xiangke magician deck

He attacked "Trapeze High Magician" repeatedly using spells, Monster effects, and "Miarcle" until it was destroyed, defeating Dennis and caught him as he fell off of Heartland Tower. In this case, the deck. Even as Celina was about to be teleported away back to the Fusion Dimension, Yuya did not move away from Zuzu's side, and not long after he made the heartbreaking decision to abandon his Dueltainer/smile philosophy so long as he could successfully protect Zuzu and make her smile. He checked on Celina, wanting to know where the Doktor was and checked on Lulu with Yuto. Guides. Zuzu suggested asking Gong for help, but Yuya decided against it, as Gong had helped him too much in the past and Yuya wanted to get stronger by himself. On its own, the archetype is capable of quickly swarming the field and gain large ATK boosts through their Pendulum Monsters' effects. Xyz Monsters are made of antimatter, and have traveled to Yuma's dimension from the other side of a black hole. Community content is available under. Declan tried to defeat Leo as Yuya groaned in pain, but failed, and Leo took control of "D/D/D Doom King Armageddon" and Fusion Summoned "Master Spirit Tech Force - Pendulum Ruler" with "Dis-swing Fusion", destroyed "Gatlinghoul" and attacked directly with "Armageddon". Community content is available under. Yoko congratulated Yuya on the victory and he renewed his vow to save Zuzu and Sora. Dipper intercepted him, and they told each other to watch where they were going just before they recognized each other. Yuya attempted to protest against the Friendship Cup for sending the losers to do forced labor, but to his utter shock neither the crowd of Commons nor Melissa Trail saw anything wrong with that. Dipper went into a rage for being damaged for the first time in 40 Duels, and used "Constellar Tempest" to reduce Yuya to 200 Life Points, raining down meteors on Yuya, who was only just able to dodge them. When Declan arrived announcing that Yuya wouldn't be promoted to Senior class yet, Yuya and Gong learned that the Battle Royal was done as a continuation for the Arc League Championship due to Duel Academy's invasion and will only permit one Duelist from the Lancers advance to the Senior class. Yuya attacked with "Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon", which Sora countered with the Action Card "Flame Chain" to lower its ATK, but Yuya countered back with his own Action Card, "Flame Surge". Yuya was also surprised when Crow brought him his old Duel Runner and Turbo suit and learned everyone was looking forward to it. Yuya was close to giving in and he released a shockwave from the pain, but Declan reminded him of his father, calming him down. He was shocked when Declan Pendulum Summoned and suggested Pendulum's evolution, and now considers Declan a rival, and was motivated to face him again. Yusei Fudo is the main protagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh! Yuya was worried when Sylvio claimed that Pendulum Summoning would be Yuya's downfall, remembering Sylvio's promise to obtain Leo Corporation developed Pendulum Cards. The group were then taken to the boss of the prisoners, Chojiro Tokumatsu, who ordered them to hand over their cards for preferential treatment, and Yuya refused, given that he wasn't planning on remaining in the prison. Yuya Pendulum Summons for the first time. More. German [78], Yuya was taken to the Facility, learning on the way that Moon Shadow had rescued Riley. The archetype is related to, and is supported by, the "World Legacy" archetype. They explained that he would stay in the penthouse as a participant in the Friendship Cup; the duel with Jack having been only an exhibition match, Yuya was still in the tournament. Yuto begged Yuya to stop and prioritize winning. Yuya then used "Performapal Teamwork" to equip "Performapal Sword Fish" to "Kraken", increasing its ATK and allowing Sora to defeat Cutter. Although Yuya's not as close with her as with his father, Yuya still has a good relationship with his mother, like a normal mother and son. Board. Similar to the "Harpie" monsters, the "Lyrilusc" monsters consist of female monsters with bird features. "Fur Hire", known as "Skyfang Brigade" ( () () () Kgadan) in the OCG, is an archetype of monsters with different Attributes, Types, and Levels that debuted in Dark Saviors. Yuya was able to survive the turn, and both Duelists enjoyed the match immensely, Sylvio urging Yuya to Pendulum Summon next turn. Its artwork depicts rainbows being emitted in five different directions. When Shay told Kite what his comrades were to him, Yuya and Yuto began talking about Kite and Shay's past, and he revealed to everyone that Yuto was residing inside him, something that Shay claimed he had had a hunch about. Declan simply used "Caesar's" effect to revive them all, though at the cost of taking game-ending damage on his next turn, and then he destroyed them all with "D/D/D Human Resources" to add two more "D/D" monsters to his hand. Yoko understood how her son was feeling when Yusho disappeared and is supportive of Yuya's dream to become a professional Dueltainer like his father. He was saved when Gong used the Action Card "Benkei Guard", though at the cost of restricting his Deck. However, Yuri wasn't convinced, claiming that he'd make Yuya crazy for him again and they would become one like Yuri had with Yugo. TCG Sets Japanese Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri appearing before Yuya. ARC-V powered up even more, causing the girls to scream in pain and prompting Yuya to continue his attack and