xinjiang human rights

During her mission, Ms. Bachelet spoke with a range of government officials, several civil society organisations, academics, and community and religious leaders. The Dutch government recently passed a law requiring companies that deliver goods to Dutch end users to have in place due diligence plans to identify and respond to child labor and certify to regulators that such measures are in place. with 19 votes against, 11 abstentions and only 17 votes in favor, not even 24 hours ago the un human rights council has decided not to discuss the human rights situation in the chinese region of xinjiang for years at the center of the reports of crimes against humanity brought by amnesty international and other human rights organizations as well Chinese social media sources leave no room for denial Even though China welcomed the decision, others criticized it as "shameful." Concerns about widespread human rights abuses and crimes against humanity, including forced labor, in Xinjiang, China have escalated in recent years. Everything you need to know about human rights in China - Amnesty It is a top producer of cotton and polysilicon (a critical component of solar panels) and a significant producer of cashmere, tomatoes, and other goods. Similarly, human rights in the XUAR should be a part of all high-level U.S. engagements with China, including trade negotiations. Recent research shows that the government transferred hundreds of thousands of Xinjiangs ethnic minorities to work as cotton pickers in the XUAR after 2016 as part of its poverty alleviation program. It is also not slated on the UN Security Council agenda and would probably not be discussed in September, its president for the month Nicolas de Rivire of France said Thursday. Over the past five years, a growing number of Xinjiang Uighurs have been sent to re-education camps by the Chinese government, most without trials or release dates. Estimates have reached as high as onemillion detainees. Many of these sanctions fall under the Global Magnitsky Act, which permits the targeted use of sanctions against human rights abusers. No government is above scrutiny and immune from accountability. China could deny the legality of all reports from Western countries and media on Xinjiang as biased. That is 20 percent of the entire Uyghur population of Kashgar. "We are gravely concerned about the human rights situation in the People's Republic of China, especially the ongoing human . Re-education also includes long hours of Chinese language instruction and political indoctrination in detention facilities and even in factories, far from family members and friends. Global supply chains are one pressure point to seek improved practices in the XUAR, and ensure that consumers are not unknowingly purchasing XUAR forced labor-linked products, but a broader suite of actions are needed to effect change in the region. Some know and others believe the . Xinjiang Human Rights Council Vote Prompts Spirited Debate in Asia Over S.3744 - Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 - Congress Moreover, collective actions and statements will help diminish the risk of significant reprisals against individual countries. The bill requires reports to Congress on (1) human rights abuses in Xinjiang; (2) efforts to protect U.S. citizens and residents, including ethnic Uyghurs and Chinese nationals studying or working in the United States, from harassment and intimidation by the Chinese government; and (3) the Chinese government's acquisition and development of . He linked human rights improvements with building trust in the U.S.-Soviet relationship. Apr 18, 2019, The motion for debate on the treatment of the Uighurs and other minorities (mostly Muslim) in the northwest region of Xinjiang in the People's Republic of China was defeated by 19 votes to 17, with 11 countries abstaining. Governments should raise the issue of human rights in the XUAR in every high-level engagement with China. The Human Rights Crisis in Xinjiang | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Like-minded governments can deploy an array of policy tools to curb the Chinese Communist Partys (CCP) human rights abuses in the region. Shifting supply chains away from the regiona key point of focus in the United Statesis an important part of the equation, but it will not be sufficient on its own to change Chinas domestic policy. Chinese leader Xi Jinping gives a virtual address to the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly on September 21, 2021 in New York. Such analysis by the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, as well as continued reporting by UN experts, is important to establish a common, incontrovertible, globally accepted set of facts about the situation. The Human Rights Crisis in Xinjiang. A Warner Bros. According to the Human Rights Watch, the number and duration of prison sentences in Xinjiang has increased in recent years, while simultaneously "the courts in Xinjiang have convicted and imprisoned many people who had not committed a genuine offense." Other sectors may present additional opportunities for leverage. On Thursday, the U.N. Human Rights Council voted against a motion to debate the human rights situation in Xinjiang. The European Union and France could provide specific guidance regarding the steps that companies are expected to take regarding state-sponsored forced labor, including in the XUAR, that would become the expected standard for due diligence. Most are sent to work within the XUAR, but at least 80,000 have been sent to factories in other regions of China as well. They could address XUAR forced labor while assisting with global sustainable development and even supporting manufacturing in their own jurisdictions. There are also stark questions about what impact the report will have on the ground within China and on Beijing, where Chinese leader Xi Jinping under whom policies in Xinjiang were rolled out and who has strove to cement Chinas role on the global stage is expected to break tradition and step into a third term next month. The UN Human Rights Office stands ready to support China in addressing