causes of challenging behaviour in the classroom

Common causes include bereavement, divorce or relationship break-up of parents or caregivers, moving home or school, or coming to a new country. Some kids have trouble remembering the sequence of events, while others might remember, but have a really hard time doing things in the right order! If you're looking for ways to stop and prevent challenging behavior from occurring in your home or classroom, understanding what actually causes challenging behavior is a good place to start. There are lots and lots of ways to build skills. Dealing with challenging behaviour in the classroom is one of the most difficult aspects of teaching and sadly the one that causes the most anxiety in teachers. Cost of living crisis: Four million children living in Safeguarding: School referrals drive sharp rise in Black and female: Adultification, bias and racism, Four ideas to ensure high school attendance, A dark winter ahead as cost of living crisis bites, BotDetect CAPTCHA ASP.NET Form Validation. Is harmful to the child, other children, or adults. For example, a student from a broken home is likely to misbehave more than any student whose parents are still together. Therefore, its essential that you understand the causes of challenging behaviour and know what strategies will help you deal with it. Lets say I give you a sequence of numbers: 2, 4, 6, and 8. Challenging behavior in children occurs, as you said, because we make them 'adjust' to our rules of right behavior. To read previous articles in this series, go to To ensure you are up to speed on diversity training, it is crucial that you understand the background and cultures of your students. I dont know about you, but that feels like a lot. She gave me her insights into the origins of challenging behaviour and discussed effective strategies for offering support. Causes of Behaviour. Simple rules such as be considerate of other peoples feelings, treating others with respect and basic kindness can be pinned on the wall. Prof Ford is firmly of the opinion that we should not underestimate the importance of teacher-pupil relationships when it comes to challenging behaviour. Have a class discussion about positive behaviour and base an activity on it, such as creating reminder posters for the classroom. Sometimes 45 seconds. Sometimes children cant help themselves. Rather than trying to completely remove unwanted behaviour, you should focus instead on facilitating the behaviour you want. If you fail to engage and you reprimand your questioner, he or she can act in an aggrieved way, claiming to be only asking a question switching the blame onto you. So, whenever a childs behaviour is challenging, its worthwhile stopping and thinking: why? Professor Tamsin Ford is a child and adolescent psychiatrist who leads a research group at the University of Exeter Medical School. Type this up and display it in the classroom so students can always see it. 4) The Brooder. The science, however, is overwhelmingly clear: challenging kids lack skill, not will. There are two broad kinds of classroom disruption, low-level disruption and high-level disruption. teachers and school leaders working in secondary education across the UK. Noise Making in Class. Specialising in numerous areas of content, Jane has a vast writing experience and mainly works on our health & safety and mental health posts. Following are some of the causes behind behavioral problems in children : Genetics. Underlying causes Identifying these children is often fairly straightforward - young people whose behaviour challenges tend to declare themselves because someone is struggling to cope with them, be it their parents or carers, or their teachers at school. Want something even more challenging? In doing this, youre getting students involved in a stimulating activity rather than directly telling them what to do, which will have better results. This series of articles is part of the legacy the year-long project hopes to leave. Some kids dont know how to express their needs, while others have a really hard time assessing their needs in the first place. That, in turn, may translate into the provision of a person to support a child with autism in the playground or to assist a child with ADHD to sit still in the classroom and actually get some work done.I think careful assessment is always important. You think they hear you, yet disregard directions. Perhaps giving the attention-seeking child an outlet for showing off and gaining attention can be achieved by establishing a turn taking system where everyone gets a chance to speak. Teachers have quite high rates of depression and often feel unsupported we really need to think about how we look after our teachers.Challenging behaviour: Eight tipsBe aware of possible underlying causes, such as anxiety, neuro-developmental or learning disorders, or issues at home.Recognise the importance of getting a diagnosis where relevant.Have clear, realistic targets for achievement.Pay attention to and really encourage positive behaviour and work.Have a consistent, whole-school approach to behaviour management.Think about the best way to reward positive behaviour for children who are struggling, at class level and at school level.Have strong and consistent implementation of anti-bullying programmes.Look after your own mental health.Clare Stafford is CEO of the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust, a charity that provides fully funded mental health training to schools. And some kids can knock even this sequence out of the park! I struggled a while with this student. Thus behavioral disorders and genes have interrelation with each other. Information and commands sink in better when were told what we should do, rather than what we shouldnt. Regardless of your approach, the most important step recognizing what the science has been telling us for years: kids do well if they can, not because they want to. Bad Classroom Behavior. Strategies for managing challenging behaviours in the classroom Managing difficult behaviour in the classroom is an issue that many teachers face. Opinion is divided on whether or not challenging behaviour constitutes a mental health problem. There are kids out there that very literally dont know what theyre about to say until the words are coming out of their mouths. Causes of behaviour might include: Mental and physical health - When children are in pain or have a health problem, it can hugely impact their behaviour.Mental health problems, including stress and anxiety, are particularly prevalent; according to YoungMinds (2019/20), five children in every classroom have a diagnosable mental health problem. Sometimes 30 seconds. However, they also learn new things and make magnificent progress every day, and thats an achievement in itself. It is not a punishment but an acknowledgement that sometimes life can be difficult and we all need a moment to ourselves. Children with learning difficulties have behaviours that challenge and may include aggression, self-harm; soiling or smearing; shouting; and 'acting out' or sexualised behaviour . For example, many new teachers fall prey to engaging with personal