middle East and North Africa region. Learn about the laws that govern the international human rights regime, the tools and tactics of human rights activists and the mechanisms in place to tackle the most pressing human rights issues of our time. The Norwegian Nobel Committee praised their work criticizing power and protecting fundamental human rights in neighboring countries torn apart by war. executive director of the Stockholm-based Right Livelihood Award Foundation. As we congratulate this years winners, let us pledge to defend the brave defenders of universal values of peace, hope and dignity, Guterres said. Human rights activists say thousands of Salvadorans unconnected with gangs have been arrested. An election today on the ballot in Kansas will test voters views after Roe v Wade was overturned but a pro-life activist says voters are also deciding who is telling the truth. Depending on the platform the button will say Enroll now, Join now or a similar statement. The Council, a 47-member multilateral body, is tasked with promoting human rights and addressing abuses around the world, though it has come under criticism for allowing the participation of countries with spotty human rights records, including China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia and Russia (Moscow was suspended from the council following its invasion of Ukraine in February.). Human rights groups. The 42 States referred to in the report (which covers the period from 1 May 2021 to 30 April 2022) include Afghanistan, Andorra, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Brazil, Burundi, Cameroon, China, Cuba, Cyprus, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Laos Peoples Democratic Republic, Libya, Maldives, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Philippines, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, State of Palestine, Thailand, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Viet Nam, and Yemen. When asked by NCR for comment about the "state of exception" and the mass arrests, a spokesperson for the Salvadoran bishops' conference referred to the conference's Twitter account. This practice can lengthen pretrial detention for protracted periods. The courses are designed to be as accessible as possible including for people with visual impairments. He is like the closest companion maybe of all post-Soviet countries. Since the beginning of the crackdown, organizations like Cristosal have attempted to help detainees, accompanying them at court hearings. The survey also reported that 70 percent of journalists thought the government used "soft containment", such as financial support, scholarships for relatives, and special invitations, to control the media at a medium to high degree. In May 2006, two journalists involved in reprinting three of the 12 Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons were issued a two-month prison sentence. an Associate Digital Editor and a Video News Production Fellow. Nearly 70 journalists, including 12 women, remain under detention. In June, Eyad Qunaibi, an Islamic preacher, was arrested after posting Facebook comments criticizing the liberal lifestyle of a segment of the Jordanian society. Get information on latest national and international events & more. We are documenting war crimes in this war with Russia in order to hold war criminals accountable, to provide justice for each victims of these crimes. Entertainment The 2022 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded Friday to two human rights groups, the Center for Civil Liberties in Ukraine and Memorial in Russia, as well as imprisoned Belarusian activist Ales Bialiatski. We couldnt stop the war in Chechnya. And when traditional established parties do something like that, weve seen so many times in history, then, obviously, they normalize this kind of hateful discourse, which borders to fascism. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) was founded in 1984 by a prominent group of jurists and human rights activists in Asia. As of today, however, Turkey is party to 16 out of 18 international human rights treaties of the We understand that defenders of law are catalysts of changes, and this recognition motivates us even more to introduce these changes into our society. Russias unlawful aggression in Ukraine could not be a clearer demonstration of Vladimir Putins longstanding disregard for life and human rights.. Government officials also reportedly bribe journalists to influence their reporting. In 2013, however, the Press and Publications Department initiated a ban on Jordanian news websites which had not registered and been licensed by government agency. The study also concluded that in the last year there were "no reports of misuse or neglect" of the Kingdom's diverse religious sites, as well as no reports of "harassment, discrimination, or restrictions" to worshippers.[26]. Originally valid for 30 days but since extended several times, the law suspended constitutional guarantees such as freedom of association and the secrecy of correspondence. And everyone understands that this death, her killing, her murder, was like the point of no return, where it was already clear that Russia is going into some strange direction. Through their commitment to democracy and freedom, Bialiatski and Viasna have laid the foundations of a peaceful and democratic society in Belarus. Troops Are Deployed Inside Ukraine. Parents, if you dont get a grip on your kids social media, demonic trans activists will 'Phenomenal read! The state of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran has been criticized by Iranians and international human right activists, by writers, and NGOs. Another concerning global trend is the use and impact of restrictive legislation that prevents and punishes cooperation with the UN, resulting in some cases of people being sentenced to long prison terms or placed under house arrest. There are over 50 licensed political parties, but only a few have a substantial impact at the national level. Miguel Pizarro, who represents Venezuelas political opposition at the UN, told CNN that the lost seat meant criticisms of Maduros regime had finally been heard. While proselytizing to Christians may not be banned, it is equally not favored and very hampered with bureaucratic red tape that renders it near impossible to legalize. Her organization