red coral platy pregnant

You can loads of information here. I am new to this can someone help? Huge broods of up to 80 fry are even possible. Adult Length - 5cm (Females) 4cm (Males) Temperature Range - 18 - 27C. As a rough rule you want 1 gallon for each inch of fish and a they usually get 2 inches big before they stop growing. We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. The male Platy also has a modified anal fin called a gonopodium. Physical Changes As the young develop in her body, your female's abdomen will begin to swell. I 1st platy had 1 fry still fat 2nd platy not sure if male or female. Most local fish stores do not separate Platy fish by gender so you can guarantee any female fish you bring home will be pregnant. The Coral Red Baloon Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus) is an extra small genetic mutation of the platy livebearer. Blue Wag Platy Pregnantwhen is she due? Thank you! Both the females have appeared to be pregnant for a while, and the larger of the two I just found dead. Tank of the Month, defiantly sign up, you will find loads of helpful hints and tips to get you through your fish troubles! Or just occasionally hide? id also suggest reading up on cycling tanks with fish as you already have some in there. Just had a prowler outside my window terrified me. The gravid spot is simply a darker area in the female's lower abdomen towards the section. So I have to pregnant platies one a high fin and one a blue coral today I b Artifically raising Batch #2 (blue jewel female and red jewel male). Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month and more! Ok so my tank is a 5 gallon, the 1 gallon bowl is a spare and I can't get a filter for it anytime soon As for tank mates it's just the 3 platies. please reply soon! this is very important for water quality and keeping your fish healthy. Do you have a lot of ornaments and plants in your tank for them to hide in? This sounds really bad and twisted but how can I make sure the mom and other fish eat the fry? Please help, much appreciated, thanks in advance Pregnant Platy Fish Cart. Otherwise, you can also identify a platy's gender through their color, shape, and size. These fish are named for the black pattern that resembles the iconic character's head at the base of the fish's tail. tip: when you change water you can use stresscoat as a water conditioner. As far as saving your fry, you would probably be better served to get some bushy plants, such as hornwort or anacharis and float them in your tank. Username or email address. Add to Cart Share Share on Facebook Tweet Tweet on Twitter Pin it . Ok good to hear he is normal I'll try to make sure he eats more! However, wild platies are usually less spectacular than their crossbred, captive cousins. A Platy is a Platy it is either a Xiphophorus maculatus or X. variatus. 2. Males have a pointy anal fin, so that show u know if its male of female. Dwarf Red Coral Platy are pretty easy to care as long as they are introduced to a mature, cycled tank. I bought her like this and then when I got home thought she looked a little different After researching I really think she may be pregnant. Male platy chasing and nipping at pregnant platy. Wait until your aquarium's nitrogen cycle has been completed before adding red wagtail platies or risk the possibilities that your new fish will perish. Sounds a bit far fetched to me. Does your fish have a red or black spot? Try getting a breeding box for the fry to spend their earliest stages in the tank without getting eaten. As far as telling when they are going to deliver--their stomachs "square up," and they get a dark spot towards their anal fins.,, Hydrogen peroxide, fish deaths, what causes it, Welcome: Introduce Yourself & Learn More About TFF, Seeking suggestions for a colorful tank mate(s). Thanks again . Hi, I'm not so sure that their are actual stages of pregnancy for platys. I heard they will attack the bellies of pregnant females? Because six gallons is not a ton of water, you would have to perform water changes weekly. Choose a tank that holds at least 5 gallons (but 10 gallons is better), and keep a ratio of at least two females to every male, so that the females are not constantly pursued to mate. as long as you keep on top of your water changes, dont over feed and dont add anymore fish, then your doing the absolute best for them besides increasing the tank size. Platys can have a batch of fry every 18 days. Item: 9000045544. When they are very close to delivering, they look kind of"open," at the back. She has consulted with The Minnesota Zoo and the National Aquarium. Add to Wish List. Thus, they will have anywhere from 10-100 babies at a time. Platy parents won't eat their fry, but it's still best to put pregnant females in a separate tank in order to keep the fry as a separate population