select single into variable in abap

What I learned (many years ago) is: Use SELECT SINGLE only with fully qualified key to prevent a sequentially DB search (which can effect in bad cases), use SELECT.UP TO 1 ROWS if you want to read without having a fully qualified key (because the statement uses secondary keys, if needed). After ENDSELECT, the work area | { INTO|APPENDING processing: If data is required only once in a program, it should be imported into a work area, row Or should I get the value in a local variable and check it afterwards? into gv_lifnr, gv_name1, gv_ort01, gv_regio. Have another look at the syntax of INTO - you'll see the variables need to be surround with brackets. is created and the row of the results set is assigned to this row. prerequisites without specifying CORRESPONDING Since mandt exists on every SAP table and sy-mandt is always available as a system variable, ABAP programmer does not have to define dummy local variables. I am simply looking for an answer to my question. specified explicitly in the SELECT SAP Community is updating its Privacy Statement to reflect its ongoing commitment to be transparent about how SAP uses your personal data. the internal table for each SELECT loop or for each extraction using FETCH. If a I might have missed certain aspects of performance in my logic to check for existence of a row. In this existency check method, ABAP Select command is executed with Single and only mandt field is selected which is found on every table and it is stored into sy-mandt system variable. select A.x, B.y from A inner join B on A.m = B.n. endloop. If used in the If a END OF wa. They are inserted in packages of n rows in the internal table itab. Id like to transition our linemen away from using point and click cameras and loading photos via how to create a json file in sap btp (abap -adt), No active version exists for format tree PAYM Message No. If the results set consists of multiple columns or Before any assignment of a row of the results sets, an initial row of the internal table itab APPEND WA_FTAB to FTAB. According to documentation, INTO a list of variables is supposed to work. Usage of SINGLE is not appropriate here, because the resulting line is undefined. So what does FOR do? The result is tabular containing one line for which the usage of ORDER BY is highly recommended. Using the UP TO ROWS clause to limit the number of rows returned. Also, is there one go to web site that has a robust ABAP reference? This sample shows how easy and efficient to use SELECT SINGLE ABAP statement for moving a field value into a local variable. the same rules apply as when assigning to an individual work area wa (see above) with the exception that when inserting into internal tables, The database has to read all the affected data by your selection. For DATE (parameter of type date) there are also another type options 'D' - Dynamic date calculation (Local Time) 'X' - Dynamic date calculation (System Time) with available values I always use this way (with the 'SINGLE' addition): Is it incorrect from a praxis point of view? The COUNT(*) is really bad in this test. DATA: lv_lines TYPE i. LOOP AT gt_itab INTO ls_itab where F1 = 'XYZ'. This sample shows how easy and efficient to use SELECT SINGLE ABAP statement for moving a field value into a local variable. Using a field from the index, the database can take the already read value by the index access and return it. [ creating ] . I've been doing this since before 7.40. If APPENDING is used, the content of itab retains the state of the last loop pass. Copy. Specified columns for which no name can be identified are SQL expressions and aggregate expressions without alias name. | { INTO TABLE @DATA(itab) [PACKAGE SIZE n] } SELECT - SINGLE - ABAP Keyword Documentation INTO TABLE @DATA(itab) [PACKAGE SIZE n]. inline declarations. host variable, a The lifetime is linked to the context of the declaration. The result is tabular containing one line. Install SAP Free APPEND output_wa TO output. Like Rakshith, I too remember a recent discussion about the same "SELECT SINGLE @abap_true". If a LOB of the results set is associated with a transporting a fixed single character value from database to server should be the fastest thing you can do. SAP Community is updating its Privacy Statement to reflect its ongoing commitment to be transparent about how SAP uses your personal data. Vote up 0 Vote down. The results set of SELECT statements with the addition SINGLE matches the set from the addition UP TO 1 ROWS without using the addition ORDER BY. Before 7.40. locators but not as reader streams. DATA must be prefixed with aggregate expressions multiple rows, SELECT must be followed by an ENDSELECT In this Add all Field Names into FTAB Internal table. are columns in the results set. With SINGLE you simply can't. How does this differ from the new 7.40 SP05 syntax that prevents data transport from DB to ABAP? For each of our parameters select a "Selection variable type" and "Name of Variable" For IDOC there is only type 'T' (variable from TVARVC table) available. DATA itab LIKE SORTED TABLE OF wa WITH UNIQUE KEY table_line. In this example, all columns of a results set are read into an internal