was shut down by the Russian government. "In reality, other rights are being violated. [31], While there has been some improvement in combating human trafficking, Jordan remains a Tier 2 country (countries whose governments do not fully comply with the U.S. Internet censorship in Jordan is relatively light, with filtering selectively applied to only a small number of sites. It did not react after it failed to be reelected on Tuesday. AMY GOODMAN: And so you spent time with him. An election today on the ballot in Kansas will test voters views after Roe v Wade was overturned but a pro-life activist says voters are also deciding who is telling the truth. The movement had its origins in the Reconstruction era during the late 19th century, although it made its largest legislative gains in the 1960s after years of direct We have logged over 20,000 war crimes so far. They are usually short, dark-skinned young men with tattoos. But now it has been tolerant with Bukele," said Sandoval. And in the process, people then, in the end, vote for the original. The maximum administrative detention time went from three to 15 days. In addition, a few Chinese, Bangladeshi, Indian, Sri Lankan, and Vietnamese men and women encountered conditions indicative of forced labor in a few factories in the garment sector, including factories in Jordan's Qualifying Industrial Zones, such as the unlawful withholding of passports, delayed payment of wages, and, in a few cases, verbal and physical abuse. [13] In its 2009 annual report the Amman-based National Center for Defending the Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ) concluded that media freedoms deteriorated in 2009. [7] Arrests also included the prince's chief of staff and other figures associated with him,[8][9][10] in addition to a member of the royal family, Sharif Hassan bin Zaid,[11] and Bassem Awadallah, former Chief of the Royal Hashemite Court and Jordan's former envoy to Saudi Arabia. [37] These so-called "honor killings", the killing of female relatives suspected of illicit relationships, are often lightly punished by police and the courts. [21], Jordan is listed as engaged in selective internet filtering in the political area and as showing no evidence of filtering in the social, conflict/security, and Internet tools areas by the OpenNet Initiative (ONI) in August 2009. What is happening in Venezuela is that the crisis has been normalized: human rights abuse has not stopped, its just not news anymore, and in front of this normalization, the only barrier is the work of multilateral bodies like the Council, said Rafael Uzcategui, director of the human rights organization Provea in Caracas. According to Freedom House, Jordan is ranked as the fifth-freest "The Salvadoran church, with St. [scar] Romero's tradition, has always denounced injustice and taken the side of the oppressed. Neema Namadamu women's rights and disability rights activist in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Ari Ne'eman co-creator of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network; Yetnebersh Nigussie blind lawyer and disability rights and anti-AIDS activist from Ethiopia; founded the Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) O Tens of thousands of Human Remains/Ancestors are stored or displayed in German museum archives. Neema Namadamu women's rights and disability rights activist in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Ari Ne'eman co-creator of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network; Yetnebersh Nigussie blind lawyer and disability rights and anti-AIDS activist from Ethiopia; founded the Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development (ECDD) O Increased surveillance and monitoring, as well as the fear of criminal liability, have created what the report terms a chilling effect of silence, stopping people from cooperating further with the UN and deterring others from doing so, according to the report. Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Community Guidelines |, KVIA-TV FCC Public File | FCC Applications |, Breaking News And with the Nobel Prizes, sometimes they honor that, but then also they honor people like Abiy of Ethiopia or Barack Obama, with where there seems to be a totally different kind of understanding of how change should come about in the world. And thats what we see exactly now with Russia, Ukraine, before with Georgia and with some other countries, as well. Help put an end to impunity for human rights violations! It is also classified as having an authoritarian regime according to a 2020 democracy index. The original content of this program is licensed under a. Ovidio Mauricio, who directs the Asociacin de Derechos Humanos Tutela Legal "Dra. Donate now for justice Return of human remains: Dismantling colonial continuities. [44] And women do not have the same status as men with respect to nationality. Learn more. The government has also frequently targeted Viasna and its members. He congratulated his fellow winners, including the leading human rights activist in the United States, Bryan Stevenson, and the Right Livelihood Award winner, the Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, who was in prison at the time. ? ", B. Todd Spinks, Emile Sahliyeh, and Brian Calfano, United Nations Convention against Corruption, List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor, International Coordinating Committee of NHRIs, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery, Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Optional Protocol on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict, Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour, Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour, Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, Convention against Discrimination in Education, Human rights in Muslim-majority countries, "Jordan's King Abdullah Replaces Prime Minister", "Jordan's king fires Cabinet amid protests", "Report Card on Democratic Reforms in Arab World Issued", "Jordan's King Abdullah says 'sedition' quashed", "Alleged Jordan Coup: Former Crown Prince Says He Is Under House Arrest", "Nearly 20 arrested in alleged plot against Jordan's King Abdullah II", "Why Jordan's Apparent Coup Attempt Could Throw the Middle East Into Turmoil", "Jordan's Prince Hamzah bin Hussein 'under house arrest', "Former head of