past perfect continuous tense active and passive voice examples

Past Simple She delivered the letters. 9. We sent a message of congratulations to her. 87. Solved Exercise (Past Perfect Tense to Passive Voice). Passive: A novel is being written by Biban. Food had not been cooked by her. The format of the sentence in an active voice is in the form of Subject + Verb + Object. 132. Subject Auxiliary verb Auxiliary . He had saved money.Money had been saved by him. 3.He was taking tea. Past Continuous tense (Active and passive voice) - English With Ashish 186. 3.He had taken tea.Tea had been taken by him. Bob will go to the library tomorrow. She had filled the dust bin with garbage.Dust bin had been filledwith garbageby her. Passive: The bathroom will have been mopped by her. Active: They will have confiscated the mobile. 3. Why can't we make a passive voice of the present perfect continuous tense? Voices English Grammar: Identify Active & Passive Voice With Examples When the doer of the action is what you want to focus on and talk about, write the sentence in the active voice. Numbers: cardinal, ordinal, and Roman numbers, Within the atmosphere, there was a strange substance that. 140. Structure- Subject+had+been+past participle + by + object Passive: The shirt was being ironed by Neelu. Had the old people told very interesting stories?Had very interesting stories been told by the old people? 1.3 Exercise-1. Active and Passive Voice Examples with Answers He has been charging a battery. I had not done exercise.Exercise had not beendone by me. On the other hand, there is no formula for constructing a simple past. Positive: Go swimming ! In these notes, we are going to focus on the past perfect continuousin the passive voice. 42. 92. The students had not cleaned the classrooms.The classrooms had not been cleaned by the students. Mail us on [emailprotected], to get more information about given services. You will learn how to utilize an auxiliary verb to transform a statement from active to passive voice. (Future perfect tense), I have bought a car. In such cases the object (who is the receiver of a verb) comes first and the subject (who is the doer of a verb) comes at the end of a sentence. Passive: This mobile cannot be purchased by Romy. She had not chosen the red shoes.The red shoes had not been chosen by her. Active: They will have purchased the blanket. James wrote the letters. Active and Passive Voice Examples with Answers, Rules, PDF - adda247 109. A verb can be transitive or intransitive. Had a plumber repaired all the taps?Had all the taps been repaired by a plumber? 124. Tea was being taken by him. The past perfect continuous is probably the most difficult version of the passive voice. 39. 129. If "who" appears in the active voice, it should be changed to "by whom" in the passive form. Past Perfect Continuous Passive Voice English Reservoir In English grammar, the five characteristics of verbs are voices, moods, tenses, persons, and numbers; we're simply concerned with voice here. The past perfect continuous tense is constructed using had been + the verb's present participle (root + -ing). Passive: Our elders should be respected by us. Active and Passive Voice - Change of Voice - All Tenses - Rules Active Voices. Had Usman not usedthe laptop?Had the laptop not beenused by Usman? (2nd Step). Use 3 rd form of Verb. Active: Seema has crafted this showpiece. Passive Voice. He had not eaten a bread.He had eaten the bread.The bread had been eaten by him.The bread hadnot been eaten by him. Had we not eatensoup with every lunch?Had soup not beeneaten by us with every lunch? 90. 2.He had played cricket.Cricket had been played by him. Active and Passive with Verbs accompanied by Modals ( can, might, may, should, ought, must ). 137. 23.The peon had opened the door.The door had been opened by the peon. 4. 118. Passive: Football had been played by him. 1.4.1 Change the voice of the following sentences: 1.5 FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE. 116. The active and the passive in the future perfect continuous tense cause many people minor problems. He does not write a letter. Active: Dav must not drive the car after the party. Present Simple Tense = is, am, are, + 3. Past Continuous Tense to Passive Voice - Englishfy - English Grammar Passive: The wall was being scratched by Kankshi. In this voice, we use to talk about an action that started in the past and also ended in the past before another action. Active : The brave men had defended the city. 189. The past perfect continuous tense (also known as the past perfect progressive tense) shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time in the past. 1.2 Rule : will/shall + have + been + 1st form of the verb. 38. Passive: Could the expenses be calculated by you ? ORHad a lecture been given by you on Biology? Passive: This showpiece has been crafted by Seema. Use not after the auxiliary verb of thechanged sentence of passive voice. Had the students taskedproductive questions?Had productive questions not beenasked by the students? (2nd Step)Had the door been opened by me? Passive : A letter is written by John. (Final Step). Had the students not madeclass charts?Had class charts not beenmade by the students? Passive: Football was being played by him. 173. giving a reason for a past state. Active: She will have mopped the bathroom. Passive: Dharmesh is being annoyed by him. How is it different now? Past Continuous Tense Formula for Active and Passive Voice, Active Voice: Subject + was/were+ present participle+ object. The past perfect-progressive passive is an English verb form that refers to verbs in the past tense, perfect-progressive aspect, indicative mood, and passive voice. Examples The representative was selected by the people. 