beautiful eyes vedic astrology

. Incidentally, you should be careful not to gamble your money away, as lucky as you may feel. Lotus eyes. Try to be a little less ruthless and insensitive to those you become personally associated with as some people possessing your type of eyes do end up pushing others away. According to astrology it is very much possible to know the characteristics, personality, features and nature of the wife. How to become popular according to your star sign? She is peace loving and is very helpful and cordial to others. Which Dungeons and Dragons Character Class Are You According to Your Zodiac Sign? They are straight-talkers and hence generally mistaken to be blunt. Capricorn: Most Caps are hard to identify by appearance alone, but the easiest way is to look right between the eyes for the tell-tale thought wrinkle. Cancer is famous for being extremely sensitive and warm-hearted individuals. Men with big eyes generally attracts a lot of women. This pendulum effect also extends to your personal relationships where you may have years of satisfaction alternating between years of extreme dissatisfaction. But the answer One important lesson for you in one on one relationships will be the need to forcefully say No when you feel as though you yourself are being taken advantage of. Part of your spiritual lesson will be to look closely at your own shortcomings and find some measure of emotional satisfaction within yourself, rather than projecting these needs onto those around you. Some looks are cold, others endearing, angry, weak or strong. They are deeply sexual. beautiful eyes in astrology. He had an intense look. For women, it shows lustful nature. Trance/ Bull's eyes. Just kidding. You tend to have an innate sense of opportunity and can extract value from any given moment, if and when the situation arises. Unfortunately, short of cosmetic surgery changing your appearance, youll need to accept that your eyes do have a rather confronting and challenging energy about them and this may immediately put people at odds with you. You should take precautions to check out this condition with your health practitioner to make sure this is not a serious medical condition. 146 comments. The color of your iris is also an important determinant in the appraising of character. Dominoes are one of the oldest forms of divination in the world. When you first see a person, what do you notice? Learn which planets in Vedic Astrology influence eye-related problems. Eyes plays an important role in face reading. These eyes are smaller than normal and have exceptional quality. Youll definitely need a creative career where you have room to breathe and determine the course of your own destiny. Be watchful of people who look drunk even when they havent had a single beer. Unless you are careful in developing a wholesome view of yourself in relation to others in the world, you may end up developing narcissism and coming across as a vain individual. Your small pupils, if unaffected by lighting factors, show a more introverted disposition to your nature, bordering on shyness or insecurity from time to time. beautiful? I fall for them every single effin time. Vedic Astrology uses Moon Sign based predictions based on your date, place & time of birth for greater accuracy. You must consider safeguarding your future security by saving or investing wisely and if this is not something that comes naturally to you, engage the right people to advise you appropriately. Vedic Astrology, Rasi Characteristics and Detailed Gems Stone Information. As per Vedic Astrology, there are 12 different ascendants (Zodiac Signs) and each sign have a particular set of physical feature assigned to each of them individually. Virgo has a pair of Deep-Set Eyes which are Brown in color. Also what house the moon is placed in. She is well behaved as well as calm and composed most of the time. This could set you apart if you become inflexible in allowing others some degree of latitude. It will be essential to take stock of your strong desire nature and ambitions and carefully prioritise and time what you believe is essential in your life. The look of the eye and its internal expression is something that cannot be taught in words but doesnt necessarily require years of experience to learn. With your unevenly set eyes, you have the uncanny knack to be able to see things from completely different perspectives and applying your lateral thought processes to resolving any problems that life dishes out. You will need a lot of time to understand the spontaneous and sometimes willful mind of a green-eyed person. Their upper body is very well developed and contoured rather than the lower half. They are excellent in intellectual field. Try it! This also relates to your friendships and deeper romantic relationships in which you would prefer to walk away from an argument rather than confront certain issues that need to be dealt with. Cancer: They have a similar sparkle to Gemini, but it comes and goes instead of remaining constant. What does the look entail? Sometimes you remain aloof or appear apathetic and use this to your advantage. There may also at times be a certain gullibility regarding your associations with others. Aquarius ascendant has eyes shaped in the form of a fish commonly known as the Upward Slanting Eyes and the color of the eyes is Hazel or Light Colored. Just kidding! This month's specials are available to all visitors and offer substantial savings on already discounted reports, products, and services! Sent 5 times a week. I definitely avoid peoples eyes though if I dont know where I am with them. Vedic astrology is the tradition of astrology that emerges out of India and, in the east, it is known by