ocha situation report

Reports indicate that more than 5,000 schools are currently being used to host displaced populations, while an estimated 23,900 schools have been damaged. Despite limitations, protection partners assisted 1.8 million people or 22 per cent of the 7.9 million people targeted since the start of year, of which 35 per cent are women, 25 per cent are girls, 20 per cent are boys, and 20 per cent are men. Des tirs sont galement rapports labord des barricades et dans les quartiers contrls par les gangs. A rapid needs assessment (RNA) conducted in 10 districts of Balochistan found that 977 classrooms were completely destroyed (304 in Khuzdar, 193 in Lasbela and 167 in Jhal Magsi), while minor damage was reported in 975 classrooms (304 in Khuzdar, 156 in Lasbela and 174 in Jhal Magsi), and 577 schools were being used as shelter (254 in Killa Saifullah, 105 in Jhal Magsi and 84 in Lasbela). Information on how to access humanitarian assistance reached 1,329 people and 4,517 persons were sensitized on GBV. Humanitarian partners are providing aid for flood-affected people even as weather and ground conditions inhibit access. OCHA; Posted 11 Oct 2022 Originally published 11 Oct 2022. An additional estimated 1.4 million returnees in conflict affected areas need early recovery support. The next report will be issued on or around 7 October 2022. Increasing floodwaters observed in parts of Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab while stagnating or receding water is observed elsewhere. Livelihoods are also being heavily impacted more than 793,900 livestock a critical source of sustenance and livelihoods for many families have died, of which some 63 per cent are in Balochistan and 25 per cent in Punjab. 116 districts affected, including 66 districts officially declared calamity hit. Initial reports of outbreaks of vector-borne and water- borne diseases have been received from parts of Balochistan and Sindh. As of 20 September, in 18 out of 22 districts of Sindh, floodwater levels had receded at least 34 per cent, and in some districts up to 78 per cent. In Tigray, about 4,000 metric tons (MT) of seeds are available in the local market, but partners need to transport sufficient cash to support operations including support to farmers. Ukraine. During May, education partners assisted more than 102,000 children across the country with different interventions including school feeding to more than 90,000 children, distribution of learning materials, and alternative learning programs. Assessments indicate that some 1,460 health facilities and their contents are damaged, further limiting people's access to health services, while damage to 349 refrigerators and solar direct drive systems have reportedly resulted in disrupted vaccine cold chains. Although partners are providing food, shelter, protection health, nutrition, education, and WASH services and they continue to mobilize further assistance, the response remains inadequate to meet the scale of needs. Aprs trois ans sans aucun cas de cholra, le 2 octobre 2022, le ministre de la Sant Publique et de la Population (MSPP) a annonc deux cas confirms dans les communes de Cit Soleil et Port-au-Prince. According to zonal official records in Benishangul Gumuz Region, at least 73,000 displaced people have returned to their places of origin in Metekel Zone due to improved security. 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However, death rate is still too high in stabilization centers with 10.3 per cent of mortality rate of children admitted in April. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has recorded over 1,600 deaths and more than 12,850 injuries since mid-June, including 579 children killed and over 4,000 children injured. In addition, 945 children facing risks of violence, abuse, and exploitation, received appropriate case management services, while 755 persons were sensitized on CP issues. haiti political situationgilead international locations Thai Cleaning Service Baltimore Trust your neighbors (410) 864-8561. Woreda officials reportedly provided buses and trucks to transport the IDPs. Moreover, complaint and feedback mechanisms were established in communities with a population of 17,500 persons, 309 parents, caregivers, and community leaders received messages on key measures to prevent family separation in humanitarian contexts, and 43 staff and community representatives (27 female, 16 male) benefitted from training on protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA). The Government of Pakistan has earmarked PKR 35 billion (ca. Majority of children assisted during this period were assisted in Somali Region with more than 50,000 children followed by Amhara Region with more than 41,000 children. Somalia Situation Report, 31 Aug 2022 [EN/AR] Format Situation Report Source. To add filters, please enable Javascript or visit the Search help for more information on alternative ways to filter the results. With this edition, OCHA Ethiopia launches the first bi-weekly digital Situation Report covering the humanitarian