who does katniss end up with

Katniss is a warrior at the end of these movies, shes a veteran, she doesnt want excitement, she doesnt want another warrior-hunter, like Gale. The night before the Games, she is terrified of the horrors that await her in the arena. One day after Katniss returns home from hunting game outside of the district, she is visited by President Snow, the president of Panem. Before Katniss's departure, she visits Johanna in the hospital. Even so, the tumultuous events of Mockingjay make Katniss miss when things were simple and she could go hunting with Gale whenever she wished. In a last effort, Peeta draws an X in blood on the back of Cato's hand, telling Katniss to shoot there. Katniss also has a complicated relationship with her mentor, President Snow. [1] The two agree to protect each other's families if one of them is reaped[2]. "[70] After a brief meeting, they decide to let Katniss speak for herself and to do it in action. She also has a brief encounter with the District 10 male, but runs in the opposite direction and he does not pursue her. [51] When Prim was reaped[1], Katniss volunteered in her place but Prim did not want her to[51]. In Mockingjay, Prim dies from President Coins bombs and later Katniss votes to have The Games continue. During much of the day, Katniss is bored with her new life, because now she has everything: money, a good home, and a constant supply of food. The second was because of her district token, a gold mockingjay pin[2], which came to stand for the rebellion[36][60][76][32]. Which Brandon Sanderson books are in the Cosmere? Katniss mentions she can never stop owing things to Peeta Mellark[54]. Gale Hawthorne and his family are like family for her[1]. The []. Katniss is almost killed in the bloodbath when Clove aims a knife at her head. Expecting Cray to pay him, he went to his house and found Thread there. Katniss leaves and is angry with Gale[26]. [27] After their final interviews and dinner, they board a train that takes them home. Is the Abraham Lincoln letter in Saving Private Ryan real? After Coin suggests doing another Hunger Games with the children of the Capitol, Katniss kills her instead of Snow , is locked up by the rebels, sent to exile back in 12 where she rehabilitates and eventually marries Peeta and has children. The conditions in District 12 worsen. Their fathers had been killed in the same accident and they both provided for their families. Having Katniss end up with Peeta in the end makes sense, considering their shared trauma, but their relationship overall is much more complex and layered than that. Out of vengeance over the unjustified death of an innocent girl, Katniss surrounds Rue's corpse with bright flowers and departs with one last gesture; the District 12 signal that shows respect and farewell. Gale ends up moving to District 2 at the end of Mockingjay, where he secures a sweet gig working for the government. District 2 supplies the Capitol with Peacekeepers and Stone and the Capitol pays a lot in return, therefore being a wealthier district[74], and so she asks to be sent to District 2[47]. After Ms. Everdeen was able to save Gale following his flogging, Katniss grew to appreciate her mother's healing skills in a new way[38]. Katniss goes and communicates with an Avox that escaped the Capitol, Pollux. Weapon [33] Katniss wears a bloody bandage to cover the scar on her left arm[70] that Johanna Mason gave her when she cut her tracker out during the 75th Hunger Games[69]. On the day of the Games, Cinna dresses Katniss in her uniform for the games. After Katniss left Rue alone to blow up the Career tributes' supplies[12], Rue fell into Marvel's trap and was stabbed (speared in the movies) before Katniss could save her[13] and then Katniss killed Marvel. At the beginning of Mockingjay, Finnick was deeply distressed and unable to focus on anything[30] but saving Annie Cresta, who had been kidnapped[32] and was being tortured in the Capitol. Since District 12 has only three living winners, Peeta, Haymitch, and Katniss, and being the only female victor, she knows that she is now going to be forced to go back into the arena. Once the venom fades, however, and Katniss finally comes to, she doesn't know how many days have passed. Peeta, Annie, and Beetee vote no, but Johanna, Enobaria, Haymitch, and Katniss all vote yes. katniss everdeen was in the middle of a love triangle with gale hawthorne and peeta mellark throughout the hunger games franchise, but in the end, she ended up with the latter. Gale was not the one to drop the bombs from the hovercraft, but he was one of the key figures to devise the strategy of double bombings. [6] Gale nicknamed her Catnip, after mishearing her name. Katniss then covered Rue's body with flowers and gives the farewell symbol to District 11. [25] Katniss and Johanna are in charge of running the wire