questions such as, do you have a boyfriend? are you gay? or do you have a girlfriend?. The Charlie Waller Memorial Trusts Stella Project has been working with professionals to provide mental health training in order to better support vulnerable learners. Inflexible kids may zero in on what therapists often call negative cognititions, or the little voices of self-doubt that we all feel, and may become immobilized while self-doubt washes over them. Frustration at being told off, not being listened to or not being understood. Featured: Soft Clemmy Sensory Train #148325, Children's LiteratureCloth & Board Books, Early Learning Accomplishment Profile (E-LAP), Learn Every Day: Infants, Toddlers, And Twos, How to Help Children Develop a Growth Mindset, Why Getting Messy Is Essential to Early Childhood Development. Using the tools above, and reviewing the information collected, a hypothesis can be developed about the causes of the student's challenging behaviour. Due to hereditary factors, a child carries the same disorders from their ancestors. Challenging behaviour can take many forms and it is not always obviously aggressive. Other times, youll get a kiddo who shakes the teachers hand, then goes to the carpet and kicks off one boot, heads over to their cubby to stuff their backpack in it, then remembers their boot, runs back to the carpet square, kicks off their other boot, heads back to the cubby for their inside shoes, stuffs their boots into the cubby, then digs past the boots to get to their backpack for their home work, then. Over 50 years of research into our neurobiology has confirmed that challenging behavior is a symptom of a deficit in one or more skill areas vital to our success. How much time? This should be a comforting space where the child can take some time out to recover and reflect. Then, discuss alternative ways that they can achieve their desired outcome. As educators, you know there are just some kids who walk into a classroom and they're not going to follow the norms of the classroom. Prof Ford says that diagnosis can bring access to resources that can support children: If you assess a child and find out that they have ADHD or an autism spectrum condition, this can then be the route into an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). You could even ask them for advice and recommendations on something, such as I want to read a new book. Kids who struggle with this skill often see in black and white: everything, or nothing. Whew. Challenging behaviour in the classroom can take many forms and although the physical threat increases when you are teaching older children and teenagers, even primary school age children can be hard to manage. Virtually every parenting manual, school discipline handbook, and residential behavior system is built on the idea that behavior is a matter of will, and that, if we want our kids to do better, we must engage in a grueling process of punishing children so that they learn to make better choices. Try waiting 30 seconds in silence the next time youre talking with a friend. In a classroom environment, one of the biggest obstacles you may face is dealing with children with challenging behaviour. This kid really did know, but what she wasnt always able to communicate is that she just needed more time to think about the question, and that I dont know was often an easy shortcut out of the conversation and a trick to get the adult to help her out. Mind games like these are never easy to deal with especially when this is all one way. Maybe youve had this conversation at your school, or at home with your own kid. behaviour of the loads SEND Information Report 2021-22 grip/control and handwriting. From biting and hitting to throwing tantrums and refusing to cooperate, challenging behavior often disrupts and negatively affects a family's homelife and the classroom learning environment. Her favourite article is Promoting Effective Communication in Health and Social Care. Copyright 2022 Kaplan Early Learning Company. Health and Safety Level 2 Always ensure that you communicate clearly and consistently. Has anyone read any good ones recently?. Here, we offer ten to help you do so. Here at Socorro, we use an approach called Collaborative Problem Solving, which has been used to remarkable effect in schools and homes and residential facilities across the country. Kids with cognitive flexibility challenges show up in other ways, too. It is noteworthy that all the observed frequencies show that the respondents are in the support of the selected causes of classroom disruptive behaviour of the students. The underlying causes of challenging behaviour. What is challenging behaviour in the classroom? How about this sequence: 1, 13, 7, 28, 14, 0, 6. She has produced a range of materials to help teachers initiate positive conversations about mental health and has featured in publications like Education Today for her work. Strategies for dealing with challenging behaviour in the classroom, Communication skills for dealing with challenging behaviour in the classroom, General strategies for improving behaviour in the classroom, Managing customer conflict in the workplace. Everyone in the room is affected by the outbursts or tantrums. Identify what counts as good behaviour and how you want your class to behave. It makes it very difficult for the other children in the room to focus on what they were working on. Below are some of these factors: 1. For more information, see The Stella Project: Supporting vulnerable learners, SecEd, February 2018: Take the time to get to know each of your students and build relationships with them. Yikes! SecEd prides itself on being written by teachers, for teachers and offering a positive and constructive voice for That, in turn, may translate into the provision of a person to support a child with autism in the playground or to assist a child with ADHD to sit still in the classroom and actually get some work done. I train a lot of people in a lot of different fields, and one of the secret training tricks that has been passed down from generation of trainer to generation of trainer, is that when you ask a question and are hoping for a response, sometimes youve got to stand your ground and just wait. What are the situations in which things go right and might those be possible ways of understanding whats going on or perhaps even be levers for change?It is particularly important, says Prof Ford, to find out whether the child has a mental health problem such as anxiety, depression or ADHD: For all of these there are evidence-based interventions that can help support these children and which will have an impact on their behaviour. Continuing her series for SecEd on supporting our most vulnerable young people, Clare Stafford seeks expert advice on supporting students who regularly demonstrate challenging behaviour, Behaviour that challenges in the classroom calls for a considered, consistent and whole-school approach. The parent who understands the root cause (s) of the challenging behaviors in children has an advantage when selecting positive behavior management strategies to best meet their needs.

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