situation, needs, response and gaps country-wide. OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. Displaced people urgently need emergency shelter, food, and non-food items. According to zonal authorities, at least 1,200 households (4,800 people) have been displaced to Diga woreda in East Wellega Zone. 8.62 million people in 28 assessed districts estimated to be in crisis and emergency phases of food security between September and November 2022, according to preliminary findings from Balochistan, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa including some 5.74 million people in flood-affected districts covered by the assessment. La crise du carburant qui perdure nuit svrement au fonctionnement des structures de sant, de la Direction de l'eau potable et de l'assainissement d'Hati (DINEPA) ainsi qu la rponse sanitaire face la flambe de cholra. The humanitarian situation in Afar continues to be dire with food insecurity and malnutrition rates that remain particularly alarming due to the combined effects of drought and conflict, ensuing displacement, lack of market access, and high food prices. Screening for malnutrition was conducted in three selected kebeles of Harorays, Tuliguled and Shabeley during the mission. The third round of the vaccination campaign will be rolled out in October. Additionally, at least 5,492 schools are reportedly being used to accommodate displaced people. Ukraine Situation Flash Update #32 (7 October 2022) Format Situation Report Source. Download Report (PDF | 395.47 KB); Highlights The humanitarian situation in Iraq is largely a legacy of the 2014-2017 conflict with ISIS. According to the harmonized protection monitoring data, partners registered 338 incidents in August. Situation Report in English on Syrian Arab Republic about Health, Water Sanitation Hygiene and Epidemic; published on 16 Oct 2022 by OCHA and WHO However, a decrease in the number of cases was observed in September with an 82 per cent drop in the number of cases positivity rate from 27 per cent to 8.3 per cent. 782 Households being hosted in the EPC Cumone (Milipone) 1,987 Children under 18 years being hosted in the EPC Cumone Between the end of CHAD SEVERE FLOODING DISPLACES OVER 129,000 PEOPLE IN 15 SITES IN NDJAMENA As of 6 November, the severe flooding has displaced over 129,000 people in 15 different sites across the capital NDjamena, OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. During the third quarter, 40,286 children (47 per cent boys and 53 per cent girls) were screened for acute malnutrition. The humanitarian situation in Pakistan has deteriorated further over the past two weeks as heavy rains continue to cause flooding, and landslides resulting in displacement and damage across the country. Agricultural inputs are urgently needed across the region to support the *Meher *planting season (May-July), to prevent production loss, improve food security, thereby decreasing dependency on food assistance. According to WFPs Emergency Food Security Assessment conducted in January and February (1). As of 31 September, the Cluster received only 44.85 per cent of funds requested through the humanitarian response plan (HRP) 2022, with only one per cent also allocated for agriculture and livelihood activities. On many occasions, specialized protection services are not available due to limited operational presence of protection actors in Oromia Benishangul-Gumuz, SNNP regions. Despite these challenges, partners reached 31,724 persons with CP response interventions in the NWSW during the reporting period. Response activities included the strengthening of the epidemiological surveillance through community-based surveillance using the early warning alert and response system (EWARS) platform in the NW, the training of health personnel on the incident management system and the response to outbreaks in the newly created health district of Bamenda 3, and reinforcing infection prevention and control in health facilities in the NW. The bulletin focuses on the situation in Ukraine and several key refugee-receiving countries (Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, and Slovakia). Migration is reported from four *Woredas *(Gursum, Babile, Midhega Tola, and Fedis) in East Hararghe in search of labour. Situation Report in English on Pakistan about Agriculture, Coordination, Epidemic, Flash Flood and more; published on 9 Sep 2022 by OCHA More than 2 million houses have been damaged or destroyed and around 7.9 million people are reportedly displaced, including some 598,000 people living in relief camps, according to reports by the Provincial Disaster Management Authorities (PDMA) of the affected provinces. According to the authorities in Afar, spontaneous, and organized returns of IDPs have been taking place from various locations including from Afdera and Harsuma to Abala and Erebti woredas in Zone 2. The number of damaged and destroyed houses now exceeds 2 million. Around 23,900 schools, 1,460 health facilities and 13,000 km of roads have also reportedly been damaged. In parallel, airlifting of life saving