10 examples of simple future tense - Passive: The blanket will have been purchased by them. Example Helping Verb = Is / Am / Are Formula Middle Of An Action We use it for present running action. The students had not made class charts.Class charts had not been made by the students. 84. In the following examples we will discuss 100 examples of active and passive voice into two different sections. When there is no Wh word in the active voice, the assisting verb comes before the object because the sentence is interrogative. Let us have a look at some active and passive voice instances. Passive: A treadmill was purchased by Alia. 21.The mother had fed her baby.Her baby had been fed by the mother. Passive Voice of Continuous Present Tense | The Best U Know Had she not filledthe dust bin with garbage?Had the dust bin not beenfilledwith garbageby her? 148. It is also called Past Perfect Progressive Tense. 11.She had driven a car carefully.A car had been driven by her carefully. The letters were delivered. 175. Had the monkeys not eatenthe bananas?Had the bananas not beeneaten by the monkeys? 3.He had taken tea. Present Perfect Continuous Tense Exercises, Direct and Indirect Speech Examples with Answers, Active and Passive Voice Examples with Answers, Difference Between Active and Passive Voice. Future Continuous | ENGLISH PAGE Present continuous Tense Passive voice in Hindi Examples, Exercises, rules 191. Passive: This T-shirt must be purchased by Dave. Passive: Potatoes are not being sliced by Kanika. 25.The girls had plucked the sunflowers in the garden.The sunflowers had been plucked by the girls in the garden. It is active voice whenever the subject executes the action/ activity and passive voice whenever the subject gets the activity/action. Past Continuous Tense (Active & Passive Voice) - SlideShare past continuous tense Active voice - subject + was/were+ v +ing +object Passive voice - object+ was/were + being+ V +b + subject Example - Active- She was looking into the matter. 183. If the sentence uses an irregular verb like "eat", its past form is "ate". ORA lecture had been given by you on Biology. (Final Step), I had not opened the door. 103. We had plucked the flowers yesterday?The flowers had been plucked by us yesterday? The passive, as one of the two grammatical voices in the English language, allows a language user to move an object of a sentence in the active voice into the subject position of a passive sentence. 59.Father had not given money to his daughter.Money had not been given to his daughter by father. 117. He had not played cricket.He had played cricket.Cricket had been played by him.Cricket had not been played by him. 5.She had cleaned her room.Her room had been cleaned by her. 76.The students had not asked productive questions.Productive questions had not been asked by the students. 50 Sentences of Active and Passive voice examples for all tenses 83.The officer had not collected mail daily.Mail had not been collected by the officer daily. 113. 162. Passive: The laptop may not be purchased by her. Had we done our homework?Had our homework been done by us? 91. 43. Active : The little girl had broken the window. 44. The time of action is not specified in terms of a long time ago or short ago. Passive: The window had been broken by the little girl. Had he saved money?Had money been saved by him? 48. Had lesson been learnt by you? Had all the friends cooked chicken?Had chicken been cooked by all the friends? Passive: The last examination had been missed by Lina. had been ing (+ duration) + past state. One should just relax. Had food not been cooked by her? 185. The war between the two countries was devastating, leaving thousands of people dead and tens of thousands without homes. Passive Voice: Object + was/were+ being+ pas participle+ by Subject. 8.A plumber had repaired all the taps.All the taps had been repaired by a plumber. 160. When the object receives the action performed by a subject , it is said that the sentence is in an active voice. Future Simple: She will deliver the letters. He has been driving his car to his office. It will be the judge or the jury panel. 