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He said he's not sure if there is going to be a test or not. Sal said that he would have to talk about something like that but it really doesn't matter if he knows where it is or not. Howard asked Bai how tall she is. He said that the whole bed thing coming out of the wall is just great to think about. Howard was wondering when you pull out the bed and get the chick in there. He said that Miller was getting in one liners and it was festering with Brent. He said the show was very long and he was burned out on it by then. There was some feedback about Gene Simmons' call yesterday. If you need fail-safe FFP2(+) protection (because of very close contact), you must switch masks after 6-8 hours max. He said that's why he doesn't go to Rick's now. He said that Lee Gerowitz might be available. He said it's pretty cool. Gary said he swears he left at 6:30 this morning. She did that but she had so much on that she wasn't getting naked. Benjy said he felt like he could get her. Bubba wanted to send different guys in there to goof on him. He said he has to come to that conclusion and maybe he won't. Howard said that at least Dave was able to go to Connecticut to drop this chick off. Sal didn't know that Canada was above us right away. She said that it wasn't ''rape rape. Robin said that it's a resting spot. Howard said he's not pervy because sex isn't pervy to him. Howard said he wouldn't want his daughters in a work environment like that. He said he hasn't had time for his enemas and things. That led to Artie being able to hold the ring even though Howard didn't want to give it up. They told me I got fluid on my lungs and they wont send me to the hospital, he says. Dustin said that he was going to do a reunion show with them but they don't want anything to do with him now. Howard said he would too but Artie said he was going to wait for the movie. Benjy said there are scientists who study beauty. He said that women are willing to suck a toothless plumber's cock 5 minutes after meeting them. After playing that Artie said that he doesn't say much during some interviews and he sometimes just throws references out there for Jon and Gary. He said that this is work and he's not doing it for himself. Howard said that they shouldn't be taking advantage of this guy like that. Kevin Kraft came in and told the guys about some of the details of that Brent thing. He said that he owes Lonnie a favor now and he has to make sure he's taken care of. He said they do studies and stuff to find out what people think is beautiful. Gene said that he and Paul are the founders of the band. David said they're not even in rehearsals yet. 10/05/09. Howard said that he has never seen someone act like such a robot like Jay does. David said it actually didn't and thanked Artie for that. Howard asked Reggie if he uses Viagra. Another caller told Howard that Bill was charged with insider trading a while back. He has used child abuse; for example, he refers to the Baudelaires as "orphans" and "brats", gives them a pile of rocks as toys, he slapped Klaus' face for not serving him roast beef, locks the children in their bedroom where they sleep on one bed, treats them like slaves, traps Sunny in a birdcage and hung her in a tower and threatened to drop it, and has threatened death and murder on the orphans, their relatives and their friends. Artie said he wasn't sure he could take it but it hit him that he was wearing it the night that he saw him play at the World Series. Gary thought it was Arizona but Jon wasn't sure if it was even that close. Sal came in and Jon asked Sal if he's enjoying his birthday. Robin had Howard play some Journey and she wasn't sure if it was the original or the Arnel Pineda stuff. Howard played more of Bubba going off on Brent and telling him he needs to get help. Howard told the guys to get Mike back on the phone so he can ask him who he asked to go instead of him. 10/05/09. The caller said that he was like that and he suffers from A.D.D. Dave also talks about his wife, Regina, who was horribly hurt by his behavior. He said it's kind of an R-Rated Cirque du Soleil thing. Artie said Mel looks more Jewish than the cop did. King said he had never been to a school like that before. The Definitive Voice of Entertainment News Subscribe for full access to The Hollywood Reporter. He said that they don't isolate Fred so if he had done it, they could have missed it. In the books, Kit mentioned that she was able to smuggle a box of poison darts to the Baudelaire parents before Esm Squalor caught her. Signs Youre Eating Too Much Fruit Jon said it was hard to tell with him. She said that the hours they have are not normal so it's hard to stay on a schedule like they have. Ross said that they're healthy for him. He said that he thinks that Jay Leno and Conan are done and the question is ''will Dave stick around.'' Covid cases surge in autumn wave as experts warn of two new symptoms, Top Covid symptom no longer loss of smell or fever says expert, Should boosters be mandatory this winter as Covid cases soar? He said that it's never completely free though so he did expect something from the party. October.''