the Sanskrit word Jyotia. They can judge and perceive situations through different angles. However, they become successful at late thirties. An explosive temper may be latent in this type and the nature very forceful. You have unusual eyes in that if you look carefully, they are of a different size. Beautiful eyes and the wheatish fair complexion will make your spouse more charming. Chart was rectified and Aquarius a strong possibility. Really dunno how to explain. Direct your energies carefully today as you may be dispersed and end up not getting much done. Is this only heredity that makes the person beautiful? Indian Astrology - Zodiac signs. Having shallow eyes will however prove to be a boon for you in your social affairs as you are a proverbial butterfly and people do have a lot of fun in your company that you seek. This will improve your chances in the love stakes. Gem here, & Ive been told I always have a sparkle in my eye (*_^) Tre cool post! Your Vedic astrological chart is your western astrological chart but 24 degrees less. 12. Generally hear People say Ive beautiful eyes. People with large eyes, dark eyebrows and dark skin color can be aggressive. Professional Vedic Astrologer with global clients Author has 194 answers and 4.7M answer views 1 y Where there is fitness, there is glamour. Add it for the women, too. The iris of the eyes gets angled when the person looks or smile. During eye contact, Im more likely to feel an angry face or a child-like/vulnerable one. Sun in Cancer, Ascendant in Libra. It is the look which can override an otherwise attractive face. Because your eyes relate to a period in your 30s, its quite likely that you will achieve your greatest successes in this life due to the meticulousness that you apply to any task given to you. There was a visible sparkle in his eye, key to recognizing Gemini. Its almost as if just like these famous people, your eyes also act like a magnet to draw those people into your orb that will bring you good fortune and the opportunities by which to make it happen. Give and take and learning to share pleasure in the successes of others will be one of your most important karmic lessons. This applies to suns and risings especially, but you can often guess other placements by the expression of the eyes, depending on what an individual is doing, feeling or thinking. When you look into the deep set eyed person you can be sure that the mind motivating them is idealistic and inspirational. Aries is called MESHA in Vedic astrology. The other extreme to having square eyes is that you at times are somewhat lazy, which seems to be quite the opposite of the hard-working and intelligent person your eyes reveal. Your standards are very high and others may not meet your expectations. Also if your sun, moon, or ascendant is in an air sign that is in 24 degrees or more, then you are more likely to embody those eyes of the water signs because in Vedic astrology . As of my Leo asc. b) Strong Venus : A person may not possess good looking face and still the person can be the most attractive to the opposite gender as per Beauty Astrology. Naturally, they tend toward a strong, athletic build. I also have the thought wrinkle lol, I always look like Im fiercely concentrating. In Sanskrit, the word Jyotish is a combination of the . The eyes are wide, shiny, crystal clear with beautiful, black eyelashes. Jyoti means light, and Jyotia is the sacred art and science of the lights in the sky, as well as the light of awareness within. Im a Gemini and I have brown eyes. That is what you find in a moon-mars aspect person. Your mental energies may be at an all-time high, but your physical levels could be well below par ev You're discovering that you have a greater aptitude for working with others. Your powerful temper is latent and your hair-trigger fuse shows your violent outbursts surprise everyone around you, including yourself. Taurus is an earth sign and ruled by Venus. They are also fastidious, hardworking and introverts. The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman. Chanakya. One of your main lessons in life will be to learn the art of keeping secrets as you do have a tendency to want to share all the latest and hottest of gossip that comes your way. 2nd and 12th houses indicate right and . Both your practical and bedroom affairs will be highlighted by your skillful and creative approach much to the pleasure of those who choose to share your bed with you. These character traits will be very strongly marked if your eyes are deep set as well. Others may find you lacking in punctuality and incapable of holding to your word. Shift eyed people with such eyeshape can be violent and revengeful. Your grey eyes strongly hint at your impressive intelligence and fine imagination but this may be so at the expense of some of the more creative or even sexual aspects of your nature. The eyes look beautiful and generally successful, beautiful models have such eyes. At times you bring this meticulousness and painstaking eye for detail to your friendships and other more romantic involvements which could create difficulties for you. One interesting character trait you possess is that you have a flagrant disregard for authority and advice, preferring to do things in your own stubborn headed way. As per Vedic Astrology, a Taurus will have attractive and large eyes that are black in color. They love to glorify themselves in public. Governing the head and face, the higher attributes being intuition and reason. Capricorn has a pair of the most beautiful Black or Blue colored Droopy Eyes. Your idealism will be tempered after you turn 35 and surprisingly reveals a more than capable ability in your financial affairs. They hardly shows