the issues and recommendations articulated in the assessment. It was a move that surprised and drew the ire of Beijing. Rights groups accuse Beijing of abuses against Uyghurs, a mainly Muslim ethnic minority that numbers around 10 million in the western region of Xinjiang, including the mass use of forced labor. The Situation in Xinjiang: This photo taken on April 19, 2015 shows Uighur men making their way to the Id Kah mosque for afternoon prayers in Kashgar, in China's western Xinjiang region. New Delhi on Friday called for human rights of Uighurs to be 'respected', after abstaining on UN Human Rights Council vote. The Chinese government has framed these camps as schools that attack terrorist beliefs . As many of you know, Deputy Secretary Sullivan and his counterparts from Canada, UK, Netherlands, and Germany hosted a panel discussion earlier today on the margins of the UN General Assembly regarding the human rights crisis in Xinjiang. A product of the Andreas C. Dracopoulos iDeas Lab, the in-house digital, multimedia, and design agency at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He told an Associated Press journalist that this would constitute 10 or 20 percent of his countys total population. Similar measures could be put in place for forced labor in other countries that would apply to XUAR-linked forced labor, implicitly or explicitly. The UN rights chief underscored the important role that China has to play, at a regional and multilateral level, and noted that everyone she met on her visit, from Government officials, civil society, academics, diplomats and others, demonstrated a sincere willingness to make progress on the promotion and protection of human rights for all. Elevating the voices of other nations and consistently supporting them as they lead on this issue will help clarify that abuses in the XUAR are of concern to numerous actors. Why UN report on the human rights situation in Xinjiang is called a Estimates have reached as high as one million detainees. Human rights allegations in Xinjiang could jeopardize solar supply Discovery Company. A special thanks to Buzzfeed News for permitting CSIS to use their data to generate the map showing the locations of hundreds of extrajudicial detention facilities in the XUAR. Have you been lied to about Xinjiang, human rights and China? China increased its funding to the United Nations and secured growing numbers of top positions there, even as the Trump administration sought to diminish U.S. contributions to the institution. Learn more about each topic, see who's involved, and find the latest news, reports, events and more. | GREG BAKER/AFP via Getty Images 2. In terms of trade, the effect of the sanctions was limited in the short term: South Africa developed extensive measures to circumvent sanctions, and exports actually rose in the years after the measures were imposed. The government has transferred hundreds of thousands of ex-detainees and poor minorities from their traditional work roles into manufacturing positions in an extremely repressive atmosphere where they have no ability to opt out. The vote, occurring one month after then-U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights . Beijing is backed to a corner on this, and there is very little it could say to refute, she said. Editors Note: A version of this story appeared in CNNs Meanwhile in China newsletter, a three-times-a-week update exploring what you need to know about the countrys rise and how it impacts the world. What do we know about the success of different types of advocacy, whether through diplomatic channels, pressure from international organizations, or NGO-led protest? The European Union, United Kingdom, and United States jointly receive enough apparel from China to potentially have some impact on its economy, and thus possibly its policies, through import restrictions, a consumer boycott, or concerted action by supply chain actors. A report published 31August by the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner ('OHCHR') voicing concerns about the treatment of the Uighur Minority in China's Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region ('XUAR'), including detention without charge and torture, is likely to heighten calls for tighter restrictions on imports from . The sustained effort to link human rights to U.S.-Soviet relations caused the Soviets to realize that normalization would not arise unless it addressed the full range of issues, including human rights. 2. And over time, the joint position of the Western community squeezed South Africas trade while eroding its attractiveness as a host for FDI, proving to be so effective that in 1990, a newly released Nelson Mandela said: To lift sanctions now would be to run the risk of aborting the process toward ending apartheid. Whether aggressive, multilateral Xinjiang-related sanctions would have a meaningful effect on Chinas actions in the XUAR is unclear, given Chinas greater economic importance and its ongoing efforts to become less economically dependent on the West. The systems of arbitrary detention and related patterns of abuse since 2017, said OHCHR, come against the backdrop of broader discrimination against Uyghur and other minorities. Xinjiang report: UN report finds China may have committed 'crimes China responsible for 'serious human rights violations' in Xinjiang appreciated. Forced labor forms an integral part of a broader government strategy of abuse and minority repression to maintain political stability and internal security in the region. UN member states have been trying to expand the focus on the XUAR. What justification is there for bringing foreign diplomatic pressure to bear on issues that a country defines as central to its identity and existence? Human Rights Watch interviewed five families from the Xinjiang region now living outside the country who described having no contact with their children. The Australian-born 22-year-old, whose family comes from the region in the northwest of China, woke up Thursday to a flurry of WhatsApp messages about the report from other young Uyghurs worldwide. Policy Tools:Machine Line- Sewing Machines