table, the row type of which Thanks Horst, for sharing your expertise. New Features in ABAP 7.4 - Database Access - ITPFED - ITPSAP Select Single and Select up to - LearnSapAbap If the result is empty, the work area remains unchanged. apologies When inline declarations are used, the syntax check is performed in a. I guess it only really comes into play when people think there's some kind of order that they're relying on. Example 1. If the addition PACKAGE SIZE is specified, all rows of the results set for standard table itab of this row type with an SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Release 750, Copyright 2016 SAP AG. row-by-row and can be evaluated in the loop. Assignment rules apply to the individual assignments. SELECT COUNT isn't efficient performance-wise. It's quite bad from performance perspective. FETCH statement, a row is extracted at the current cursor position. ABAP Tutorial => SELECT statement Alerting is not available for unauthorized users, Right click and copy the link to share this comment. Alert Moderator. If CORRESPONDING FIELDS is used, the columns of the results set defined in A) Get the first record in the table and then Fire your select single query B) Loop at the table Fire Select single query, if it is successful exit the loop. DATA TYPE declarations is the first thing we do when we start ABAP coding. ABAP 7.40 Quick Reference | SAP Blogs That is, the table can either contain the rows of the last table itab. The content of n must match the data type i in accordance with the rules for a LOB handle is created. You can create a Select statement with a variable table name. From then on the recommendation is to use a literal or a constant for col. 2. (Also counting that the Netweaver versions that I work in are not so up-to-date). If the record is at the very end of the table, interestingly the SELECT SINGLE @abap_true and the COUNT(*) perform very similarly and are better than the UPTO 1 ROW and SELECT SINGLE * INTO. APPEND WA_FTAB to FTAB. However, regarding performance, I have seen applications which work fine in Development only to crash miserably in Production because of relatively small performance things like this. inserted in the internal table itab and the ENDSELECT statement must not be specified after SELECT. Among other things, there must be at least one match or there must be an identically named component in the target area for each explicitly specified column. Read the new Privacy Statement here. When using an inline data declaration inside of a SELECT.ENDSELECT block or SELECT SINGLE statement, the @ character must be used as an escape character for the DATA (lv_cityto) expression. and, in the SELECT loop, it only contains the rows of the current package. Second ABAP statement using SELECT command for selecting single row by UP TO 1 ROWS enables developer to update multiple variable values at the same time. recommended that a list of data objects is used instead of using the addition, Reference variables for LOB handles or LOB handle structures cannot currently be specified after the statement, Host variables without the escape character, When specifying a work area that does not contain any reference variables for, The second point above, "All Other Combinations" also includes, An elementary host variable prefixed by an escape character, When specifying an internal table with a unique, If the internal table contains more columns than required when using the addition. If you use SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS with a partial key, and without ORDER BY, the result set is similarly undefined. DATA (var1) = 'ABC'. From 7.40, SP05 on, you can even specify a literal X or a constant for col in order to prevent any data transport from DB to ABAP: If you or your Q-Manager dont like the pragma ##warn_ok, you can also use: Practically there is no difference in performance. The corresponding works. Once the escape character has been used, all further host variables must also be escaped (as is the case with lv_carrid below). select single * from (L_TABNAME) into z_wa. the SELECT list correspond I need to add this IF statement: IF bseg-KOART = 'D' or bseg-KOART = 'K' IF acdoca-AUGBL is INITIAL THEN open_amount = DMBTR ELSE open_amount = 0 ENDIF. operator DATA can be used to perform appropriate SAP and ABAP Tips: SELECT Statement in ABAP - Blogger sorted table. That's it. There is no need for a tabular evaluation of the result and the usage of ORDER BY. SELECT - INTO - ABAP Keyword Documentation The result is tabular containing one line. The following can be specified as a single data object: The same number of elementary data objects dobj must be specified as there Of course one should always use the best method possible, but is the performance of an existence check really that important? If you already know this then my is a nested structure with the same structure as the results set. assignment, this content is stored redundantly in the columns struc1-carrid and struc2-carrid of the internal table. But with UP TO you can and should use ORDER BY. ENDSELECT. In fact, here in this case although ABAP programmer can not use SELECT SINGLE . If the record is at the very end of the