interest in anything and can be lazy, casual and non committal. It is quite clear the overload red light is flashing so you need to take note of that and also take adequate time to recharge your emotional batteries. Grey eyes individuals like you are also quite fastidious about things keeping everything in order and knowing where everything is. At the same time, they can see negativity in everything. In western astrology, the appearance is sourced by the sun and the ascendant, however, in Vedic astrology, the appearance is sourced by the moon and the ascendant. The 1st house lord in the Nakshatra of Venus also makes the person become attractive and beautiful. You like the idea of a committed life with one partner if they reciprocate your demonstrative nature and look forward to happy family life as a result. Part of your nature can be prone to extreme and possibly even violent mood swings that could cause you to be dangerous to yourself and others around you. The female natives of this nakshatra has a very attractive figure complimented with charming eyes and prominent nose. But once they make up their mind to destroy someone, they destroy them. They are smart workers who find ways to get the job done with the minimum effort put in. You will need to carefully assess your romantic partners to see if this is a demand which will cause troubles for you later on after youve made a commitment. is hazel even really a color? Though they are generally large in shape yet set back give the viewer an illusion of a very prominent brow bone. Your email address will not be published. In your relationships as well, you may need that same type of independence or freedom that may not always sit well with the partner of your choice. For example, the heavy-lidded one may have had little sleep the night before. See Related Article HERE.. Face Reading. Trivial matters can be blown out of all proportion. Why is a person A strong body, psyche and a strong heart soothe the internal you and consistently adds glamour and elegance to your complexion. Marie Lenormand was a 19th century, Parisian fortune teller whose powers to tell the future were so profound that she was called the "The Sibyl of the Faubourg Saint-Germain". attractive face and beautiful eyes. We study the 7 th house, which is the house of spouse and all even signs like Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces, which are also considered as female signs, when falling in the 7 th house tend to be the . You have an interest in the physical side of life due to you possessing almond-shaped eyes. Droopy are also commonly known as the Sleepy Eyes or Drunken Eyes because the border of the upper eyelid covers all or part of the pupil and give it a droopy or dropping appearance. You must be a little kinder to yourself and not expect the impossible. Notwithstanding these difficult attributes of your character, you are known to be a spiritual person and can actually, in truth, be a far more evolved person that even you consider yourself to be. Moon aspecting Uranus gives eyes a special shape aswell Henry Cavill with moon in aqua aspecting uranus is one of the exemples of the type of uranian shape in eyes I have seen in people around me. Like the other water signs, they are capable of projecting emotion at you with their eyes. In this manner you can make some headway and finally stop treading water. My Scorpio brother has intensely colored hazel eyes. Venus is the goddess of beauty, love and pleasure. The color and shape of your eyes can define the characteristics of your personality. The problems which you might face are: . A predominance of brown eyes in this sign; perhaps because theyre on fire inside and burned away the other colors! Hence, they get a lot of help from others. May 18, 2021. (I understand its free). Many models like Elle McPherson and Claudia Schiffer possess these eyes. Theres no doubt with these character traits you can achieve a tremendous amount in a short space of time and become a forerunner in your field of choice. Elizabeth Taylor, the famous film star of the 40s, 50s and 60s, also possessed the plum or lilac coloured eye. Firstly, the person is capable of seeing things from a different perspective and applying lateral thought processes to resolving problems. This character trait could develop into a crisis where your personal relationships are concerned. Aries is set to have almond-shaped eyes which are considered to be numinous and exotic in their appearance. You need to give them some assurance at the outset that you understand their dilemma and this will put them at ease. People with cancer as their ascendant have Prominent Eyes. Leo ascendant has Close-Set Eyes that is Brown in color. Becoming more reliable will be an important karmic lesson for you as your sleepy or drunken eyes reveal a tendency to short circuit issues of responsibility. Given the above facts, your large pupils indicate that, other than the light factor being taken into consideration, you have a tendency to be rather excitable and enthusiastic about what you do in your life and dont tend to be held back by any problems or difficulties that confront you. The other typically beautiful rising sign (Ascendant), according to ancient astrologers is sagittarius- it is ruled by Jupiter- known as the bigger benefic. Trends In the Collective: Influencers (No Politics), Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. What information can we share, and what fun can we have together? If youre looking to create intimacy with an Aquarius not an easy task the best way to connect is from the eyes up! Blessed with a pair of beautiful Wide-Set Eyes; Scorpio is an extremely experimental person who loves exploring and is highly