conference mission statement

The positive contributions of Indian civilization to the world are legion, and enumerating them here will definitely not be possible. Indias influence on Western literature increased during the nineteenth and twentieth century as Europeans and Americans became increasingly aware of Indian thought and literature. The very notion of a distinct West is relatively recent in history, as the English, Irish, Germans, Italians, Greek, Spaniards, etc. Similar reconstruction of the contributions of other intertwined civilizational threads is a necessary project in a wider Indic context, and we hope this to be one of the interests this Colloquium shall instigate. Indic thought also played a major role in the life of Erwin Schrdinger, who developed the theory of quantum mechanics, which in turn has ushered in a new era in modern electronics. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Earlier invasions by less ideologically motivated peoples such as the Scythian Kushans had been absorbed by the more sophisticated Indian civilization style without loss of key institutions. Mission Statement - Central Conference of American Rabbis Such dismissals, however, are the product of close-minded ignorance. (ACGIH) is governed by Bylaws. Description. He showed that Western psychology couldnt afford to ignore the thousands of years of empirical experimentation in the field of consciousness studies and psychology that has been conducted by these practitioners, albeit under different names. Mission Statement. Mission Statement | Conference Connection Group For example, only a small percentage of Sanskrit texts have been studied and translated by Westerners, and there is a wealth of remaining written and oral texts dealing with profound philosophical and psychological subjects. Moreover, while our joint efforts to cast these vision and mission statements have been fruitful, that is only the beginning task. Thanks to these turns of history, it is now becoming possible to reconstruct a complete picture of Indic Buddhist-Vedist integrated spiritual and scientific civilization. The insight of psychological selflessness has been the inexhaustible source of the creative individualism Buddhism has always nurtured. Mission Statement This resulted in an accurate transmission that maintained respect for the cultural source. Since his history was solely defined in Eurocentric terms, any act committed by the Europeans, no matter how reprehensible, is justifiable as a necessary step in human evolution. The way out is to see beyond the narrow confines of personal or collective ethnic self-interest, and to see instead the collective self-interest of all humanity, via an awareness of our unavoidable interdependency. These similarities may not be due to mere chance, to great minds thinking alike. Great minds may often think alike, but very often due to direct or indirect influence. The scientific discoveries, technological inventions, and material changes wrought by Western cultures since the European Renaissance have put us all in an A Vision Task Force of Connectional Table leaders, staff and the Extended Cabinet carefully considered those deliberations. Yeats was as familiar with Indian thought as he was with neo-Platonic thought, although his philosophy is usually identified with the latter. So, we present to you, dear friends, our new Eastern Pennsylvania Conference Vision and Mission Statements: OUR VISION: The Directors are elected by the membership at the Annual Meeting. For the past three months, members of the conferences Connectional Table, Connectional Ministries staff and Extended Cabinet have labored in a lengthy but fruitful process of study, discernment, discussion, negotiation and collaboration. There is a lot to commend in the book and in some ways it takes the idea of a mission statement and applies it to an individual. Renaissance is a term that implies the breaking free from imprisonment in the darkness of prejudice and ignorance, enclosure in a limited or dogmatic cultural envelope, and being reborn through rediscovery of forgotten knowledge and wisdom to emerge in glorious creativity within a boundless horizon of positive potential. The Socialism conference is a center of political education rooted in ideas, perspectives, and strategic debate. These amazing events all know where they need to go and that is the single thought that propels them forward. General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Through the rally atmosphere of our plenaries, the intergenerational exchanges in discussions, and the connections made at organizing meet-ups, the Socialism conference is a national gathering that builds community, bridges geographic isolation, and preserves historical memory. Yes, they will probably get some traction from what they do but in the end, they will lose steam because they will lose focus. We hail Gutenberg, for example, as the inventor of the printing press, yet fail to acknowledge that both moveable-type printing and papermaking technologies were invented in China. Top content on Conference and Mission Statement as selected by the Leadership