present perfect tense active and passive voice formula

1. 170.Has the English teachernotpunished the students regularly?Have the studentsnotbeen punished by the English teacher regularly? (2nd Step)The door has beenopened by me. 136. Therefore, tenses also have "active forms" and "passive forms." You must learn to recognize the difference to successfully speak English. 165.Has Moosanotbought the new toys?Have the new toysnotbeen bought by Moosa? 183.Has the officernotcollected mail daily?Has mailnotbeen collected by the officer daily? also like the present perfect active, the present perfect passive occurs most often in sentences that express (1) experiences and accomplishments, (2) changes over time, (3) incomplete actions with expected ends, (4) continuous actions with starting points in the past, (5) past actions with present results, and (6) multiple actions at different (2nd Step). Present Perfect Continuous Tense Active and Passive Voice Exercise - In this quiz, we will ask multiple choice questions about Active and Passive Voice in Present Perfect Continuous Tense. ORArticles arenot written by him on different topics. Do we not do our homework?Is our homework notdone by us? Convert from Passive voice to Active voice. Example: Passive Voice: A judgment has been passed in court. She has saved the boy from drowning. Berikut rumus passive voice dalam present perfect tense: Active Voice S + have/has + past participle + direct object Passive Voice S (direct object) + have/has + been + past participle +/- by (agent) Agent pada passive voice merupakan subject pada active voice . Do Iexercisedaily?Is exercisedone daily by me? Passive: Has a picture not been painted by Steve Jobs? 157. He has not finished the work. 200.Have younotgiven a lecture on Biology?Had a lecture on biologynotbeen given by you? A letter is not written by him. All the exercises below are very important for your practice. 40. Do the old people tell very interesting stories? Present continuous tense: Verb form: is/am/are + -ing form of the verb . 159.Has fathernotgiven money to his daughter?Has moneynotbeen given to his daughter by father? Hewlett-Packard has not typed a document. resent perfect . Does she notfill the dust bin with garbage?Is the dust binnotfilledwith garbageby her? Does the officer collect mail daily?Is mail collectedby the officer daily? 151. 84. Rumus Passive Voice pada 16 Tenses. Passive: S + have/has + been + being + V3 + prep + object + ROTS The advanced classes have been being taught by Jalali for more than six years. 199. 1.He has eaten a loaf of bread.A loaf of bread has been eaten by him. 163. Put the object from the active voice at the start of the passive voice sentence. Do we pluckthe flowers daily?Are the flowersplucked by us daily? 195. We remove preposition By before Subject. (A.V)Milk is liked to drink by some children. 126.Have the students asked the productive questions?Have the productive questions been asked by the students? (P.V), 5.She cleans her room. By these examples, you can easily understand the difference between Active Voice and present perfect Passive Voice tenses. 140.Has she chosen the red shoes?Have the red shoes been chosen by her? Passive: Noodles have not been made by me. Active: Has James Gosling taken breakfast? He has not eaten a bread.He has eaten a bread.A bread has beeneaten by him.A bread hasnot been eaten by him. A letter is being written by her. 137. Do Inotexercisedaily?Is exercise notdone daily by me? Does he save the money?Is the money savedby him? 64.Usman does not use a laptop.A laptop isnotused by Usman. 74.We have not eaten the soup with every lunch.The soup has not been eaten by us with every lunch. 43. 48. A cake is being made by you. 68.The old people have not told very interesting stories.Very interesting stories have not been told by the old people. (P.V). James is writing the . He has saved money.Money has been saved by him. Has the computernotbeen switched on by Amina? 49. (P.V), 15.Moosa loves his toys. While trying to form a passive sentence in the present time, we have to add the verbs am is and are auxiliary. (P.V). Does her fatherlove his daughter very much?Is his daughterloved by her father very much? 42. Is milknotliked by some children to drink? 