82.They had not run a business.A business had not been run by them. *Duration is not always needed. Passive: The opportunity may not have been grabbed by her. I had used a blue pen.Blue a pen had been used by me. 161. JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java, .Net, Android, Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python. Had the English teacher not punishedthe students regularly?Had the students not beenpunished by the English teacher regularly? 178. Exercises of active and passive voice with example|Download PDF We write sentences in the active voice of the Past perfect tense when we want to focus on the person/people who had performed an action in the past before another action or time. When you want to emphasize the subject of the sentence: Active voice puts the focus on the subject of the sentence. Had some children not drunkmilk?Had milk not beendrunkby some children? Passive: Was the poem being read? Dont worry. Passive: My goal has been accomplished by me. 'Had been being audited' is the past perfect continuous in the passive voice being used here to describe the action of 'being audited'. Had Amina not switchedon the computer?Had the computer not beenswitched on by Amina? 156. Passive: Will the details have been noted by her ? Past perfect is constructed using the formula "subject + had + past participle". ORHad articles been written by him on different topics? Passive: The mall might be visited by Disha today. * - there is only one object,so we use was. 78.He excessively had not used cell phone.Cell phone had not been used by him excessively. 115. Use Of Present Continuous Passive Voice Tense & Examples - English Craze Passive: The food might not have been enjoyed by her. If you can handle the past tense in English, it shouldn't be too difficult to learn the future perfect continuous tense using the passive voice. Future Perfect Continuous Tense - Blog EN He writes a letter. Signal Words for two hours, for ________ All day since morning, since ______ Structure / Formula Subject + had + been + Base form(+ing) + object + time reference I had been travelling. 81.A farmer had not killed a dangerous snake.A dangerous snake had not been killed by a farmer. Use Of Past Simple Passive Voice Tense & Examples - English Craze 194. In English, the verb represents that subject, whether an object or a person, of a sentence, has done something or something is done by the subject called the voice. 97. An active voice is used when a stronger link and clarity between the subject and the action word are required. An active voice sentence is one in which the subject does an activity. Understanding Past Perfect Tense (Definition, Examples, How to Use Had the engineers designed a new car?Had a new model car been designed by the engineers? However, it is very common. NOTE: Passive forms of the future continuous are not common. Active voice: Joni will write a letter. Pick up the auxiliary verb in the sentence that has been changed to passive voice and apply it at the beginning of the sentence. 26.The students had asked productive questions.Productive questions had been asked by the students. Use additional helping verb "being" with "is/are/am", in order to show the continuous tense. Past Continuous Present Continuous Tense Formula for Active and Passive Voice, Active Voice - Subject+ to be(is, am, are)+ past participle + Object, Passive Voice- Object + to be (is, am, are) + being+ past participle+ by subject. The letters were written by James. Copyright 2011-2021 Had the English teacher punished the students regularly?Had the students been punished by the English teacher regularly? In the Past continuous Tense, the helping verb "was/were" is used to change in passive voice and immediately after that being + 3rd form of verb" is also used such as : Past Perfect Tense : In the Past Perfect Tense, the helping verb " had" is used to change in passive voice and immediately after that been + 3rd form of verb" is also used such as : Had they done heavy lunch?Had heavy lunch been done by them? Passive: Her task must be completed by her by today. 13.Asma had appreciated her younger sister.Her younger sister had been appreciated by Asma. Had he not useda cell phone?Had a cell phone not beenused by him? The letters are being delivered. The cows are being fed by Supriya. Simple Future Tense Formula for Active and Passive Voice, Active Voice: Subject+ will+ infinitive+ object, Passive Voice: Object + will+ be+ past participle+ by subject. A loaf of bread was being eaten by him. Passive: All her money were deposited by Rita. Had the mother not fed her baby?Had her baby not beenfed by the mother? Active: Was he playing football? Passive: His lecture had been finished by Rena. Passive: His computer will be repaired by Bunty. Past Continuous - Passive Voice (With Pictures) - naveedplace Solved Exercise for Past Perfect Tense to Passive Voice (Positive Sentences) 1.He had eaten bread. 'Understandable' is an adjective, and it's being used with the main auxiliary verb 'be'. 187. The city of Townsville was one example of an area in which lives which had been ruined saw changes for the better. We use 'be' with adjectives. 