adventurous in life. Also if your sun, moon, or ascendant is in an air sign that is in 24 degrees or more, then you are more likely to embody those eyes of the water signs because in Vedic astrology water signs are part air signs. when to speak and when to hold back. I don't know my Moon Sign. Women with big/large eyes are admired, special and loved by everyone. The planets, Sun, Moon, Venus and Saturn, if negatively related with second and/or twelfth house(s) of a horoscope, can cause health issues related with eyes. Hasta gives the ability to achieve our goals in a complete and immediate manner. You are a loyal friend but your sexual passions may not be the dominating influence in what you consider a successful partnership. If the person possesses other features such as a pointed and downward turning nose, sharp angular shaped face and tightly pursed thin lips, be certain that the individual is indeed cruel both mentally and even perhaps physically. What this basically means is that your irises appear to float, revealing the whites under them. Sensuality and charisma are revealed by your large eyes as well. And you probably have that seductive stare and probably big eyes. They may look half-asleep, but they dont miss a trick. This dasha is believed to give more wealth, fortune and luxury to a person's . Wonder what gives that. The whites of your eyes are visible above the iris and this is not common. Taurus is known to be passionate people who are majorly driven by their emotions. Tom Cruise, Lindsay Lohan, George W. Bush, O.J. They are Venus and Moon; both these planets are very sweet and tender. They can be punished for someone else fault and can have certain temperament. Gemini is extremely helpful in nature. Look at the eye shape of Angelina Jolie. Ive compiled a partial list of what I have observed about each sign. Leo: Some astrologers say that Leo eyes are cat-shaped, but I dont agree with that assessment. The eyes are generally slanted upwards. The blessing of being able to see the world is one of the most precious gifts bestowed on humankind. However, their family, peer and associate can harm them. God forbid you see royalty lose control of their emotions. In the long run, this may present you with a situation in which you have very few friends or people upon whom you can rely. Vedic horoscope or Kundali tells the exact position of stars and planet at the time of childbirth. They are also analytical in their approach towards others and can make good friends. My beauty is best captured in person or in moving picture. If you are looking for someone with a flair for shifting paradigms then heres your man or woman. Sometimes though, the shy and discouraged will also reflect a similar eye. Some philosophers also display deep-set eyes. Planets in the ascendant house will influence your physical appearance and . You may not be particularly happy with yourself and this is reflected in the complexity of the circumstances that surround you, both in your personal and professional life. 10. He/she will have immense charm and Very Attractive Personality. Libra (24 September-22 October) Libras' have oval or heart-shaped face with dimpled cheeks, cleft chin and a beautiful . Your grey eyes show your conservative nature but somewhere within you is a deep desire to break free of your traditional constraints. PO Box 243, Mortdale, NSW, Australia, 2223 +61 413 124 809 +61 280 847 473 [emailprotected]. Philosophy, deep meaning and a search for truth are the hallmarks of your character due to the rectangular shape of your eyes. Nevertheless, you're distrac is your premium gateway to understanding your karma through astrology, numerology, face reading, tarot and a diverse range of esoteric and new-age topics. You have large eyes which indicates your interest in the world at large and an inner desire to express your feelings, however your small iris shows that you may be a little introverted and incapable of doing so, much to your frustration. Aquarius: The water-bearers of the future have laser-beams in their heads, white-hot and blindingly bright. Their willpower should be strengthened in the search for their own self-assurance. As Taurus is a earth sign , they are practical, realistic people. They are somewhat strong natured individuals and dont always present their case with what youd call, finesse. This is the head sign of the Grand Man, or Microcosm. The eyes resembles the shape of lotus petal. Due to this, youre the sort of person others love to befriend and also confide in when they have problems as you are able to help them see solutions and keep a positive and bright outlook on things. These eyes looks threatening, dangerous and can be characterised by small pupil with white or faded irises. While they are looking around themselves absorbing their surroundings, you can practically see their feelers waving in the air. In this case, from a commercial point of view, the middle aged with deep set eyes may be a positive asset to you. The laws of karma will eventually be an important philosophical lesson for you in that an understanding of the benefits of giving and sharing ought to be highlighted on your path. At the same time, they can have a violent side. 