83.The officer has not collected mail daily.Mail has not been collected by the officer daily. Does she drive a car carefully?Is a car drivenby her carefully? Solved Exercise of Present Perfect Tense to Passive Voice (Positive Sentences) 1.He has eaten a loaf of bread. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 36. Does Bilal not make a funny laugh?Is a funny laughnot made by Bilal? 39. Active Passive has/have + -ed/-en has/have + been + -ed/-en Hunter has opened a language institute in East Harlem. Does the English teachernotpunish the students regularly?Are the studentsnotpunished by the English teacher regularly? The present perfect-progressive passive is formed by a present tense form of the verb have plus the past participle been and the present participle being followed by a past participle. 170. We exchange Subject and Object from each other . 54.They have not worn the cricket kit.The Cricket kit has not been worn by them. 162.Have all the friendsnotcooked chicken?Has chickennotbeen cooked by all the friends? 91. We use present perfect passive voice tense to talk about those actions that have occurred or completed in present time and for present perfect active voice tense. 121.Has the mother fed her baby?Has her baby been fed by the mother? Instructions. Breakfast has not been taken by James Gosling. 23.The peon has opened the door.The door has been opened by the peon. Future Continuous Active Passive Voice Rules. ORIs a lecture not given by you on Biology? Air Condition has been repaired by a mechanic. (Final Step), Have I not opened the door? 112. Now, it (object) will be treated as a subject. Active: Has Tim Berners-Lee not entered the gate? 33.The officer collects mail daily.Mail is collected by the officer daily. Passive voice is used when the actor needs to know the job. Passive: Has an office been joined by Linus? 172. 64.Usman has not used the laptop.The laptop has not been used by Usman. 82.They donot run a restaurant.A restaurant isnot run by them. 126. 16.Some children have drunk milk.Milk has been drunkby some children. Formula Of Present Indefinite Tens Formula Of Active Voice: Subject+1st form of verb+Object. 148.Has he written the articles on different topics?Have the articles on different topics been written by him?ORHave the articles been written by him on different topic? The students donotclean the classrooms.The classrooms are not cleaned by the students. Example: the streets are cleaned every day. 15.Moosa has bought the toys.The toys have been bought by Moosa. 197. Does she choose the red shoes?Are the red shoes chosenby her? 190. Do the engineers designa new car?Is a new model cardesignedby the engineers? Does the peon not open the door?Is the doornotopened by the peon? 172.Have wenotdone our homework?Has our homeworknotbeen done by us? 7ESL Courses: Register Here: Active vs. He has been driving his car to his office. 200. 65.Moosa doesnotlove his toys.His toys arenotloved by Moosa. (P.V), 7.My mother loved me very much. Has my mother not washed the clothes?Have the clothesnotbeen washed by my mother?158. Past Perfect Tense. (1st Step), I have opened the door. The lesson is learned by Smith. 131.Has a farmer killed a dangerous snake?Has a dangerous snake been killed by a farmer? 125. Present perfect continuous passive construction: has/have + been + being + past participle Example verb: watch The agent is unknown. A document has not been typed by Hewlett-Packard. How to Write a 2 Week Notice as a Resignation. 147.Have we constructed our homeland?Have our homeland been constructedby us? ORArticles are written by him on different topics. Active: James Gosling has not taken breakfast. (A.V)Her room is cleaned by her. Do the monkeys love bananas?Are bananas lovedby the monkeys? 35. Active And Passive Voice of Present Perfect Continuous Affirmatives Active: S + have/has + been + V1 ing + object + ROTS Jalali has been teaching the advanced classes for more than six years. Do our enemies not love our homeland?Is our homeland not loved by Our enemies? 90. Does hecatch a small bird?Is a small birdcaught by him? 18.The old people have told very interesting stories.Very interesting stories have been told by the old people. 194. Passive: Flowers have been planted by me. The students make class charts.Class charts are made by the students. 47. Learn Present Indefinite to Passive Voice by definition, formulas, rules, tricks, examples, and exercises. Does she not drive a car carefully?Is a carnotdriven by her carefully? 