down to the beach because they are the fastest, however, they are attacked by Brutus and Enobaria of District 2. Their daughter is old enough to understand that Peeta and Katniss played a role in the Hunger Games but their son is too young. Talk about awkward, especially when the guy has feelings for Katniss and considered running away with her, you know? On a pure plot level, the ending to the movie is quite faithful to the book. [64] While retrieving a bow and arrows, she sees that Finnick is wearing a gold bracelet[65] that once belonged to Haymitch[62] and realizes that this was his way of telling her to form an alliance with Finnick. And so, after the rebellion, Katniss returns to District 12, where after not quite committing to Peeta all the while, comes to realize that Peeta is the man she needs and wants for this stage of her life (despite Peeta almost killing her after getting kidnapped by the Capitol and having his memories tampered with to make the love of his life out as an enemy). The plan works and both her and Peeta are crowned victors of the 74th Hunger Games. In Mockingjay, the difference in rebellion ideologies between Katniss and Gale start to come out at full-force, making their relationship fragile and splinter. Every call of a mockingjay reminds Katniss of Rue[58][37]. Katniss has dinner with Finnick in the hospital. Katniss would do anything to protect Prim (short for Primrose)[3], even if it means her own death[51]. Then, they fight, but Clove gets the upper hand and is able to pin Katniss flat to the ground (due to her weight being much heavier than Katniss). It is implied that Peeta burnt the bread specifically so he could give it to Katniss to save her life. [], When did UL labels start? Katniss feels more pain when Gale asks to go to his house, but Cressida tells him to react to the night of the bombing. Not so fast. Often, she will react first and ask questions later[54]. Soon after Katniss finishes her speech, a Peacekeeper shoots the man who whistled in the head, along with two others. Why does Jim decide that he doesnt want any more adventures? While Peeta is hijacked, he is driven to kill Katniss, but fought it off by remembering memories of Katniss and his deep love for her. Peeta risks his life to save her, holding Cato off to secure her escape[12]. Finnick agrees to carry Peeta if Katniss can carry Mags, which she agrees to. In the first film, she's the only character who is facing and looking right. To add, Haymitch decides to help Katniss out over Peeta because of the fact that Peeta was already determined to help Katniss out[18]. In Catching Fire, as a result of Katniss's grief, Peeta paints a picture of Rue buried in flowers during his private session with the Game-makers, staging his own small rebellion and proving his refusal to play by the Capitol's rules[63]. This was apparent in the movie, as she thought she shot Marvel while turkey hunting. Still, she feels as if she's betrayed Gale with her fake love affair with Peeta, so it appears she tries her best to make it up to Gale, who then does hard work in the coal mines. Rue and Katniss share a laugh while bonding in the arena. book. While preparing for interview night, Katniss is stressed out by Haymitch and Effie trying to prepare her. Katniss suspects this was just to throw her off guard[65]. Fate In Peeta's interview, he says that a lot of boys like Katniss when asked if he likes anyone at home[7][54]. When Katniss whistled for Peeta and he did not answer, she ran towards him and the two argue for a bit until a cannon fires. Along with that, she was the last person who got to show their skills. Katniss meets Delly Cartwright and informs her of Peeta's condition. She stated that she didn't know him, but deeply respected him for his strength and his refusal to play the Game on anyone's grounds but his own. Katniss and Peeta end up getting married at the end of the book. Katniss tells Plutarch if she is going to be the mockingjay, he must send her away from Peeta. When she looks towards a television, she realizes that Cinna has turned her into a mockingjay. Who does Katniss end up with? - Books Questions She will do anything to survive[55][8][9][10]. She sees Johanna and Annie are alive and that Peeta has been saved. Katniss has an instinct to protect those who are weak[62][67] such as Rue[10], Wiress[62][68], and her prep team[70]. She is later seen throughout Mockingjay keeping the pearl close to her as a prized possession[33][44][45][74]. Because Gale is super hot (therefore threatening Katniss' perceived romance with Peeta because hot guys apparently can't be just friends with a gal), it's decided that instead of her best friend, Gale is made out to be her cousin. I'll be your host for the duration of this segment, as I've already covered Haymitch's ending as well as Mrs. Everdeen's story finale so let's get this