Digital community. For instance, it does not fit this meta-narrative that both India and China had advanced well ahead of the West in medicine, mathematics, psychology and yogic sciences (as opposed to mere mysticism), and in education and economic prosperity. The above is only a preliminary sketch of but one of the more important (yet under-acknowledged) Indic civilizational threads, that of the Buddhists. Some might criticize this first-person methodology, and argue that inner phenomena can be analyzed via the same reductionistic methodology as are external phenomena, but it is not at all clear that first-person, subjective experience is reducible to third-person description. Most modern world history narratives start from roughly 1500, the period when Europe ascended from her dark ages. The argument can be summarized in the following ten theses: I.Enlightenment transcends all dichotomies and is just as powerful in the social realm as it is in personal experience. We take note of the report of the Secretary General on the overall policy matters pertaining to Special Political Missions (SPMs) contained in document A/77/283. As Robert Thurman wrote, The enlightenment tradition discovered the micro and macro dimensions more than two thousand years ago by using sophisticated contemplative practices to augment the sixth mental sense of inner vision. The mythmaking of the West has often orchestrated its encounter with other civilizations into four stages which might be called the U-Turn: (1) Study the newly discovered culture with respect, including discipleship and acknowledgement of its merits. We do not need to be literary critics to discern the influence of Kalidasa on Goethe; we need only compare the first few pages of the formers Shakuntala with the latters Faust to see that Kalidasa was the source of Goethe idea to begin Faust with the Prelude in the Theatre, which represents a conversation between the plays director and author. If they are submitted in time for assignment to a committee, and are approved by the Board for consideration, they are placed in the packet of proposed resolutions distributed at the beginning of the Annual Meeting. Mission Statement The British and other Western powers, while benefiting from the resources and the labor of other peoples, rarely took this debt into account when claiming superiority for their own civilizations. A recent book by Anne Hunt Overzee,The Body Divine: The Symbol of the Body in the Works of Teilhard de Chardin and Ramanuja,7details the similarities between their theologies. For instance, Hindu women scholars have challenged Western Feminisms claim to be the sole ideal for all womanhood, and have provoked controversy by openly questioning this hegemony. The analyses of consciousness, for example, undertaken in the Samkhya-Yoga, Advaita Vedanta, and Buddhist traditions, found what we simply call consciousness to be a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, actually consisting of multiple levels of consciousness. Carl Jung, one of the fathers of modern psychology, was also deeply influenced by Indic traditions of thought and meditative technology. The committees are a place for advocacy, discussion, regional networking, and ultimately set the agenda for Southeast Conference as a whole. Connecting Communities and Committing to Love and Justice. The General Conference administers the worldwide direction of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The scientific discoveries, technological inventions, and material changes wrought by Western cultures since the European Renaissance have put us all in an unprecedented situation. Event Planner Mission Statements Each meeting also includes a current review of the financial status. Each committee is chaired by a Board Member. But how do they stay on the straight and narrow and not deviate from the path to awesomeness? So were building here a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the worlds most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other. On the contrary, we must expect to find that their differences are actually meaningful together, contribute to each other and constitute the new unity out of their diversity.10. But Hegel took the idea even further. 717-293-5246. Mission Statements (3) Repackage the knowledge into Judeo-Christian language or into Western science. Glenn Catley, a consultant and retired pastor from Delaware, who helped the Peninsula-Delaware Conference undertake a similar endeavor. -Student Health, Safety and Well-Being. When the British first approached India in the eighteenth century, India actually had a much greater share of the global GNP than did Europe. In the eyes of his contemporaries, his choice of the latter path was in order to have not a lesser but a greater impact on our planet. If an agreement is reached on some or all of the issues, the court staff writes up an order. Seventh-day Adventists affirm the Bible as Gods infallible revelation of His will, accepting its authority in the life of the Church and of each believer, and its foundational role for faith and doctrine. Conference leaders must next