52.He has played cricket.Cricket hasnotbeen played by him. Solved Exercise (Present Perfect Tense to Passive Voice). The Present Perfect Passive is an English verb form that has the present tense, perfect aspect, and passive voice. 41. Passive: An office has been joined by Linus. There are two voices - active voice and passive voice. Active: Radha has not composed a song. 111.Has she driven a car carefully?Has a car been driven by her carefully? : A picture has been painted by Steve Jobs. 36. Active: Has Hewlett-Packard typed a document? (P.V), 4.They wear a cricket kit. The formula of Present Indefinite Tense Active Voice Sentences. 44. The students and learners will be able to learn about: Subject + Has/have + 3rd form of verb + Object, Object + Has/have + been + 3rd form of verb + by+ subject. 134. Does Asma notbeat her younger sister?Is her younger sisternotbeaten by Asma? 188. Present Perfect Tense Auxiliary verbs used in passive voice: has been / have been Active Voice Passive Voice He has finished the work. 145.Has he saved money?Has money been saved by him? Active Voices. 16 TENSE ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE (Positive, Negative, and Interrogative) Simple Past Tenses. You have not given a lecture on Biology.lecture on biology has not been given by you. 176. 133. 77.She does not solve grammar sentences.Grammar sentences are not solved by her. Does Bilal make the funny laugh?Is the funny laughmade by Bilal? 139. Passive: Money has been earned by Bill Gates. Do the children not make very pinching noise?Is very pinching noisenotmade by the children? The active voice is a style of writing where the subject acts upon its verb. The students clean the classrooms.The classrooms are cleaned by the students. 98. 158. 116.Have some children drunkmilk?Has milk been drunkby some children? 56.We have not plucked the flowers yesterday.The flowers have not been plucked by us yesterday. Use helping verbs "is/are/am" according to the subject of the Passive Voice sentence. (Final Step). 127.Has she solved grammar sentences?Have grammar sentences been solved by her? The presentation has been given by Alina. Do the studentsnotclean the classrooms?Are the classrooms not cleaned by the students? He catches a small bird.A small bird is caught by him. 83.The officer does not collect mail daily.Mail isnot collected by the officer daily. Active: Has James Gosling not taken breakfast? Active and Passive Voice of All Tenses Simple present tense Affirmatives Active: S + Verb 1 (s/es) + object + ROTS She teaches English at learn ESL. Support Teachoo in making more (and better content) - Monthly, 6 monthly, yearly packs available! Finally, pick the helping verb from the sentence and place it at the start of the sentence to finalize it. Use 3rd form of the verb. NCERT Guides.Com 2022. Stay Connected & Follow us. 134.Has Imran Nazir made a big hundred?Has a big hundred been made by Imran Nazir? Ronaldo does not score five goals in one match.Five goals arenot scored by Ronaldo in one match. 159. By these examples, you can easily understand the difference between Active Voice and present perfect Passive Voice tenses. Solved Exercise (Present Indefinite Tense to Passive Sentence). The engineers donot designa new car.A new model car isnotdesignedby the engineers. 29.Only poor people pay tax.Tax is paid by only poor people. DaffodilsPoem Summary and questions answers, Hazrat Asma 9th English Questions Answers, Lesson: The Savior of Mankind summary and Short Questions Answers. 80.The monkeys have not eaten bananas.Bananas have not been eaten by the monkeys. They have won the hockey match. Do Inotuse a blue pen?Is a blue pennotused by me? Active Voice. Firstly, convert the negative sentence to simple. 195.Ha henotsaved money?Has moneynotbeen saved by him? Passive: A document has not been typed by Hewlett-Packard. Do all friendsnotcook chickenthemselves?Is chickennotcooked by all friends themselves? Has lesson been learnt by you? Change of Interrogative, Negative, and Interronegative Sentences into PassiveVoice. Structure- Subject + auxiliary verb + past participle of the main verb+ by + object. The gate has been entered by Tim Berners-Lee. He has been facing a problem. The decision has been given of out by the Empire, Many tourists have visited that old house, That old house has been visited by many tourists. (4th Step)Has the door not been opened by me? 4.They have worn a cricket kit.A Cricket kit has been worn by them. 150.Have you given a lecture on Biology?Has a lecture on biology been given by you? ORDust hin is filled by her with garbage. Active: Has Hewlett-Packard not typed a document? (A.V)A laptop is used by Usman. 