135. ORDust bin had been filled by her with garbage. Imperative sentences are those that communicate orders, requests, commands, proposals, and so on. 50. Passive: He has been confronted by Nita. 20.The English teacher had punished the students regularly.The students had been punished by the English teacher regularly. Use of verbs with helping verbs. Example Helping Verb = Had. 85. Had we eaten soup with every lunch?Had soup been eaten by us with every lunch? Passive: The needy must be supported by her. Then change the sentence to passive voice. Past Simple: She delivered the letters. 170. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Formula, Examples & Exercises) 119. Passive - Past Perfect English sentences An imperative sentence can contain either a positive or negative command, i.e., a "do" or "do not" command. 155. 89. Passive: S+have/has been +V3. 123. Cricket was being played by him. The letters were delivered. 184. Active and Passive Voice Exercises of Past Simple Tense. 1.3.1 Directions:- Convert the following tenses into Passive Voice:-. Passive : Dinner had been being cooked by Sarah. Past Perfect Continuous Tense represents an ongoing action that started and continued for some time in the past. 110. Verb Tense Exercise 23 Simple Future and Future Continuous; Verb Tense Exercise 24 Simple Present, Simple Future, Present Continuous, and Future Continuous; Verb Tense Practice Test Cumulative Verb Tense Review Active: Reema cleaned the floor. Past . The Past Perfect-Progressive Passive of English Verbs Future simple tense Active : S + will + V1 Passive : S + will + be + V3 Active : Sarah will cook dinner. Intransitive Verb: She smiles (smiles is an intransitive verb and doesn't need an object to convey the complete meaning). 100 examples of active and passive voice In the following examples we will discuss 100 examples of active and passive voice into two different sections. 159. James is writing the . To indicate time reference "for" and "since" are used and it describes when the action started and how long it continued in the past. Passive: The train is being waited by Deepak. Generally, we use the passive when the focus is on the action and NOTon WHO or WHAT is performing the action. It is used with have/has/had, helping or auxiliary verbs. Passive voice: English is studied by them. Future Continuous Tense. He had been giving me an apple. Passive: S + had + been + being + V3 + prep + object + ROTS Active and Passive Voice in Hindi | Examples | Rules 98. Present Continuous Tense = is, am, are, + being + 3. It requires two past events. Passive: The money has been being counted. Had the peon not openedthe door?Had the door not beenopened by the peon? Had the children made a very pinching noise?Had a very pinching noise been made by the children? ORHad articles not beenwritten by him on different topics? Had she solved grammar sentences?Had grammar sentences been solved by her? Passive: This course may be studied by her. (1st Step)The door had beenopened by me. Fortunately, it is very very rarely used.It is most often used when telling stories about what happened, especially stories about long historical events. Had a farmer not killeda dangerous snake?Had a dangerous snake not beenkilled by a farmer? Past Perfect Active Passive Voice Rules - teachoo Examples of Past Continuous Tense Active: Kankshi was scratching the wall. Examples of Active passive voice past continuous tense 1.He had eaten bread.A bread had been eaten by him. 102. Active: We have not accepted this proposal. Everything is concept-based. 2.He had played cricket. 1.4 Exercise-2. The type of verb that clearly depicts when a subject performs or is the recipient of action is known as the voice. But with peace, people began to return. Had Bilal not madea funny laugh?Had a funny laugh not beenmade by Bilal? We had not constructed our homeland.Our homeland had not been constructedby us. 70.The English teacher had not punished the students regularly.The students had not been punished by the English teacher regularly. Had the officer not collectedmail daily?Had mail not beencollected by the officer daily? Formula, Structure, and Rules for past continuous tense Active and passive voice Examples: Active: He was playing football. Had Moosa bought the toys?Had the toys been bought by Moosa? He had not caught a small bird.A small bird had not been caught by him. Had he written articles on different topics?Had articles on different topics been written by him? Had the children not madea very pinching noise?Had a very pinching noise not beenmade by the children? We will go shopping in that market this Monday. 192. 200. Had Ronaldo not scoredfive goals in one match?Had five goals not been scored by Ronaldo in one match? 16.Some children had drunk milk.Milk had been drunkby some children. 