and Workers in Garment Factory | BLAINE O'NEILL via Flckr ("machine line"bybeelaineois licensed underCC BY-NC 2.0) 6. At the end of her visit, while expressing concern over issues relating to Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, human rights defenders and labour rights, she praised Chinas tremendous achievements in alleviating poverty, and eradicating extreme poverty, 10 years ahead of its target date. | PETER PARKS/AFP via Getty Images 9. Beijing has capitalized on the United States' absence to greatly extend its clout in the international body. China responsible for 'serious human rights violations' in Xinjiang The Chinese government and relevant Chinese companies must implement significant changes in the XUAR to bring it into even partial alignment with human rights standards. CNNs Hilary Whiteman, Nectar Gan and Jennifer Hansler contributed to this report. Particular attention was given to the Governments own laws, policies, data and statements. The US has unilaterally imposed sanctions and seized imports, yet China has doubled down on its approach. Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much The XUAR produces approximately 20 percent of the worlds cotton. A long-awaited report by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) into what China refers to as the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) has concluded that "serious human rights violations" against the Uyghur and "other predominantly Muslim communities" have been committed. Before its publication, advocates had said they hoped a strong report could encourage more countries, like those in the Human Rights Council, to come forward in support of accountability for China, and spark a push for action from within other UN agencies. Three African Countries Sign Canadian-led Joint Statement on Human Xinjiang Human Rights Council Vote Prompts Spirited Debate in Asia Over Why Governments Backed China Human Rights Politics Xinjiang October 10, 2022 by Eric Olander The vote tally from last week's draft resolution A/HRC/51/L.6 on holding a debate on the situation of human rights in Xinjiang that did not pass. This report explores a broad range of existing policy options for the US and its allies, while recognizing that Chinas economic and political clout and capacity to retaliate necessitate new approaches that require further definition. Everyone is relieved that something like a report came out (but) the sense of relief doesnt come with complete relief, said Yarmuhammad, a leader in an Australian Uyghur youth group. Chinese authorities have restricted expressions of religion in Xinjiang in recent years such as wearing veils, fasting during Ramadan and young men growing beards. Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic region in China, it enjoys equal status among all ethnic groups, regardless of their population sizes, histories, development levels . For Adila Yarmuhammad, the release of a damning new report from the United Nations top human rights official on the treatment of Uyghur and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang brought relief, and sadness. The U.S. Sign up here. Creating Broader Pressure: United Nations Headquarters | bluraz via Adobe Stock 8. This has includedfar-reaching, arbitrary and discriminatory restrictions on human rights and fundamental freedoms, in violation of international laws and standards, including restrictions on religious freedom and the rights to privacy and movement. On their own, sanctions, much less unilateral sanctions, are rarely an adequate agent for change. However, because China consumes so much of its own final products, and the European Union is in some instances a larger recipient of these goods, U.S. action will most likely not be sufficient on its own to effect change. UN Human Rights Office issues assessment of human rights concerns in The Chinese Communist Party's Human Rights Abuses in Xinjiang And China has already made its stance on that clear. U.S. law provides a particularly powerful tool to address the risk of forced labor in supply chains. The UN report also pointed to indications of coercive labor, a shift toward formal incarcerations, and invasive surveillance in Xinjiang, and said it could not verify Chinese claims that its system of so-called vocational education and training centers there were closed. Nevertheless, Chinas total raw cotton, yarn, textile, and apparel exports form an important part of the global economy. But now it is the UN, with all its credibility and legitimacy, saying the same thing. 2022 Cable News Network. A high-level United Nations panel has criticised China's human rights abuses committed in western Xinjiang regions. China should let families know the whereabouts of any individuals who have been detained, providing exact locations, and help to establish safe channels of communication and allow families to reunite, said the report. Ann Arbor, MI 48109, The Regents of the University of Michigan. The Associated Press found that in one county, an . OHCHR Assessment of human rights concerns in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China. In rare instances, governments may ban the entry of goods produced with certain human rights abuses, while in other instances these laws require companies to disclose steps they took to identify and avoid abuses in their supply chains. The United Kingdom has a similar law prohibiting imported goods produced with forced prison labor that may be applicable. The Office also requested information and engaged in dialogue and technical exchanges with China throughout the process. These locations are identified from other sources, bear the camp hallmarks of perimeter guards and watch towers, have walls and barbed wire but no watch towers, are detention centers built before 2017, or are centers now suspected of being closed or operating with reduced security. In the 1980s, the European Community, Commonwealth countries, and the U.S. Congress (overriding a veto from the Reagan administration) jointly imposed stringent economic sanctions on apartheid-era South Africa.

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