party started concerning the biggest question of them all: does Katniss choose Peeta or Gale in Mockingjay ? She has a horrible hangover the next day and in the afternoon, she goes back to Haymitch's house, where Peeta has emptied all of his liquor and has threatened to turn them or anyone who gives them alcohol in. Katniss giving the silent salute in the arena. Katniss and Peeta rely on each other while recuperating from the war, and rebuild their relationship. They drag him away[64] and he is killed during interrogation[30]. Katniss Everdeen was in the middle of a love triangle with Gale Hawthorne and Peeta Mellark throughout The Hunger Games franchise, but in the end, she ended up with the latter. Is there a black Peter Parker? Katniss hears Finnick running but stays quiet so as not to alert him to her whereabouts, since she believes that he and Johanna have betrayed them. Peeta brings Katniss evening primroses and plants them around her house in memory of Prim. Katniss had her hunting jacket [51] and bow and arrows given by her father[1][3]. President Snow and Katniss have a lengthy conversation about the fact that if she doesn't convince the districts that she made the decision out of temporary lovesickness, then he will personally make sure she suffers.[34]. Katniss begins to heal, and her relationships with Peeta and Haymitch recover as well. Peeta has defied Katniss's expectations by saving her life. In the first book, her hearing in her left ear is destroyed[13] because of the explosion caused in the arena[12], but it is fixed in the Capitol in the end, as are all of her other major and more minor injuries including the erasing of any scars from her years of hunting[20]. Katniss is no longer the Katniss that Gale fell in love with and vice versa. Does Katniss Choose Peeta Or Gale In 'Mockingjay'? Here's How The Love [11] She says Rue reminds her of Prim, in both size and demeanor. [15] They spend several days in a cave until he's better[16], with Katniss risking her life to get the medicine needed to heal his leg[17]. Though it was a Capitol creation, Haymitch was able to use it to his advantage and win the Games with it. Katniss suffers from PTSD from her experiences in the Hunger Games throughout the series. [29] After the Quell, he tells her that District 12 is destroyed but her mother and sister are okay[32]. The movie ended with the characters of Katniss and Peeta emerging from the Hunger Games into the opening credits. Katniss sings "Deep in the Meadow" to her two children, and many times throughout the series[14][52]. A sweater woven from green and blue and gray strands of kitten-soft wool. She even had trouble healing Peeta, being squeamish, and reluctant to care for him unclothed[15]. Katniss' conversation with President Snow. Since the only thing she was good at was hunting, Cinna suggested fashion designing. He tells her that after the Games, the Capitol sent bombers to District 12. When the Games begin, Katniss gets away from the Cornucopia quickly, trying to follow the advice of her mentor, but getting into a minor tussle with the District 9 male over an orange backpack which ends when the boy is cleaved in the back by Clove, the girl from District 2. In one of The Hateful Eights closing punch lines, Warren reveals to Mannix that the letter was really just [], What is the function of circulation section? He plants primroses around Katniss' house as a memorial for her sister. Does anyone here understand why President Coin killed Prim? Peeta begs for Katniss to kill him, willing to lay down his life for hers, but Katniss thinks of a way to let them both die together. [1] It had not even crossed her mind, but, when her sister was picked, she volunteered to save her, in hopes that she could actually win. At the end of Mockingjay, Katniss chooses Peeta. Peeta feared he would eventually overpower Katniss. As Finnick died, Katniss witnesses brief moments of his life, including a silver parachute bearing the trident that won him his Games, Mags' laugh, his life on the seas of District 4, and Annie's face. [44] She remembers it a lot, especially after her father's death. In order to be resourceful, Katniss made their rations last as long as possible. Yet when it came to Peeta, she tried her best to figure a way for them both to survive[15][16][17][18][19][57]. She gets used to life in District 13 and starts to like it -- but she sees District 13 as an underground prison with nowhere to go. She tries to give Rue her pin, but Rue says no, saying that that was how she came to trust Katniss in the first place, seeing the mockingjay on her pin. Katniss then goes to Peeta to ask him if he would run away with her and he agrees to go with her, but while they are discussing the plans, they see that Gale is being violently whipped in the square by an unfamiliar man[37]. Type of Villain President Alma Coin is