destroy "Pendulum Ruler". Reviews. An alarmed Yuya listened to Yuto listing his convictions that the Duelist was probably responsible for carding his comrades, Kite's family, and his regret for going to Standard and leaving everyone else behind. [77] He and Riley remained at Crow's place for the next couple of days, Celina and Sylvio heading out each day to look for the Lancers. This is worsened when the darkness inside him consumed him, making him desire to harm his enemies. Yuya then remembered that Shay didn't know what really happened to the girls and decided to the Fusion Dimension. After mastering the four dragons, Yuya included more of support for them, as well as two new Extra Deck hybrid monsters that use the dragons as materials. The strength of Sylvio's "Yosenju" Deck forced Yuya to give it his all from the get-go of the tournament. Yuya admitted that he was looking forward to whatever Declan had in store for him, then jokingly claimed he was kidding. Uma vez por turno: voc pode lanar uma mo, Una vez por turno: puedes lanzar una moned. Due to their high swarming capability, Lyrilusc decks can easily access many Link Monsters, such as Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty who protects Lyrilusc monsters while also contributes to the swarming by Special Summoning more members to the field. Gong is Yuya's childhood friend and one of his close friends. Then the "human" forms transform into their "dragon" selves at the beginning of the Battle Phase and transform back to their human forms at the end of it.. Yuya began to search, eventually finding one as the chandelier of the Duel Field began to collapse around him. After "Steam Train King" DEF was halved for the final time, Yuya defeated Gong and won the Battle Royal. Leo explained that as Yuya's counterparts had been absorbed by Yuya, he believed that Ray's fragments had been absorbed by Zuzu and that she would eventually be reborn. Some of the opponents he dueled off-screen include the following Duelists:[4], For other versions of this character, see, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. However, Yuya returned to his senses after hearing Yuto's voice that reminded him of their wish. Throughout their duel, Barrett tried to convince Yuya to give up and divulge Zuzu's location and Celina to return with him. 132-148)[8] Yuya was dismayed to see Sylvio and Gong join the duel, but he appreciated Gong's attempts to end it peacefully. For Yuya, though, the happiness was short-lived when a brutally injured and beat-up looking Sora suddenly appeared on the broadcast from the Public Sector Security building and informed the entirety of New Domino that just as he and Moon Shadow rescued Zuzu, Roget recaptured Zuzu and planned to take her with him to Duel Academy. The next day, Declan announced that the Lancers would be departing for the Synchro Dimension to recruit more allies. "Six Samurai", known as "Six Warmen" ( () () () Roku Bush) in the OCG, is an archetype of Warrior monsters that debuted in Strike of Neos, with further support included in Gladiator's Assault, Storm of Ragnarok, Extreme Victory and Deck Build Pack: Spirit Warriors. Yuya then dueled Pierre L'Suprieure from the Clarity Prep School. "Lancer Dragon" turned the duel in Yuya's favor by destroying "Revolution Falcon", but Shay used "Rank-Up-Magic Doom Double Force" to Rank-Up "Revolution Falcon" into "Raidraptor - Final Fortress Falcon", forcing Yuya onto the defensive. Zuzu and her counterparts were brought to the room in capsules and Yuya demanded they be set free. Paradise Prep SchoolYou Show Duel School When Yusho did not show up, Yuya ran to the bottom of the stands, saying that his father would appear, and challenged the Sledgehammer to a duel until his father arrived. Yuya was confused by the term, and he tried to get Declan's little brother to stay with him, knowing that Declan would make him fight in the future, but Chojiro told him to let Riley be, since forcing Riley to stay with Yuya would be contradictory to his original statement of Declan not forcing him, and since Riley probably liked Declan more than Yuya. He was then surprised when his father appeared at the stadium and challenged him to a duel. Yuya refused to comply and repeated his resolve and determination to prevent Celina's and Zuzu's capture. While the majority of the Xyz Monsters require 2 Xyz Materials, many Xyz Monsters require more or can use a variable number of Materials. Shay immediately asked Yuya what happened to Yuto and accused the former that he had done something to his comrade since Yuya had Yuto's "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon". When Nico Smiley offered Yuya a chance to fulfill his desire of dueling The Sledgehammer in his father's place, Yuya became upset. Crow displays seemingly permanent trust, friendship, and care for Yuya when he shows relief that Yuya is back to normal after he wakes up and tells him about Sora and the Obelisk Force and alert that Celina's in danger. Another monitor switched on, and for the first time in years, Yuya saw his father, who was with Declan and Riley. He gains "Performapal Gatlinghoul" during his duel with Leo Akaba, and uses more violent tactics to destroy multiple cards at once, such as with "Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon", and taking advantage of opponent's taking battle damage with "Performapal Nightmare Knight". Celina watched Yuya struggle with Barrett and was touched with Yuya's promises that he would protect both her and Zuzu from Duel Academy. At the stadium, Yuya arrived just in time, butting