Jordanian royal court, other senior officials arrested: Jordan News Agency", "Section 2(a) Freedom of Speech and Press, 2010 Human Rights Report: Jordan", "Corruption Perceptions Index 2010 Results", "Signatories to the United Nations Convention against Corruption", "Center for Defending the Freedom of Journalists", "Jordan's news websites running for legal cover", "First prison sentences announced for reprinting Mohammed cartoons", "Jordan's religious freedom record lauded", "Jordan 'not protecting' rights of women migrant workers", "Jordan to include migrant workers in its labor laws", "Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, Div. I am overjoyed. Hold On to FL, TX, GA, Abortion Rights Win Big; Mixed Results for Ballot Measures on Marijuana, Voting, Slavery, Climate Loss and Damage Efforts Gain Support, But Major Polluter U.S. Refuses to Commit, Olaf Scholz, U.N. Human Rights Chief Call for Release of Alaa Abd El-Fattah in Sharm el-Sheikh, Russian Authorities Transfer Brittney Griner to Penal Colony, Al-Hol Refugee Camp in Syria Likened to Open-Air Prison for Children, Meta Lays Off 11,000 Workers in Companys Largest-Ever Staff Cuts, Tropical Storm Nicole to Make Landfall in Florida as Hurricane, Mexico City Mayor Accuses Authorities of Covering Up Murder of Young Woman, Pentagon Confirms Active-Duty U.S. And, of course, its a great honor. After a moratorium since 2006 there were eleven executions on 21 December 2014, all detainees were men convicted of murder. Im not doubting that. The Commissioner General of the NCHR is Dr Mousa Burayzat. We cannot affirm that the detentions had political reasons, given that there are criminal gangs here, too. This is a love to our people. The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced this years Peace Prize winners at a ceremony this morning in Oslo. That status was subjected to special review twice by the ICC in 2007, and reaffirmed; it was again accorded A status under the ordinary review procedure in 2010. Contests & Promotions, 2022, NPG of Texas, L.P. El Paso, TX USA, Nicole strengthens into a hurricane after striking the Bahamas and is heading toward the east coast of Florida, 1 person hospitalized with serious injuries from animal bite in northeast El Paso, Texass oldest serving judge talks about plans after retiring at age 95, was suspended from the council following its invasion of Ukraine in February, has been accused of committing crimes against humanity. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has submitted a Written Statement to the 128th Session of the United Nations Working, , The Asian Human Rights Commission wishes to share with you the following video regarding current Sri Lankan situation. [54], Jordan is a party to many human rights agreements, including:[55], Jordan was the only country in the Middle East and North Africa that is a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which prosecutes those who commit crimes against humanity, war crimes, aggression, and genocide,[56] until Tunisia became a member in 2011. Yet today, civic space is narrowing across the world, the Secretary-General warned. This is a rush transcript. There probably are some people who have been imprisoned due to the fact that they have been, like, those who implemented the murder itself. ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-004-2022 October21, 2022 SRI LANKA: Peaceful Protesters Face Attacks, Reprisals, and Arbitrary Detention ISSUES: Arbitr, ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-003-2022 October 12, 2022 , Bangladesh Government must stop its hate campaigns against the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID, A few weeks ago, President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Decree Number 17 of 2022 concerning the establishment of a non-jud, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) supports Indonesian civil society organizations under the Coalition of the Civil Soc. One of the exceptions was Bishop Oswaldo Escobar of Chalatenango, who met with several detainees' relatives and has been following at least 20 cases," Sandoval told NCR. Its a relief in our never-ending fight for justice and liberty, she said. All rights are reserved. "Hearings gather dozens of defendants at the same time, and lawyers are not allowed to talk to them especially when the judge identifies them as members of NGOs," she told NCR. So, the conservatives were defeated, but now together with their new ally, the Sweden Democrats, they will probably form the next government. "That is a zone notorious for its social and political organization. So, I really call you to keep in focus this topic also, political prisoners in Belarus, and to spread this information, to show your solidarity and to support them by sending letters and postcards of solidarity from all countries, from the world. In March 2010, the Justice Minister announced that the crime of rape may cease to be a capital offense. "We are not informed of the judges' names. The United Nations General Assembly and the Human Rights Commission have condemned prior and ongoing abuses in Iran in published critiques and several resolutions. Still, many activists and victims see it as a key to expanding human rights around the world. The ecclesial base community leader said that although the bishops' conference has issued a few statements critical of Bukele, "the church is not accompanying the victims nor investigating their cases.". What do we know about her death at this time, Anna? First established through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948, today human rights are codified in legally binding covenants such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The judicial branch is completely independent. The police refused to say what charges were being levied against her. In February, a senior Muslim Brotherhood figure, Zaki Bani Irsheid, was sentenced to 18 months in prison after a post on Facebook criticizing the United Arab Emirates. Jordan is a destination for women and men subjected to trafficking in persons, specifically conditions of forced labor and, to a lesser extent, forced prostitution. How to End the War in Ukraine: Matt Duss and Ray McGovern Debate U.S. Policy on Russia. You will be redirected to a more detailed description of the course.

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