32.They had run a business.A business had been run by them. 94. The girls were digging a hole in the ground. Active and Passive Voice Rules, Example, Exercise for - EduScoop Please mail your requirement at [emailprotected] Duration: 1 week to 2 week. The passive voice changes x does something to y to y has something done to it by x.To turn the past perfect continuous into its passive voice:1. swap the subject and object2. Past Perfect Tense Formula for Active and Passive Voice, Active Voice: Subject+ Had+ past participle+ Object. Passive: A tune is being hummed by Leena. Active: Could you calculate the expenses ? Imran Nazir had not made a big hundred.A big hundred had not been made by Imran Nazir. Convert the above simple sentence to passive voice. 93. Read Also: active and passive voice examples for all tenses, For More Informtion Watch this Video active and passive voice exercises, Examples of Active and Passive Voice with Tenses, active and passive voice examples for all tenses, active and passive voice examples with answers, Unseen Passage For Class 10 MCQ With Answers, NCERT Class 11 Business Studies Chapter 2 Forms of Business Organisation Summary and Notes Pdf, NCERT Class 7 Science Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource Summary and Notes PDF, NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem 8 Meadow Surprises, NCERT Solutions For Class 7 English Honeycomb Poem Chapter 4 Chivvy, My Best Friend Essay for Students and Children. James writes the letters. 19.Amina had switched on the computer.The computer had been switched on by Amina. Passive: The issue had been resolved by Vimal. 176. The subject is the beneficiary of the action in passive voice sentences. 180. Negative: Do not enter the swimming . change had been ing to had been being + p.p.. The two grammatical voices are active and passive. Here sent is a transitive verb that requires an object, i.e., a gift, to convey the complete meaning. 165. So don't hesitate to learn the difference between active voice and passive voice in writing with the English Grammar index active voice and passive voice. 66.Some children had not drunkmilk.Milk had not been drunkby some children. Active: They have not studied the course. Active voice- The owner will have given some concessions. To turn the past perfect continuous into its passive voice: 1. swap the subject and object 2. change 'had been ing' to 'had been being + p.p.' *Perfect participle (p.p.) There are several reasons as to why we use the passive voice in English. Active and Passive Voice Examples With Answers (Using Must), The formula for Active and Passive using Must, Active Voice: Subject+ must+ infinitive+ object, Passive Voice: Object+ must be+ past participle+ by subject. 67.They had not drawn a sketch of car on a paper.A sketch of car had not been drawn by them on a paper. The rules for using 'Auxiliary Verb' in a sentence are different for each tense, as follows: Present Simple Tense. When the performer of the action is unknown, and the focus of the phrase is on the activity rather than the topic, passive voice is used. Using the Passive Voice with Different Tenses - The English Space Passive: The proposal has not been accepted by us. Seperti active voice, main verb passive past perfect tense juga berupa past participle (verb-3) dan diawali auxiliary verb "had". A Cricket kit was being worn by them. JavaTpoint offers too many high quality services. If a sentence starts with 'You are instructed/ advised/ requested?' 53.He had not takentea.Tea had not beentaken by him. ORHad the dust bin not beenfilled by her with garbage? A first past event, and then a second past event that happened before the first event.However, the second event is only used as the starting point to measure how long, or a cause. Had Asma not appreciateher younger sister?Had her younger sister not beenappreciated by Asma? 121. Passive: The task had been submitted by me. 77.She had not solved grammar sentences.Grammar sentences had not been solved by her. Active and Passive Voice Examples for All Tenses - EngDic 145. I will attempt to make one. Answer: The light bulb was being changed by their father. The format of the sentence in a passive voice is in the form of Object + Verb + Subject, where the verb is said to be in the 3rd form*. Passive: I was being stared at by Lokesh. 4.They were wearing a cricket kit. 40. Had she not chosenthe red shoes?Had the red shoes not beenchosen by her? Past Perfect Continuous Tense Active and Passive Voice When the subject performs the action and the object receives it, it is said that the sentence is in an active voice. Active Voice: Subject+ might+ infinitive+ object, Passive Voice: Object+ might be+ past participle+ by subject. However, this rule also applies in the case of negative sentences, i.e., sentences with may not. - Active Passive voice Active to Passive voice in the Past Perfect tense - English With Ashish 34. Here the doer of the action is obvious. Lec-18|English Grammar| Active passive for past Continuous| active He had not saved money.Money had not been saved by him. Past Continuous Voice, 6. 2.He was playing cricket. However, this rule also applies in the case of negative sentences, i.e., sentences with might not. Had the students asked productive questions?Had productive questions been asked by the students?

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