heads with Grizzlepike, and he was selected to give the oath of fair play. Yuya then used the Pendulum Effect of "Five-Rainbow Magician" to lower every monsters ATK to 0, negate their attacks and effects. His face become veiny and his ears are replaced by wing-like appendages. Wears a military-like uniform while saluting. Yuya went unconscious and later awoke without remembering his duel against the Obelisk Force. Awakened Yuya surprised at losing "Dark Rebellion" to Yuri. Anime appearances But when Zuzu arrived her bracelet teleported Yuri and Yugo away, and returned Yuya to his senses. They were interrupted by a student of the Leo Institute of Dueling, Sylvio, who threw three sucker-tipped darts at Yuya. Yuya awakened after learning Dennis' secret. Declan, Riley, and Moon Shadow, who had already been talking with the Council, backed them up. He was relived upon starting the Duel that the autopilot would allow him to duel as he normally did. Yuya Sakaki with various "Performapal" monsters and "Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon". He is one of the Lancers. As the series continues, he gains access to Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Monsters and modifies his Deck to accommodate them. In his childhood, Yuya sat by himself crying when his father, Yusho Sakaki came in to cheer him up. In addition, Yuya's Deck now contains higher Pendulum Scales, such as the Scale 10 "Performapal Ignition Eagle" and the Scale 12 "Performapal Five-Rainbow Magician". Two of the orphans that Crow took care of, Frank and Tarren, returned with stolen food, and as they were being told off by Crow, the orphans asked why Yuya and Celina had been at a cafe earlier. But, when their parents didn't want them to watch the duel, Yuya was angry when Dennis threatened to seal them back into cards if they didn't watch. Aster convinced the Duel Academy students to stand down and atone for their crimes, and Gloria and Grace joined them, while Mamoru was forced to surrender after Kite returned with the Resistance. Q&A. Yuya supported Zuzu, telling her to win, but Zuzu was still distracted by recent events and she was defeated by Julia, much to Yuya's horror. Yuya finally noticed that the rest of his friends were present as well before calling out to Celina whom he still mistook as Zuzu until Celina made it clear herself. The monsters "Fur Hire" are anthropomorphic animals wearing armor. Lulu with three "Lyrilusc - Cobalt Sparrows" and two "Lyrilusc - Sapphire Swallows. Education Si vous perdez, dtruisez tous les monstres que vous contrlez que possible, et si vous le faites, recevez des dommages gaux la moiti de la somme des ATK que ces monstres dtruits avaient tant qu'ils taient face recto sur le Terrain. When the Obelisk Force tried to capture Celina, Sora saved her as Yuya is happy that hes on their side now. Afterwards, he was swarmed by people asking about the Pendulum Summon that he'd performed, though he seemed unaware of the details himself and didn't seem to remember exactly what had happened. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Yuya wondered what else he could do after Jack told him he was still missing something while learning he was promoted to the Senior division. This is most evident when comparing the two visually: both Dark Synchro and Xyz Monsters are black cards with a left-aligned row of modified star pips to represent an alternate property to standard Levels. when he is about to perform a finishing move. Aster declared that he would talk to Yuya using the Lancers' card, and he powered up "Dystopia" through various means including the action card"Double Attack" that he had taken from Yuya, but Yuya countered with "Miracle Fire" to copy the effect of "Double Attack" effect and won the duel. More. Near the end of the duel, Yuya and Yugo Synchro Summoned a new dragon, "Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon" to win the duel. LyrikliedervogelTranslation: Lyricsongbird By now, the entirety of New Domino becomes focused on the duel and in Yuya's actions. [83] Yuya was furious that Jack had badmouthed his father's dueling, and he yelled at Jack not to make fun of it before passing out and being taken to his quarters in the penthouse. However, differences in society between Synchro and Standard has Crow ridicule Yuya's philosophy and doubt Yuya's story about Duel Academy's impending invasion, which also led Crow to feel hurt and to distrust Yuya when, thanks to Roget's actions after Yuya and Shinji's duel, a false implication that Yuya is in cahoots with Topsiders and Sector Security arises. When he saw a signal flare, he realized that it might mark the location of Celina as signaled by the Obelisk Force. [114], Saya later disappeared, and Yuya realized that she was looking for Kite. Yuya woke up in the penthouse, where he pondered his loss to Jack, who hadn't just won, but had dictated the flow of the duel. To his surprise, Leo Pendulum Summoned "Spirit Tech Force - Pendulum Governor" and destroyed "Odd-Eyes". Se voc perder, destrua tantos monstros que voc controla quanto possvel e, se isso acontecer, sofra dano igual metade do ATK total que esses monstros destrudos tinham enquanto estavam com a face para cima no campo. He told Yuya he was disqualified as a Duelist for not having free control over his dragons, despite their ferociousness. [127], Yuya thanked Jack and learned that Amanda, Frank, and Tarren asked him to come help Crow. but ended his turn without attacking and returned the Magicians to Yuya (due to his card conditions).

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