the final antagonist of The Hunger Games book trilogy, serving as the main antagonist of the last book, Mockingjay. One of the ways he kept himself sane was by making knots with a rope, over and over again[26]. KatnissEnd Up Falling In Love With is a question that has been asked by many people since the beginning of the film. Katniss runs through the trees to find Rue entangled in a mesh net, one arm sticking out before a spear is thrown into her abdomen by the boy from District 1[13], whose name is later revealed to be Marvel[56]. He becomes fully swept up into fighting the good fight during the Second Rebellion. Katniss stayed with Rue until she died, singing her a lullaby. Peeta comforts Katniss in the night when she has nightmares, sleeping next to her during the Victory Tour[56] and when they are reaped for the Quarter Quell[76]. Effie and Katniss at the 74th Hunger Games reaping. She does the job of the whole team. Katniss has a habit of biting her nails when she is nervous or anxious[5][54][13][35] and must consciously stop herself from doing so when around others[5]. Before the Capitol battle, Gale had explained to Katniss his series of bombs designed to feed off human compassion: a small bomb would go off, and then when medical aid rushed in, a second bomb would go off, killing those people as well. Her love, however, develops slowly and painfully. [19] A few days later, the river is found empty, as well as the ponds. [52], When she was 16 years old, Katniss volunteered to take her sister[51], Primrose Everdeen's place in the 74th Hunger Games after Prim's name was called during the reaping. Katniss was close to her father and shared his appreciation for music. Want more Hunger Games? Cato is later disarmed by the mutts and gnawed at, being left to suffer. On the day of the reaping, Gale reveals that he has very high odds to be picked to participate in the deadly Hunger Games. Unfortunately, a second batch of bombs were set off, with Prim being killed in the explosions. However, after joining the rebellion she appears to have stopped biting her nails as she does not mention doing so. Katniss asks what she thinks will happen to Peeta, to which Prim replies, whatever it takes to break her. But Katniss is no Bella, and there are no stalker vampires or wolves that creepily fall in love with anyone's daughter here. Katniss and Peeta share a passionate kiss in the cave, which Katniss later admits to being confused about, as she experienced a 'hunger' that she had never known during this kiss, and feels it was the only kiss that they shared that was real[18]. Gale was the most complete and successful Hunger Games contestant. Katniss defends Haymitch, saying that she'll get some back. Katniss goes on to marry Peeta and has children with him and it totally makes sense. At first furious, she apologizes for lashing out at him, feeling guilty when she realizes that Peeta's confession would be of great help to her in securing sponsors.[7][54]. While drawing up the map of the clock, Katniss realizes that Wiress has stopped singing because Gloss slit her throat, and turns with an arrow ready and hits Gloss in the temple, while Johanna buries an axe in Cashmere's chest. At the reaping of the 75th Hunger Games, Effie is seen crying for Katniss and Peeta when they are reaped, showing how much she cares for them[29]. When Katniss is in the arena, she sees that Prim and Rue are very alike[11]. He tells her that everyone kept Peeta alive because they knew that if he died she would never keep an alliance with the others. In her solo performance for the Gamemakers, Katniss sees Plutarch Heavensbee, the new Head Gamemaker, and decides to tie a noose around a dummy's neck. Peeta is not breathing. During the final fight between Katniss, Peeta, and Cato (the male tribute from District 2) Cato was mortally wounded by muttations. Katniss got Prim a goat for her birthday. In the circulation Section various functions are undertaken viz. Peeta had originally joined with the Career Tributes[55][8], but this was just an act to protect Katniss and lead the Careers farther away from her[10]. So, out of sight, out of mind, right? Katniss is thankful that Finnick is here to listen to her.