from the adults. Moreover, there are some special and famous Platy fish like Mickey Mouse, panda, sunset or sunburst, neon blue wag, black Hamburg, dalmatian, green lantern, etc . Check out there website though it might not still be that price it was a couple of months ago but like I said Craig's list is always good people are just looking to get there junk out of there house most of the time . The male can be following her since it his favorite mating partner or the male wants to mate but can't since she is already pregnant. how do you tell if a platy is pregnant? is she pregnant? If you can't find the live plants, you can also get plastic plants for this purpose. Just go to the top of the page and click sign up and create a username and password and u will become a member. she can have approx 30 fry at a time every 30days. As for general care treat as any fish with weekly water changes and filter maintenance will be fine. Hi. You can write down the date your first notice the pregnancy spot, so you can better approximate when she's about to give birth. The fry wouldn't feel safe if you are lacking plants and floating plants. They prefer an aquarium with plants like Java Ferns and Moss. 1 gallon? Male wagtails, while they can be sexually aggressive, are rarely aggressive toward other males; in general, they are compatible with a variety of tankmates. 10. . Contests including the Tank of the Month, well if those platys are like others its best to put two females to one male. The only thing is I have to come up with the money thanks all of you for your advice I'll post when I get a tank and how my fish are doing You can just get test sample kits to test how the water is with ph and other tank water related things. Platies need to eat once or twice a day, and they are usually eager to eat but do not overfeed. If you aren't just ignore me. Is my platy pregnant? Pregnant platy getting aggressively chased by male platy? Also will my male stress her to death? When a platyfish becomes pregnant, it sometimes chases the male around the tank. if your female has ever been in a tank with a male then 99% of the time she will be pregnant. I'd keep on top of the three you have for now. WOW THOSE ARE AMAZING PRICES!! Good Luck!!! The following are our water parameters we keep them at: Our Tank Water Parameters PH: 7.2 to 7.5 GH: 7 to 8 KH: 3 to 4 TDS: 180 to 250 Temp: 72 to 75 Is she pregnant or do I hav My male platy is nipping an poking the females? Red coral Platy and over 2000 species on stock with 24 hours express delivery to your door. The Red Platy is a very peaceful fish and makes an excellent addition to the freshwater community aquarium. your own Pins on Pinterest A male platy will have a long and pointed anal fin. So my blue coral platy have birth 8 days ago. Is it ok if she and the other fish eat the fry? Usually, a fish with clamped fins should be able to swim decently without struggling. Also, for clamped fins, do some water changes. How do I look after the fry? Yes it's free and yes there really good prices! This can be highly stressful for the female and cause death. Interestingly, platies were first brought to Europe during the early 20th century and quickly became an aquarium favorite due to their easy-going nature, pretty colorings, and prolific breeding habits. Do not put in floating plants fry sink because they can't swim they follow at the bottom to get around easier. Kill them but I have 6 plants in my main tank so if she gives birth in the main tank will they all survive? The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. How often do fish have babies? Our free guide can help keep your tank clean and your fish healthy. I bought my fish from the pet store and I don't know whether the blck spots are part of her design Or if she is pregnant I have two males and two females if that helps please reply somebody ASAP I need help , I got my two platies nearly 2 months ago and one has developed a very big black spot to its rear end, I'm guessing its a female and she's pregnant. She has verified and edited articles on a variety of subjects for The Spruce Pets, including pet behavior, health, and care as well as the latest trends in products for animals in the home. I would be lost without MAC I have learned so much from everyone here! Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month. is one of the internet's oldest and premier Tropical Fish and Aquarium forums! I'm really worried now, will my fish last in the 5 gallon? You want a lot of caves and dark places that the adult fish can't get into including a lot of plants so when they want to swim around the big fish can't see them. Also, it acts as a shield and protects the . Contests including the Tank of the Month, It may not display this or other websites correctly. This typically appears over the course of 20-40 days. Good options includemollies,guppies, swordtails, and tetras. their belly gets rounder and you will see little black dots on the underside. Do I need special food? They will circle the tank eating anything, including algae, and their breeding can't be stopped. Hydrogen peroxide, fish deaths, what causes it, Welcome: Introduce Yourself & Learn More About TFF, Seeking suggestions for a colorful tank mate(s). The Red Platy requires an aquarium of at least 10 gallons that is densely planted with hardy plants like Java Fern and Java Moss. how big is your tank? Planets are represented by each stone and the Red Coral stone is ruled by the planet Mars. if you dont have a filter i STRONGLY recommend you get one. How do you tell male/female on a red tail shark? I tried to do about 25%. You've been given good advice I thank God for My Aguarian Club they give us the best advice. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month and more! I put my fry is net box that I got from Petco and put the fry in the net back in the main tank it stinks to the side of the tank and the big fish can't get in, You do not need any liquid for the fry that is one mistake people make just crumble up the food your adult fish eat and your fry will eat that but whatever you do, do not feed fry bloodworms until they are adults/older than 4 months, If she is pregnant she will reliever around 28days. JavaScript is disabled. Most livebearers prefer higher pH, but platies can tolerate a very wide range from 6.8-8.5 in our experience. what is your water change schedule? I would just by a Walmart tank for 55 dollars (that's how my 15 gallon was bought. Also, what type of filter do you have? The pattern hue is always black, but primary body coloration varies. Jan 31, 2019. I didn't know their genders until I came home and did some research on sexing So my blue coral is showing signs of pregnancy: a black dot near her *****, somewhat enlarged belly, and a female anal fin. I don't know if my Platy is pregnant or fat. Most of the time they would eat the food on top of gravel but they can reach Down and eat the food sometimes. Salt and Pepper: Black spots scattered all over its body. Discover (and save!) English . Platies can hold in their fry for up to a year if they are not comfortable enough to to give birth. The females are nearly always pregnant, and can store sperm for up to 6 months. You must log in or register to reply here. Platies prefer small, warm bodies of water with silty bottoms and vegetation, such as ditches, canals, springs, and marshes. Colors seen in platys include: Black, half-black, and black finned (wag tail) Blue Brown Gold/yellow: referred to as gold, golden, marigold, sunburst, sunset Green Red: referred to as blood red, brick red, coral red, velvet red 02 of 09 Wagtail Pattern Sale. Hi! Platies in the wild survive on not only protein but also algae, which provides them with plenty of fiber. Is Platy Fish About to Give Birth? Somtimes the one female (the one I think isn't pregnant) brushes the male and they move a bit together then she swims away are they trying to mate? She looks like a paint platy and if she is that is her design because I have one a male paint platy and if she's not a paint she might be a dalmatian the red one is the paint male and the white and peach one is the Dalmatian if she is pregnant her belly will look square and long like a rectangle or it will look like a ball she may or may not have a dark spot near here anal fin that two ways to tell if she pregnant and if you don't see anything you may have to wait a little and if she is a platy they give birth around 28days, She looks like a paint platy and if she is that is her design because I have one a male paint platy and if she's not a paint she might be a dalmatian the red one is the paint male and the white and peach one is the Dalmatian if she is pregnant she belly will look square and long like a rectangle or it will look like a ball she may or may not have a dark spot near here anal fin that two ways to tell if she pregnant and if you don't see anything you may have to wait a little and if she is a platy they give birth around 28days, Platies eat their baby's so if you allow her to give birth in the main tank with other fish they will eat them tip is to watch her they give birth at night so you don't have to watch her all the time, when you realize she is giving birth take her out of the tank put her in any container big annoy with the same water out of the tank put her in the container get another container fill with water for the fry and as she is giving birth take the fry out and put into the other container she can give birth to 20 to 80 my platy just gave birth to 28 baby's and to warn you not all baby's will survive over night only the strong ones will live.

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