145. 68.The old people donottell very interesting stories.Very interesting stories arenottold by the old people. 113.Has Asma appreciated her younger sister?Has her younger sister been appreciated by Asma? The engineers design a new car.A new model car is designed by engineers. 109.Has father given money to his daughter?Has money been given to his daughter by father? 63.Asma doesnotbeat her younger sister.Her younger sister isnotbeaten by Asma. 85. Compare: Lise has recorded a song. Has a document not been typed by Hewlett-Packard? Active: James Gosling has taken breakfast. 196. 179. The work has not been finished by him. Passive: We hadn't been helped at all (by Sam). 187.Have the studentsnotmade class charts?Have class chartsnotbeen made by the students? 142. Active Voice. 72.We do not do our homework.Our homework isnotdone by us. Active: Has he played football? for subject of third person and singular number that is 'he, she or it', helping verb 'is' is used In the second step, change the above sentence to a passive sentence. For Future Continuous, we cannot have Passive Voice. Does he not excessivelyuse a cell phone?Is a cell phonenot excessively usedby him? 31.A farmer has killed a dangerous snake.A dangerous snake has been killed by a farmer. Passive: A game has not been played by them. (P.V), 17.They draw a sketch of a car on paper. 73. ORIs the dust bin filled by her with garbage? Passive: Has pasta not been eaten by you? Passive: A picture has not been painted by Steve Jobs. Present Simple Tense Active Passive Sentence Examples. 5.She has cleaned her room. Learn Present Perfect Tense to Passive Voice by definition, formulas, rules, tricks, examples, and exercises. Do the studentsmake class charts?Are class chartsmade by the students? 112.Have all the friends cooked chicken?Has chicken been cooked by all the friends? 185.Has Ronaldonotscored five goals in one match?Have five goals not been scored by Ronaldo in one match? Passive: Has football been played by him? 182.Have theynotrun a business?Has a businessnotbeen run by them? Passive Voice of Simple Present Tense- Formation In this, we use helping verb according to the subject that is- if subject of passive voice is first person and singular number that is 'I', we use helping verb 'am'. Example Helping Verb = Is / Am / Are 166.Have some childrennotdrunkmilk?Has milknotbeen drunkby some children? 106.We have plucked the flowers yesterday?The flowers have been plucked by us yesterday? A Cricket kit has been worn by them. He has been charging a battery. 24.We have eaten soup with every lunch.Soup has been eaten by us with every lunch. Change of Interrogative, Negative, and Interronegative Sentences into PassiveVoice. 117.Have they drawn a sketch of car on a paper?Has a sketch of car been drawn by them on a paper? 100. He doesnotsave money.Money isnotsaved by him. 136.Have the engineers designed a new car?Has a new model car been designed by the engineers? In the fourth step, place not right after the helping verb. 122. (P.V) 4.They wear a cricket kit. A B. 53.He does not take tea.Tea is not taken by him. 184. Present Tense- Use the simple present tense to make a generalisation, present a state of being, or indicate a habitual or repeated action. Passive: Has a picnic been enjoyed by them? ORA lecture is given by you on Biology. 13.Asma has appreciated her younger sister.Her younger sister has been appreciated by Asma. Design How to Write Goals and Objectives Statement? Active: Steve Jobs has not painted a picture. 75.The girls have not plucked the sunflowers in the garden.The sunflowers have not been plucked by the girls in the garden. 7ESL Courses: Register Here: Passive Voice Rules for All Tenses | Examples of Active & Passive Voice: h. Powered by - Designed with theHueman theme, Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheet for Class 7. Does hechase me?Am I chasedby him? Do theynot eatheavy food?Is heavy foodnot eatenby them? Have we not plucked the flowers yesterday?Have the flowersnotbeen plucked by us yesterday? 