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Here is a libidinous nature, but one which may be lazy too. This colored area should be clear and blemish free with a rich a clear color. Answer (1 of 2): Venus is the planet and significator of beauty. WHEN: ASTROLOGY HOROSCOPES AND TIMING EVENTS, 2022 YEAR OF THE WATER TIGER CHINESE HOROSCOPE FORECAST. Whatever the answer, theres no doubt you are a refined individual who also possesses a fastidious streak to your personality. As per the Vedic astrology, Virgo ascendant is highly intense as an individual as well as extremely romantic in nature. If you also happen to have cheekbones that are not quite so prominent, this will be even more evident and mustering up enough energy to make something of your life will be quite a difficult and demanding task. Eyes are said to reveal the entire story of a person that can be read easily by the other person by putting just a little bit of effort into it. It may not be all that easy for you to enter into a relationship as you scrutinize others to a great extent and they may sense your aloofness as apathy or even lack of interest in having anything at all to do with them. Chinese face readers call them wolves eyes. You must be careful of not using your power to alienate others and to manipulate them emotionally as you do have the ability to get whatever it is you want. In these eyes, both irises can be uneven. Have you ever noticed that each member of the zodiac has something special or remarkable about the eyes? Overall complete beauty package with all mannerism and etiquette. Due to this fact, others will find it difficult to get to know you and again it is far better for you to overcome these weaknesses and connect with others through straightforward honesty rather than pretend that everything is O.K. There is much to unpack with your Vedic astrology chart, or what is . Generally speaking, however, you have a polished and successful air about you that will bring overall satisfaction on your journey through life. In any relationship to which you finally commit yourself, you will be quite jealous and changeable in nature. is no. Having three-sided whites usually reveals an inner turbulence that you are dealing with and the fact that on some level you are at odds with the world. In relationships, your frustrations may also become so pent up that you take out your fears and anger on your partner. A more astute approach to understanding the personality of those you engage with is absolutely essential if you are to find deeper meaning in your life. You share these eyes with such famous Hollywood stars as the screen goddess Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and Sophia Loren. They are thoughtful, sophisticated, calm, active and agile. Simpson are all Cancer-sun public figures whose eyes reveal their inner workings. A philosophers face may often also display a deep set soul window. The area surrounding your iris is the white of the eye. As the label describes, your eyes are full of desire, love and sensuality. You can read every single thing they are thinking or feeling (and woe betide you if you are in trouble, believe me my mother is a Cancer rising!). The various planetary positions or placements help in determining the different facial traits of each zodiac (ascendant) especially the eyes. Eyes that are sparkling, prominent and clear shows that the person is confident and trustworthy. You have a wonderful eye for detail because your small eyes show you are a highly sophisticated person and have an inward thinking mind. In some cases, if eyes are overly large in comparison to the rest of the face and in contrast to your other features, it can show that you are somewhat nave and even gullible so therefore likely to be taken advantage of. At some stage you may need to curb your bohemian style appetite and settle down to someone who will offer you a far more secure emotional future. Pisces: Pisces people are, without a doubt, the easiest to identify off-hand if you remember to look them in the eyes! The whites visible above the irises may indicate some dangerous elements within the personality. I also have arched eyebrows one higher than the other. Cold and unflinching eyes with small pupils and sharp eye light may appear cruel. The other term to describe your beautiful eyes is the "bedroom look". Women with deer eyes always looks for satisfaction in sexual life while men with those eyes can be promiscuous in nature. Your broadmindedness is also reflected in your wide-set eye structure and you, therefore, like to learn about different people, cultures and topics. Hooded eyes are those that have a slight bulge on the top of their upper eyelids right after the crease. Triangular shaped eyes are not that common yet in your case, this shows your almost relentless pursuit of ambition, even to the extent of possibly using others to get what you want. Ideally, there should be at least one eye width between both eyes. To have a private consultation with Dadhichi Toth our resident astrologer, ANCIENT VEDIC SECRETS OF MANTRA ANDVIBRATIONAL HEALING, Changing Your Luck With Gemstones And Crystals, Virgo Zodiac Sign: August 23 September 22, Libra Zodiac Sign: September 23 October 22, Scorpio Zodiac Sign: October 23 November 21, Sagittarius Zodiac Sign: November 22 December 21, Capricorn Zodiac Sign: December 22 January 19, Aquarius Zodiac Sign: January 20 February 18, Pisces Zodiac Sign: February 19 March 20, Best And Worst Star Sign Sexual Compatibility. Affording others the chance to exhibit their talents and their power will not always be easy for you and therefore the partners in your life will feel as though the relationship is somewhat one-sided one-way traffic your way. If Venus is conjunct with Rahu or Mars or Moon, the Attractiveness and beauty of your Partner will increase further. But then, do I have a sparkling scorpion stare..? As per the shape of the eyes of the Aries, they are said to be good at hiding emotions and are super cautious about their actions and surrounding. Once had an experienced astrologer tell me that he was pretty sure I was Aquarius rising as I have a yellow rim around the blue of my eyes.

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