. Benjy said it wasn't her. Jason asked Bill who else is going after this story. He was actually honored. Howard told Benjy to read more of that. Gene said that they are very hard working though. After saying all they made was a disgusting sauce, he let Sunny go and ordered the children to go to their beds. Howard said the other weird thing is that he dropped a grand and he still had to tip the dealer. Howard asked Reggie about playing ball and the huge contract he had. He said that he only thing he would have gotten upset with was if Reggie had said anything bad about Thurman Munson. Howard asked who has been taking over Mike Gange's duties this week. all 5 starters have covid? Mask is not 100% effective. RNG covid updates via LPL Fan Club translation of RNGs Chinese social media. Bai said that is what she thinks. Howard said that she's very sexy too. He is also working on perfecting a villainous laugh. David said that for weeks before the show you're dancing on your own and the producers will come in and tell you that you're really good but not the greatest. U.S. appeals court says CFPB funding is unconstitutional - Protocol Howard said Ronnie was telling him about that show. Olaf's role is mainly the same as the books. Robin read about a Bob Dylan Christmas album that's coming out. Howard said he bets that the whole club shuts down after Scott makes his appearance there. Howard said that Larry Johnson wrote the book ''Frozen: My Journey into the World of Cryonics, Deception, and Death'' after working at this place where they had Ted's head frozen. The caller asked Gary to do him one favor and asked him to stop saying ''A B'' and ''level 1 and level 2'' stuff. He said the next thing he knew he was coming out of the closet and doing Britney Spears poses. Porn HD Jon said he thinks that Jay will make it through the season. Robin said that some people are serial cheaters though. Bill said that the White House has also put out two different hospitals and it's not clear where he was born. Jon said that it was funny when he read the same line twice. He said that he told Jim that it wasn't going to work out if he had to change that much to be with her. Howard said he was reading about Roman Polanski in the paper and the guy raped a 13 year old. He said that he'll either have to deal with it or not do the show anymore. Robin had some audio of Chris Rock talking about a movie he's in. No!" None of the guys knew what he was talking about there. - Caller guessed wrong. Sal said that Howard set him straight on the financial problems and Rich is the guy who came over and helped him get everything straight. Howard gave him some plugs for that and for his play ''Race'' that will be at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre in December. Dustin once pissed in an extra's purse because she said some stuff about him. This only happens after eating, not during. Howard said that his wife looked hot though. Bubba said that Brent is the smartest guy he knows on subjects that he likes. He said that he only learns stuff that are pertinent to him. Howard told Sal that he has to stop this guy from taking advantage too. The guests weren't all that great and Howard was laughing when he heard some of the guests. Violet and Sunny help Klaus break free of his mind control. Jon Hein came in with his Wrap Up Show preview. Howard said that's pretty funny. Then out. He said he didn't even know she was on Facebook. Howard said he wants Jay's show to fail. Howard asked if he had any other comments. Ronnie said he's told Gange that he brings it on himself. After Count Olaf's scheme is exposed, Mr. Poe, Polly Poe, and the crowd converge on Count Olaf who is then handcuffed by the Constable. Wood Yi said ''Fame. Howard said he just found out about this two days ago and he didn't like it. Read latest breaking news, updates, and headlines. Richard asked if he could say happy birthday to Sal. Ronnie said they did some kind of wild operation where they cut the nerve through his armpit. He is identified by his unibrow, as well as his tattoo of the V.F.D. Howard said he doesn't want to do it in the morning this early anymore. He let him go a short time later. 03 (4.65) A budding dominatrix learns a lesson. Howard jokingly said that he got wise to it when he found condom wrappers around his dressing room over there. News He said that he's had troubles himself but he's never been in that position of crying like that. Howard said he would go if he can bring his wife with him. He said he's not taking incriminating pictures of guys getting dances or anything. She's not sure what else Bill wants. Larry said he's seen some harsh stuff in his life because he's a paramedic but it took that to make him break down. It was written for a blonde. Howard said that Kidd Chris wrote to him and told him to have Evil Dave call a college and ask for some interns. Howard said he heard that Eddie Murphy was supposed to play that part but they didn't work that out. Benjy asked if it's true that you get different emotional reactions to different alcohols. Howard said the guy is a really great guy too so it's sad to hear that. Howard let Ed go and took another call from a guy whose phone was making all kinds of noise. The Hollywood Reporter Gary said that Lonnie thought they had a lot of people showing up out there. She said that she was in Playboy too so they could have seen them there. Howard said this chick doesn't look all that hot either. Sal asked Jon when he last cried. Robin had some audio of him talking about the game. Artie said he'd look into it. He asked her who is bigger chested. Howard played more of the audio and the guys in the studio were talking over Bubba saying that he sounds like Dr. Phil in there. He said he really didn't. Howard said he's not sure what to say to that. Ronnie said he understands that he doesn't want to go. Robin said he's a good guy and they had good times together. Reggie said that's what it was like for him to work with Bob Gibson. Howard said that Dave isn't the President or anything. Howard said that Dave's problem is that he had a relationship and he was going behind her back doing this stuff. Robin said the most Muslims are in India. Dominic Barbara called in and asked Howard if he would have felt differently if Dave had been with older women. Howard said that it doesn't make any sense. They had to end the show a short time later, right around 10:40am. Howard said he's heard that she spends a lot of time with Artie's sister too. Howard said this goes on all the time. well, im now deceased. Robin said that Naomi gives the best bang for the buck according to this story she was reading. He said that there's nothing wrong with that at all. She screwed up a bunch of times in that clip. Gary said that Howard has a better moral compass than most people in this world.

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