-Go to your resources folder. (Yes im a dummy in making scripts so be nice! You need a comma after each entry. Props are Helmets, bluetooth earsets , sunglasses, headphones etc. We will be using Visual Studio Code, hereby VSCode, a popular code editor by Microsoft. Ped - is the ped you want to set the outfit. In this snippet, GetCurrentResourceName() returns the name of the resource that our script is running. Then, we check if the vehicle is in the CD image using IS_MODEL_IN_CDIMAGE. -Optimized FiveM compatibility (Still needs bug testing/play tests) -Nike Air backs on Jordan 4s -Reduced size of most all textures -FiveM drag & drop/SP version included too -Organized all files so you wont have to scroll a ton to find items with the exception of uppr_026_r (shirtless body) -Small face texture fix. Since we have a ped and a vehicle now, we can use SET_PED_INTO_VEHICLE to place the ped into the vehicle. In it, put the following text using your favorite text editor: Any new resource you make will probably want the latest game features. ) all good, thats what learning and questioning is for. I've tried reinstalling scripts but it doesn't work. For this, you're going to have to learn how to call natives, which has nothing to do with indigenous people and actually are a R* label for 'game-defined script functions'. I was using visual studio codes snippets. It's complaining in the chat box that you were too lazy to implement this. In a stupid way of 'this trope again', we'll make a command that'll spawn a car. Nice! Make a point that each ped has a different set of clothes variations which can be found at. A resource is, simply said, a collection of files that can be individually started, stopped and restarted. -The first 3 numbers are the coordonates Open your server.cfg and add ensure mx-multicharacter ensure mx-spawn. We want the hash key from this vehicle to work with the game engine, so we call GET_HASH_KEY and store the returned number in the variable hash. Cool release, one thing I noticed is why get the user to input the ped hash when you can get the hashkey by using the ped name alone, plus you are already doing it when requesting the ped in the first place. This if statement makes use of the native GetCurrentResourceName(). Replace the bit you just pasted in with this, and don't worry we'll explain it before you can say 'lazy' twice: This uses a LOT of natives. Unlike Lua and C#, we do not have a built-in Wait or Delay call, so we need to create our own. By using GTAForums.com, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Command that lets you change you ped in Fivem. We use PLAYER_PED_ID to get the local (basically, whoever is executing this command) player's ped. Privacy Policy. We'll link a few of them and explain the hard parts. We use PLAYER_PED_ID to get the local (basically, whoever is executing this command) player's ped. then put your code in between the generated lines, (PS: I did try and send message to discord that a player is shooting but failed! This is a tough one, especially if you're not used to the concept of first-class functions. Any help would be great! Citizen.CreateThread (function () while true do Citizen.Wait (0) if NetworkIsPlayerActive (PlayerId ()) then TriggerServerEvent ('esx:onPlayerJoined') break end end end) change with. We will start by adding a command using various FiveM scripting concepts. Figure out where the player is once it loaded. -- Spawn Settings: local maxZombies = 15: local maxSpawnradius = 200: local minSpawnDistance = 35: . Thank you! Please {-56.800365447998,-785.83428955078,43.227298736572,Smecherica,500.77,0xC99F21C4,a_m_y_business_01}, qwerasdzxc, By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. -Start the resource in the server.cfg, USING THE SCRIPT However, you can use any code editor you'd like. Then save and start your server. This is a lot of boilerplate code, and we'll want to do this the right way since lots of people will copy this example, so it might look a bit overwhelming. The function itself gets an argument that is the source, which only really matters if you're running on the server (it'll be the client ID of the player that entered the command, a really useful thing to have), and a List of args which are basically what you enter after the command like /car zentorno making args end up being new List
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