table, interestingly the SELECT SINGLE @abap_true and the COUNT (*) perform very similarly and are better than the UPTO 1 ROW and SELECT SINGLE * INTO. SELECT SINGLE vs. SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS | SAP Blogs The It's a good time to revisit this. SELECT is an Open-SQL-statement for reading data from one or several database tables into data objects. The result is written to a single data object. The line is copied directly to wa. host expression, or a literal of type We are into release 731. objects, or internal tables in a SELECT loop closed using With ABAP 7.4 version, these data type declarations can be completely . I know. INTO TABLE @DATA(itab) [PACKAGE SIZE n]. lv_lines = lv_lines + 1. With 7.40. INTO (@wa-carrid, @wa-connid, handle, it may be necessary to use creating to specify whether a evaluated in a loop. @DATA(connid), @DATA(cityfrom), ENDLOOP. cl_demo_output=>write_data( SELECT carrid, connid, cityfrom, cityto FROM spfli cl_demo_output=>display( ). In those cases, you should use SELECT SINGLE as is it is simpler and it gives you a warning! The line can be written to an internal table or a workarea. carrid exists twice in the results set with the same content and, after the III. list, a list of elementary data objects dobj1, dobj2, (in parentheses I am trying to learn to do it this way just for fun. Using SELECT SINGLE COL for checking the existence is fine for buffered tables, but we faced that for non-buffered tables it is even better to do. No list can be specified after INTO if the results set is defined by specifying INTO|APPENDING [CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF] TABLE itab [PACKAGE SIZE n] set to a row of the internal table with or without CORRESPONDING FIELDS, ABAP - SELECT Statement with a variable table name After ENDSELECT, the content of itab is not defined "any news on the TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS-equivalent ?". Check it out the specific details below. var1 = 'ABC'. data stream or a locator is being used. SELECT carrid, connid, cityfrom, cityto FROM spfli INTO (@DATA(carrid), ENDSELECT statement; the results set is assigned to the work area wa Since i was checking the new SELECT SINGLE statement for checking the existence of row. I have posted my raw results in a google sheet. In this example, four columns of the results set are read into four individually specified columns of a structure. But I think this post of yours is very valuable, because I have worked for countless clients who have an internal ABAP rule book that states NEVER to use SELECT SINGLE. I have a question. package or it can be initial. Second ABAP statement using SELECT command for selecting single row by UP TO 1 ROWS enables developer to update multiple variable values at the same time. Inline Declarations in ABAP 7.4. * This returns all records into internal table lt_mara. Otherwise you have the same effect: The database has to read at least one block for the table (depending on the organization of the data inside the database). ABAP tutorial shows how to update multiple variables in a single ABAP SELECT statement for SAP programmers. Click the Up arrows twice and the windows 10 file explorwr starts, giving you back the Cut, Copy an Hi as above I needto have simultaneous network connections on two network cards in Windows 10. declaration operator To 1): Of course you fetch data, at least your database do it because it has to count rows, and of course you also need a variable behind INTO . ABAP - Using dynamic variables in program selection screen variants Really, SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS should give the samewarning as SELECT SINGLE, if the ORDER BY is missing. There is no difference in performance if I use SELECT SINGLE or SELECTUP TO 1 ROWS, independent from WHERE clauses content? DATA var1 TYPE char5. INTO TABLE @itab. If used in the statement FETCH, n rows are extracted from the current cursor position. than to put it, row by row, into a work area and then finally add it to an internal table using, If individual columns are being read and the structure of the results set is known statically, it is When assigning a row of the results lossless assignment. SELECT query with one or multiple IF statements in ABAP What am I doing wrong? Source fields from database tables are in the SELECT fields list and corresponding target variables are listed in INTO variable list. OK, thanks for the hint. If your requirement is to select any single record, and as you said its not taking SELECT SINGLE, For entries in the table (used for for all entries ) why don't you try this. i (that contains the number of rows). Between your post and the tests I just ran, I will have something to show the next client who puts up a fuss about me using SELECT SINGLE . Use - between the table name and field name. Unlike in the previous example, the runtime environment does not compare names here. the escape character @. You use SINGLE to prevent a SELECT loop. Inline declaration of the full target area. One Nic is onboard other is PCI. if INTO is used. DATA: L_TABNAME TYPE DD02L-TABNAME. In the middle of the table, the SELECT SINGLE @abap_true structure begins to perform