develop necessary strategies and action plans, as we prayerfully pursue our vision and implement our mission. The Board considers resolutions, letters and action items were developed by the committees. Ably facilitating that process for us was the Rev. It also promotes a contrived notion of Western cultural unity, glossing over the remarkable diversity found within Western nations, past and present. These ideas also provided an intellectual foundation for the poets Walt Whitman and W. B. Yeats. To heal the breach between the Vedist and the Buddhist perspectives within the self-understanding of Indic civilization, in order to restore this civilization to its full dimensions;IV. For this, Indian civilization offers an especially interesting opportunity. Indeed, it is remarkable that he took Asian speculative and contemplative traditions as seriously as he did. In the case of the Incas, Mayans, and Aztecs, they were demonized as practitioners of wholesale human and animal sacrifices, so as to legitimize the appropriation of their material wealth and the perpetration of their genocide. They discovered the infinite divisibility of the atom. The influence of India on her neighbors, specifically those in Central, East and South East Asia, have long been recognized, largely because peoples of these other nations went to great lengths to accurately translate and disseminate Indic knowledge and know-how into their own languages and cultural idioms. Mission, Vision, Values, and Objectives Resolutions and advocacy letters are typically are submitted during committee meetings. Mission Statement. It has been said that most Europeans do not know their own history since so much of it happened in Asia. Conference About ACGIH - ACGIH The account in the next section gives an example of one such important civilizational thread, namely that of the Buddhists. Seventh-day Adventists are called by God to live in this world. What do you notice in these statements? They have their binders and their excel spreadsheets. (2) Neutralize the vernacular to remove the source traditions identity (such as is now being done by popular new age and by modern psychologys appropriation from India), often justified as helping simplify and modernize the knowledge. Conference Mission Statement. The Seventh-day Adventist Church sees itself as the remnant Church of end-time Bible prophecy. Though it embraced lay men and women of all social classes, this Community was monastic at the core. Monasticisms greater planetary success over-all (though the tale is not yet ended) may be due to the human spirits basic soundness, but is also understandable in terms of its natural alliance with the merchant classes and the bureaucratized, meritocratic state. Acting both globally and locally, India has been at the cutting edge of these fields for the past three millennia at least, and there is still a great deal India can potentially share with the West. This has also been the liberator of the world-transforming dynamism of the ethical selflessness that has adorned the history of Buddhist societies. In any effort to bring forward for appreciation and implementation of the Indic contributions to the coming, most urgently needed, global renaissance, it is essential that this complete civilization be restored to self-awareness. Moreover, where such a re-evaluation demonstrates that there were indeed unacknowledged contributions to physical knowledge originating from India, this should generate a renewed interest in the possible contemporary value of under-utilized Indic outer knowledge or Traditional Knowledge Systems (what else might we have missed that might be of value?). The company mainly focuses on At each Annual Meeting, a 2nd Vice President is elected from the current Board members, which involves a commitment to serve the following years as First Vice President, then President, and then Past-President. United in Christ, Committed to Transformation Creating Disciples, Celebrating Diversity, Connecting Communities, Committing to Love and Justice. Nagarjuna expressed this as emptiness the womb of compassion (sunyatakarunagarbham). There are no long winded goals, no lofty strategies, and no wordy bullshit. . The Annual Membership Meeting is traditionally held during September in one of the member communities (other than Juneau). Southeast Conference was incorporated in 1958 to promote the formation of a regional transportation system that eventually became the Alaska Marine Highway System. From its start in 1995, the Passion movement has had a singular missioncalling students from campuses across the nation and around the world to live for what matters most. Conference Mission Statement The 2011 US Systemic Constellations Conference will focus on the US experience and our own unique set of opportunities and challenges. a)Show how the Axial age individualist/liberationist revolution against Vedist ritualism was led by shramanists, with Upanishadic thinkers representing the conservative wing, the Charvakas and Ajivakas the radical wing, and the Buddhists/Jains the mainstream, during the classical period of Indic civilization beginning