critical supplies to Mekelle continued, although at a slower rate as road convoys resumed. The weekly Northern Ethiopia Situation Report has been discontinued and will be included in this report. In Amhara, the number of IDPs continues to increase following regular new arrivals. Lengthy lockdowns and rumors of lockdowns caused delays in activities. BY SOSIKENI LESA 09 November 2022, Sharm El Sheikh - The tiny Pacific nation of Tuvalu is not just on the brink of sinking due to climate change-induced sea level rise. A review of the needs is published in a new document on shelter typologies. Food, WASH and ES/NFI interventions remain limited compared to existing needs. To date, humanitarian partners have mobilized financial resources to cover only ten percent of the required 60,000MT fertilizer needs for the upcoming season. Partners have not yet been able to verify information regarding this incident or assess the situation and needs in the area due to restricted access. Situation Report in English on Pakistan about Health, Shelter and Non-Food Items, Flash Flood, Flood and more; published on 27 Aug 2022 by Turkish Red Crescent Par consquent, lconomie du pays tourne au ralenti et de nombreuses entreprises doivent cesser toute activit. 400 Larkspur Dr. Joppa, MD 21085. OCHA; Posted 18 Sep 2022 Originally published Five attacks on health care were reported. Posted 5:20:47 PM. In Konso Zone, in SNNP Region, some 60,000 people who have been struggling to cope with the drought were affected by inter-communal violence in April. Please contact ocha-eth-communication@un.org for any comment or question you may have on this publication. Since January 2022, partners have reported overall the abduction of 73 teachers and students. Cette flambe intervient alors que les plus vulnrables souffrent dun manque daccs critique aux services de base notamment en matire de sant, et deau potable, hygine et assainissement (EPAH). The situation is worsened by the low level of funding. Situation Overview On 26 October 2022, the Low Pressure Area (LPA) East of Eastern Visayas developed into Tropical Depression (TD) and was called "Paeng". North-West Syria: Situation Report (1 November 2022) [EN/AR] More Situation reports. Pakistan; Posted 4 Nov 2022 Service provided by UNOCHA OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. Israeli settlers committed acts of violence with impunity. Tchad : Situation des inondations NDjamena - Rapport de situation no 03 (29/10/2022) Format About 15 teachers from two schools in the NW were abducted and later released upon payment of a ransom. The overall humanitarian situation in Ethiopia has significantly deteriorated since the beginning of the year leading to increased humanitarian needs across the country. Malgr certains jours daccalmie, les principales villes du pays connaissent rgulirement des protestations sous la forme de mouvements de grve ou le dploiement de barricades et lorganisation de manifestations parfois violentes (scnes de pillage de banque, supermarchs et btiments publics). Uganda + 1 more. Government-led multi-sector rapid needs assessments (RNA) conducted in Balochistan, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in September indicate that unsanitary practices are rising due to damaged water infrastructure, with open defecation in the assessed areas increasing from 21 per cent before the floods to 35 per cent after. Uganda and WHO Weather conditions for Meherseason in Amhara is currently favorable but was delayed affecting Sorghum and Potato plantations, with needs for replantation. Children constitute 22 per cent of survivors with a majority being unaccompanied and separated children (19.5 per cent). Internet outages have also been reported, with the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority attributing widespread internet cuts in central and northern Pakistan on 19 August to technical faults in the fibreoptic network resulting from the heavy rains and floods. The next report will be issued on or around 30 September 2022. Nearly three quarters of the people in need this year are women and children. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. Humanitarian actors continue to operate under numerous constraints including repeated lockdowns imposed by NSAGs, harassment at different checkpoints, bureaucratic impediments, diversion of humanitarian aid, and risk of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in public spaces and main roads in urban and rural areas. Situation Report in English on Ethiopia about Agriculture, Camp Coordination and Camp Management, Drought, Insect Infestation and more; published on 27 Jun 2022 by OCHA The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) reports some 33 million people in Pakistan being affected. The insecurity led to multiple population displacements across the NWSW with over 8,842 persons fleeing their homes including 1,235 people who fled to the neighbouring Centre and Littoral regions. OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. Situation Report in English on Uganda about Health, Water