[44]. How does hunger games end? - masx.afphila.com 59 (film)5'5 (books) In the Seventy-fourth Hunger Games and they changed the rules right after Rue died and District 11 sent the bread. Katniss can feel him distancing himself from her and knows that she is losing him. She seeks out Peeta and finds him hiding in the mud of a riverbank, totally camouflaged. Katniss Everdeen | The Hunger Games Wiki | Fandom If Katniss ever wanted to find comfort again, she knew she had to return to Peeta for the long term. Due to this, she was almost always in disagreement with authority figures[14][39][33][72] and liked to use her own resources when it came to survival (the instincts of a true survivor)[3][55][8]. Peeta In the epilogue, Katniss and Peeta are married and have two children. Katniss aims her bow at Peeta when she sees he has picked up a weapon, but immediately drops it when he proceeds to throw it into the lake. Katniss is admitted to a secure holding room but acquitted due to her apparent insanity and returns to her home in District 12, while Gale goes to District 2 to work in the military and Mrs. Everdeen begins practicing at a District 4 hospital, unable to go back to District 12 due to the pain. Still destroyed over the death of Prim, Katniss becomes depressed and suicidal. She has Wiress and Beetee with her. The victors from districts 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 11 had varying degrees of knowledge about it. After the war is over, Haymitch is sent to District 12 to look after Katniss, but for a long period after arriving he does not visit her, opting to stay in his house and drink. This disturbs her since she had seen her mother treating emaciated children whose parents didn't have anything to afford for them, not even their medicine, and she was also poor before winning the games and had almost starved to death once. Later, Peeta tries to give Katniss a gold locket and tells her he wants her to win, because if she dies he has nothing to live for. After her younger sister, Primrose, was reaped to participate in the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss volunteered to take her place as the female tribute from District 12. Her mother was a healer, the daughter of the town apothecary owners. Katniss goes on to marry Peeta and has children with him and it totally makes sense. Miles is the second Spider-Man from an alternate universe in which his worlds version of Peter Parker died in battle. Peeta represents comfort to Katniss. [2] On their way, Katniss and Peeta meet their drunken mentor, Haymitch Abernathy[3]. Katniss and Peeta giving a speech to District 11. When Katniss sees that he is running away from a pack of wolf muttations[57], she and Peeta immediately ran away with him toward the Cornucopia. When it comes to Peeta's turn to speak, he lies and tells the audience that he and Katniss are already married and that Katniss is pregnant. She is sad that Gale and Beetee are building weapons to help their efforts but aren't thinking about the innocent people who may be injured in the process. She goes to visit the ruins of District 12 after the firebombing from the Capitol. She later realizes, after a conversation with the imprisoned President Snow, that President Alma Coin sent Prim to her death (which was caused by a hovercraft by the rebels) both to sway the Capitol citizens to Coins side by making them think Snow was bombing the children, and to swing Katniss to her side through the . [65] Panicked, Katniss begins to slap him but his heart has stopped. [17] This act may have resulted in Thresh's death, which shocked and saddened Katniss, as she liked him and wanted him to win if she or Peeta did not. What does the message at the bottom of the flag mean? Finnick comes back and tells Katniss he cannot carry them both. Katniss believes one of them will kill the other. Katniss has a complicated relationship with her father. Peeta eventually grew self-aware enough to want to die because of the impulses he had to harm Katniss; on several occasions, he asks her to shoot him, give him nightlock, or just leave him to die. Who does Rodney end up with on Bachelor In Paradise season 8? President Coin assembles a rescue team to retrieve all victors in the Capitol, and Gale is the first person to volunteer. Katniss's mother begins to come back out of her depression, but Katniss can no longer trust her or rely on her. Peeta Mellark, the baker's son, gave Katniss some burnt bread that he'd been told to give to the pig. " Peetarepresents comfort to Katniss. Things get complicated, however, when Gale kisses Katniss in the woods. Her final thought is that Peeta Mellark saved her life. Suzanne Collins said theyre names are Willow and Rye Mellark. After watching it, she pretends to have not seen it because Plutarch walks in and makes sure she is well. She also doesn't know whom she loves, Gale or Peeta, or where her life will go from here with the Capitol's eyes closely upon her. It had a helmet that can turn into a hood, a chest plate to protect vital organs and had special reinforcements over her heart, short sleeves that reach to her elbows, and white folds under her arms. The first was a reference to her spectacular costume during the chariot ride before her first Games[53] and her dresses[6][7][63][64]. [38] After the Quarter Quell is announced, Katniss distances herself from him, however, feeling uncertain about what she truly feels and not wanting to waste time on 'what-ifs'.

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