from the Magadhan/Mauryan empire lasting for a millennium at least through the Guptas to the Palas in the east;b)Show how the major cultural export of Indic civilization during all this time was Buddhism and its civilizing elements;c)Connect the Pali and Jain Suttas and the Abhidhamma with the Upanishads and the Sutras of the six Vedist Darshanas;d)Connect the Mahayana sutras with the Bhagavad gita, the Bhagavatam, and the Puranas;e)Connect the Vijnanavada and Madhyamika siddhantas with the Vedanta;f)Connect the bhakti deities with the celestial bodhisattvas Krshna, Shiva, and the Goddesses with Avalokiteshvaras, Manjushris, and Taras;g)Connect the yoga systems and the Tantric movements siddhas and sants;h)Connect the Tibetan civilization to the Indic as the continuation of the Mahavihara Universities and the whole cultural web surrounding them, after the Islamic invasions had destroyed the originals in India;i)Restore the link in the contemporary world between world Hinduisms, Sikhism, and Jainism, and world Buddhisms by reaffirming the Indic roots of the latter. Three phases of monasticism can be discerned in every culture in which it has exerted its influence, a) revolutionary, or radically dualistic, b) evolutionary, or educatively nondualistic, c) fruitional, or pervasively nondualistic. The Bylaws were amended in January 2013 to create a single category of subscription a voting individual who must be employed at least 50% of his or her time in occupational or environmental health and safety. To take the example of consciousness studies again, the recent move by some analytic philosophers of consciousness to remove it from objective analysis and engage in phenomenological contemplation, would be both enriched and challenged by looking at the views and contemplative practices present in Vedantist and Buddhist traditions. November 9, 2022. Conference Mission Statement. He also studied a scholarly monograph on Ramanujas theology, at which time he wrote in his notebook that Ramanujas view on the relationship between God and the world was identical to his own view of things except that it is static and without center-complexity.9, The genius of de Chardin, nurtured in the West and expanded during his long years in Asia, lies in his recognition that the evolution of humankind would never and could never involve the global spread and adoption of the supposedly advanced Western culture. If they are submitted after the cutoff date (August 15th), they must be endorsed by 5 members and submitted the first day of the meeting. Conference Because history is the configuration of the Spirit in the form of event, the people which receives the Spirit as its natural principleis the one that dominates in that epoch of world historyAgainst the absolute right of that people who actually are the carriers of the world Spirit, the spirit of other peoples has no other right.1. His radical break with his native social cosmos still seems spectacular today, and a common conclusion is that Buddhism is essentially other-worldly, in the phrase of the influential German sociologist, Max Weber. The tendency to imagine that Europes global dominance arose from Europe sui generis, due to Europes intrinsic cultural superiority, is a legacy of the colonial period, during which Europe ignored its cultural debt to the rest of the world to justify violent conquest and appropriation of the worlds resources. SIGGRAPH Conferences Long-Range Mission. The Columbus Catholic Young Adult Conference is a Catholic conference in the Diocese of Columbus that seeks to empower young adults to transform their communities through their identity in Christ. The accomplishments and past and potential contributions of all world civilizations, major and minor, should be studied in depth and brought to the attention of the world community. So fortunately, the resulting statements dovetail well, in words and spirit, with The United Methodist Churchs denominational mission statement: Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.. It is rather unfortunate that when Europe and India directly encountered each other it was under coercive conditions, resulting, ultimately, in the colonization of the latter by the former. They are, rather, valuable repositories of understanding into the nature of humanity and reality, and can potentially deepen the self-understanding of us all. The core insight of selfless emptiness is simultaneously an embrace of the inexorable relatedness of the selfless individual to all others. The goal that inspired us was to devise a unifying understanding and verbal expression of our identity as a conference and ultimately, our way forward as we seek to live into and out of that identity. Seventh-day Adventists are devoted to helping people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus. As Samuel Huntington points out, the industrialization of the West led to the de-industrialization of the rest of the world.2. The mission statement should guide the actions of the organization, spell out its overall goal, provide a path, and guide decision-making.

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