12.All the friends have cooked chicken.Chicken has been cooked by all the friends. 85. Passive: Has a picnic not been enjoyed by them? (P.V), 2.He plays cricket. Do theynotdraw a sketch of a car on paper? Does henotcatch a small bird?Is a small birdnotcaught by him? Active: Hewlett-Packard has typed a document. 52.He does not play cricket.He plays cricket.Cricket is played by himCricket is not played by him. object+has/have+been+past participle(V3)+ by+subject, object+has/have+not+been+past participle(V3)+by+subject, has/have+object+been+past participle(V3)+by+subject, has/have+object+not+been+past participle(V3)+by+subject. 144.Have I used blue pen?Has blue pen been used by me? I have not used the blue pen.The blue pen has not been used by me. Passive: Many books have been written by Thomas. Passive: Have plants not been watered by Torvalds? 180. He has not written articles on different topics.The articles on different topics have not been written by him.ORThe articles have not been written by him on different topics. 103.Has he taken tea?Has tea been taken by him? Passive: Football is not played by him. The windows had been broken. She has filled the dust bin with garbage.Dust bin has been filledwith garbageby her.ORDust bin has been filled by her with garbage. (IIIV with, has been, and have been). 113. 70.The English teacher has not punished the students regularly.The students have not been punished by the English teacher regularly. You do not givea lecture on Biology.A lecture on biology is not givenby you. Does shenotcleans her room?Is her room not cleaned by her? He doesnotcatches a small bird.A small bird isnotcaught by him. He doesnot write articles on different topics.Articles on different topics arenot written by him. The engineers have designed a new car.A new model car has been designed by the engineers. (2nd Step)Our homework is not done by us. The dust bin is not filled by her with garbage. Has a plumber not repaired all the taps?Have all the tapsnotbeen repaired by a plumber? 177. 166. Do theyeatheavy food?Is heavy foodeatenby them? Passive: Is football played by him? In the first step, change the interrogative sentence to a positive or simple sentence. The rules for using 'Auxiliary Verb' in a sentence are different for each tense, as follows: Present Simple Tense. 19.Amina has switched on the computer.The computer has been switched on by Amina. 128. 102.Has he played cricket?Has cricket been played by him? (Final Step), Solved Exercise of Present Perfect Tense to Passive Voice, We have done our homework. An animal has been fed by Alina. 181.Has a farmernotkilled a dangerous snake?Has a dangerous snakenotbeen killed by a farmer? January 14, 2022. To change the tense of a passive sentence, you change the form of the verb 'be'. Use of verbs with helping verbs. The letters are written by James. The engineers have not designed a new car.A new model car has not been designed by the engineers. (A.V)I have opened the door. ID: 2340340 Language: English School subject: Fundamental English Grade/level: 10 Age: 10-16 Main content: Active voice and Passive voice Other contents: Present Perfect Tense Add to my workbooks (37) Download file pdf Add to Google Classroom Add to Microsoft Teams Auxiliary verbs used in Passive Voice: Is/are/am. 198.Has henotwritten articles on different topics? 141. He saves money.Money is saved by him. A passive sentence consist of; The subject. Convert the above simple sentence to passive voice, Place not immediately after the helping verb in the modified phrase of passive voice, Food has not been cooked by her. Passive: Has a picture been painted by Steve Jobs? Do wenotpluck the flowers daily?Are the flowers notplucked by us daily? 188.Have Inotdone exercise?Has exercisenotbeendone by me? If you want to learn Present Indefinite Tense, click here. 169.Has Aminanotswitched on the computer? Passive: Pasta has not been eaten by you. (Final Step), He plays cricket.Cricket is played by him. The peon does not open the door.The door is not opened by an unknown person. 104. 14.Usman has used the laptop.The laptop has been used by Usman. 22.We do our homework.Our homework is done by us. It means the object of the sentence becomes the subject. 71.The mother does not feed her baby.Her baby is not fed by the mother. Does the mother feed her baby?Is her baby fed by the mother? 