Sanitation Hygiene and Epidemic; published on 4 Nov 2022 by Govt. Further scale-up of nutrition activities including early detection and treatment of acute malnutrition cases, as well are health care services are required at community level to avoid medical complications. UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Pakistan: 2022 Monsoon Floods - Situation Report No. United Nations OCHAS Post United Nations OCHA 437,981 followers 1d Report this post 10 million tons of grain has been exported via sea from Ukraine! It is estimated that more than 500,000 are displaced in Western Oromia due to conflict, with very limited humanitarian assistance due lack of access and limited resources available to partners. The survivors received various services including psychosocial services (69 per cent), child protection services (9.5 percent) and health support (9 per cent). Ethiopia Drought Response July - December 2022 (Revised) Format Appeal Source. Protection of Civilians Report | 11-24 October 2022. Additional 126 people were relocated from Mebrait-Haile to the newly constructed shelters in Weleh IDP site bringing total number of IDPs in the site to 4,226. Mental health services, economic empowerment/livelihood services, emergency basic need support, safe house/shelter, and security/police services were also provided to survivors. Access and conflict have negatively impacted the humanitarian presence especially in Guji and West Guji. Unusually heavy monsoon rains from mid-June to September resulted in flash floods and standing water across Pakistan, causing human and livestock casualties as well as widespread destruction of homes and infrastructure. In some cases, access and communication constraints mean that updates for the period are delayed and cannot be reflected. Their positions varied from the authorization of community and private schools to the banning of Government education facilities and threats of attacks on teachers and students. Reportedly, the returnees are in dire need of agricultural inputs and livestock to avoid losing a third agricultural season. Partners provided lifesaving services to 142,697 people in need in 34 out of the 39 health districts in the NWSW in August. In response to the rising prices reported in local markets for items found in both the NFI and emergency shelter kits, a revision has been undertaken to reflect the market situation. Among the incidents reported in Mile 16 Bolifamba in the Buea subdivision, a NSAG open fired at children on their way to school. Thirty mobile health and nutrition teams (MHNTs) continue to be operated by partners in Afar, including 10 MHNTs in IDP sites. Boundaries, names, and designations of districts/zones indicated in the report do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Rainfall nationwide is 2.87 times higher than the national 30-year average, with some provinces receiving more than five times as much rainfall as their 30-year average. Situation Report Source. However, partners reached 1,287 households with NFI assistance and 164 households with shelter assistance during the reporting period. In the SW, there was a 76 per cent drop in the number of cases in September. The prolonged drought situation remains unabated with no improvement in site affecting at least 8 million people and likely more as it is expanding to additional areas. Access to GBV services remains a challenge in hard-to-reach areas as GBV teams, especially female staff, were harassed by parties to the conflict in several instances. Rainfall amounts received during this period were Cologne/Islamabad. Les acteurs sanitaires et les partenaires humanitaires soutiennent le MSPP dans la rponse sanitaire durgence, 50 000 Gallons de carburant ncessaires pour la DINEPA/ mois, 23 Jours de blocage du terminal ptrolier de Varreux. Situation Report Source. Hati : Situation humanitaire et cholra - Flash Update # 3 (au 11 octobre 2022) Format The operating environment for CP AoR actors continues to be volatile. Inaccessible roads and numerous checkpoints in Kumba III made it difficult for partners to access and carry out CP activities. In the SW, 50,066 beneficiaries in the Meme and Manyu divisions also received one-month full food ration. Government-led multi-sectoral rapid needs assessments completed in Sindh, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with the support of NGOs and the UN. More than two months after the devastating floods in Pakistan, some parts of Sindh province are still under water. 4 (31 October 2022) Afghanistan: Earthquake Response Situation Report No. Around 1.6 million women of reproductive age, including nearly 130,000 pregnant women, need urgent health services. OCHA; Posted 16 Sep 2022 Situation Report Source. Pakistan. Partners reported 869 GBV incidents in August and September, mostly in the Menchum and Mezam divisions in the NW and in the Fako division in the SW. This report is produced by the OCHA Humanitarian Advisory Team (HAT) in Pakistan in collaboration with humanitarian partners.

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