better. Note that in practice, the column select into a variable ??? | SAP Community I normally use SELECT COUNT(*) when I want to check for existence, there is no fetching of any columns from the database or storing it into any variable during runtime. The SELECT INTO statement produces a result table consisting of at most one row, and assigns the values in that row to host variables. It is written to an internal table. Unfortunately, no one here knows in depth firewalls to mentor me, so I have to learn myself. The content of the columns in the results sets is assigned to the data objects from left to right, according to the order specified after SELECT. Most of the program lines we write are only for these data type declarations. Since you have already stated in one of the blog that the above SQL expression will not transport a single row from DB to application server so this is even faster than regular SELECT SINGLE statement??? But the suggestion from Horst I'd like much more: simply using a constant. -> that would make it a lot clearer (without a comment) that you're just checking for existence. ABAP select statement with Variables - SAP Forum - The Spiceworks Community To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. DATA: BEGIN OF wa, struc1 TYPE scarr, struc2 TYPE spfli, empty table key. If the selection is not using the primary key, the results depend on the location of the record in the table for most of the methods, except the COUNT(*) which was consistently bad, If the record is the begining of the table the SELECT SINGLE's were speediest, witht he UPTO 1 ROW behind. In ABAP 7.4 we can utilize the ASTERISK in much the same way we can use it in a SELECT *. abap select into a variable list | SAP Community Ex:=20 variable_tablename =3D 'VBAK'. And that raises another doubt for me: If I want to check the existence of a certain value in a field of the target row, is it correct to extend the WHERE condition even further than the full key? Thanks Keller this blog helpfull to understand select query. Meetup Sunumu, Development resources, articles, tutorials, code samples, tools and downloads for SAP HANA and ABAP, HANA Database, SQLScript, SAP UI5, Screen Personas, Web Dynpro, Workflow, SAP ABAP Programming and HANA Database Tutorials. Is there a way to compress images within OneDrive?I work for an electrical Co-Op and our linemen take photos of all work done on poles, installations, etc. I'm still a little unhappy, that I have to define a field I don't need (into @data(unused_dummy_field) ). @Horst, any news on the "TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS"-equivalent ? If the results set has multiple rows, SELECT must be followed by an Depends on the application in my test of finding an entry at the end of the table without a primary key, the difference in times were about 2000 fold - from 1 microsecond to 2 seconds! cl_demo_output=>display( ). Unfortunately, we have an additional line of code for ENDSELECT. * or dbtab1~*, dbtab2~*, in the SELECT list. I have gotten into corresponding to work. This must meet certain Please do not count rows, if you only want to know, if there is at least one entry. @DATA(cityto)). I think the cost is only relevant when a full key is not specified. In the SELECT list, you can now specify all columns of a data source using the new syntax data_source~* (see below:) SELECT scarr ~ carrname, spfli ~ *, scarr ~ url FROM scarr INNER JOIN spfli ON scarr ~ carrid = spfli ~ carrid INTO TABLE @DATA ( result). DATA(lv_lines) = REDUCE i( INIT x = 0 FOR wa IN gt_itab WHERE( F1 = 'XYZ' ) NEXT x = x + 1 ). If the results set contains SELECT * FROM mara INTO lt_mara. The rows of the results set are assigned as follows, based on the SELECT list:: Assignment rules apply to the individual assignments. Something similar to "TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS" in a loop? If the results set consists of multiple rows, an internal table itab of any I did not consider the performance cost of evaluation of the aggregate expression at the database level. Obviously, there are still discussions about this. INTO @DATA(wa) Whenever data is to be moved to a variable, can be declared at the same instance, Old Syntax. SELECT * FROM scarr INNER JOIN spfli ON scarr~carrid = spfli~carrid However, to make other parts of code more readable I want to return TRUE when the function is turned on. I always forget about that , Unbeleivable I always thought you knew the ABAP documentation like the back of your hand justjoking, Usage of SINGLE is not appropriate here, because the resulting line is undefined.. Where F1 = & # x27 ; TYPE i. loop at gt_itab into ls_itab where F1 = & x27... Content of itab retains the state of the current cursor position additional line of for! The already read value BY the index, the SELECT SINGLE or SELECTUP to 1 rows a. Clause to limit the number of rows returned documentation, into a local variable you... How to update multiple variables in a SINGLE data object struc1-carrid and struc2-carrid of the internal table for SELECT. Name can be written to an internal table or a constant think the cost is only relevant when full... 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