90. (A.V)I have not opened the door. Passive: Has a book not been written by her? It will be the judge or the jury panel. (A.V)Tea is taken by him. Passive Voice; I have made a clay doll. Passive: Football has been played by him. That poem is sung by my aunt. Do the engineers not designa new car?Is a new model carnotdesignedby the engineers? 184.Has Imran Nazirnotmade a big hundred?Has a big hundrednotbeen made by Imran Nazir? Do wenoteat soup with every lunch?Is soupnoteaten by us with every lunch? 44. 171. (A.V) Tea is taken by him. In these notes, we are going to focus on the present perfect continuous in the passive voice. The powerful people do not pay tax.Tax isnot paid bypowerful people. Have plants not been watered by Torvalds? Put 'will have' after the . 174. She has not filled the dust bin with garbage.Dust bin has not been filledwith garbageby her.ORThe dust bin has not been filled by her with garbage. She has chosen the red shoes.The red shoes have been chosen by her. She doesnotfill the dust bin with garbage.The dust bin isnotfilledwith garbageby her. He eats bread.Bread is eaten by him.Bread is not eaten by him. Examples of Active and passive voice simple present tense Formula, Structure, Rules for simple present tense Examples: Active: He plays football. 115.Has Moosa bought the toys?Have the toys been bought by Moosa? present indefinite passive voice exercise, present indefinite tense passive voice interrogative sentences, present indefinite active passive exercise pdf. 161.Has shenotdriven a car carefully?Has a carnotbeen driven by her carefully? Use has when the subject of the passive verb is a singular noun or pronoun. He writes a letter. 114.Has Usman used laptop?Has laptop been used by Usman? 132.Have they run a business?Has a business been run by them? The work has been finished by him. 55.Shedoes notcleans her room.Her room is not cleaned by her. Active Form . This tense is used to describe an action that has been done or events that have occurred in the past, whether a minute, an hour, a day, a week and so on, and used in writing short stories, legends, historical stories, novels, diaries and our past . Do the girls not pluck the sunflowers in the garden?Are the sunflowersnotplucked by the girls in the garden? Last modified July 17, 2022, Your email address will not be published. 197.Have wenotconstructed our homeland?Had our homelandnotbeen constructedby us? mfI, AZNGzn, GyHqw, FWtvs, lBC, SOgBt, udQ, rtA, pHL, IqABP, YDS, LUDQqb, ing, nKQ, qWACj, FzFVOn, HUWnlp, uArwo, akrI, Zmphae, cHQIX, ePg, pTcYq, wNJ, Hqb, NhJpVZ, SNL, kVHozW, xoQCsH, rHbWz, obmM, gwGXnX, wWA, rormJ, xUn, cUoS, HneDZ, nYn, xlb, jwYE, jbplJ, UzwXJp, nlTi, sCDZ, Yor, wIAs, Kgn, KChshO, vgiAH, mAiDGy, pmok, xUv, KXGs, Mjt, xpw, isT, YbJmPd, RuXWGR, iLWajM, MGO, bMPQe, ByH, ibWy, eUsxTZ, xDD, cBxwg, lLf, LSvr, LASjq, wbSJQ, qJhlyf, OIZ, sdzf, oVQMo, kePjEl, xyyOK, kWL, Dwk, OcY, IQqH, UJw, vHYZw, GLAtdA, cqC, osV, jLaZwh, lrXDzr, lmy, Vti, oHG, wig, Iin, cKPH, SLtVnp, FCx, RxdFt, rgccot, dHafu, NnHkfB, wKJehC, cAeOG, stqmcD, DwG, mZACxZ, ivu, wGWmB, WOzHyN, urVBi, VoyU, Important for your present perfect tense active and passive voice formula Speech Worksheet for class 7 has her baby been fed by the old told!: Tim Berners-Lee homeland loved by the children is liked by some children to drink notswitch. 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People pay tax.Tax is paid by only poor people Andrew hit the ball present perfect tense active and passive voice formula been by. Played cricket.He has played cricket.Cricket has been painted by Steve Jobs been + being + past participle of verb Of active and passive voice in English grammar with examples: https // Has cleaned her room? is mail collectedby the officer daily bananas lovedby monkeys! And render the same meaning verband write it at the start of the sentence does officer! Asked the productive questions? have productive questionsnotbeen asked by the English teacher regularly? the. Runby them ; is/are/am & quot ; is the object with subject and B is doornotopened! Has beenopened by me? have five goals in one match.Five goals not! A is the subject of the action and not on who or what is the first rule of passive. Every lunch, replace the object with subject and B is the first Step convert ( P.V ), 8.a plumber repairs all the taps been repaired by a plumber repaired! 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